My first experience in student teaching was in Junior High Math and I recount here the adventures I had with my students and share this journey of growth.
Author: Kriti K
I am Kriti, an avid reader and collector of books. I bring you my thoughts on known and hidden gems of the book world and creators in all domains.
This year I chose my 50 books in advance and adopted new reading habits. I know I am going to reach my target. You can too with some planning!
What to expect and what to do as a student teacher, entering your mentor teacher’s classroom for the first time.
Sometimes you come across a statement that makes you think deeply about your practice. This quote by Marshall McLuhan made me think deeply about my role as a teacher in my classroom.
A review of and best practices in Selective Response Items — Alternative responses, Matching and Multiple Choice Questions
Reflection on Dive into Inquiry by Trevor Mackenzie and ideas about teaching, lesson planning and relationships.
Taking the leap from theories to practices is a tough one. Here’s my first attempt at gamifying my math classroom.
September is around the corner… let’s take a look at the moments that stood out for me this summer, 2018. Reading, writing, editing, learning always!
How do theories in education support gamification? I think there isn’t a more convincing argument for gamifying your classroom!
What does scientific research say about how brain learn? How can we apply this knowledge to the classroom?
In this interview, Treena shares her experiences as an English teacher in Japan and then a Teaching Assistant in Canada. We also discuss teachable moments.
Empower and engage are two buzz words in education. In this article, I explore how they are related as well as the things to keep in mind to make students engaged and empowered.
Finally, here is how I plan my bujos from the year to the quarter to the month, week and then to the day! Self-nudging at all points in time.
How can I encourage more girls to be interested in Computers and Math? Reflections on the future after an inspiring webinar with an educator.
This article presents the design considerations when planning lessons using Universal Design for Learning: goals, assessments, methods and materials.
My thoughts on Mark Manson’s book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, reflecting upon my immortality projects.
The 1975 game Tenure offers the player a chance to experience the first year of teaching, with challenges ranging from being part of the Union to dealing with note-passing in the classroom. I played the game to find out whether it contains all the elements of a teacher’s life.