Welcome to my stop for the blog tour organized by Sage Adderley-Knox! In this post, author Todd M Thiede is sharing the thought process behind A New Planet, his latest book. Though I have not had a chance to read A New Planet yet, you know my weakness for dystopia and science fiction. Let’s take a quick look at the synopsis:

As World Leaders Xiao, Rothchild, and Fisk work with and against one another, their government and way of life fall apart. One misstep creates a ripple effect that leads to the demise of the planet.
Tal Fisk and Jae Xiao, star-crossed lovers, meet as the stars have ordained. Fate and power work to keep them apart while they defy their parents. As the fragile ecosystem of Hongsu falls apart, the authority that comes as the children of World Leaders with very different views weighs heavily upon them.
Bastien works to end the unequal class system that keeps the poor down and helps the rich get richer. With the unwitting help of rich connections, Bastien’s part in an elaborate plan to scare the Council into action has disastrous consequences.
As they try to save their civilization they can’t help but wonder…Is it technology, greed, or human nature that causes the world to collapse?
Behind the thought process of my new book, A New Planet.
My name is Todd M. Thiede, I’m a father of 4 children and now a grandfather of 3. I’ve thought long and hard about what kind of world we’re living in and what we are actually going to leave to my family. And, this is what made me write down my thoughts and turn them into, A New Planet.
Even though this is a completely fictional book there are some truths spoken in it. The story is just a theory I came up with about a fictional planet that isn’t earth but there are a lot of similarities between the two planets in not only design but the people that live on it.
We are destroying the Amazon rain forest at a record pace. The rainforest provides 20% of the worlds oxygen and we are tearing it down? Why?
From climate change and melting ice caps to islands of floating garbage, we are increasingly fouling what was once the perfectly, chemically, thermally balanced womb of all earthly life. The scope of potential loss is staggering:
The oceans are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to 80% of the planet’s biodiversity, and account for more than 97% of its water. They produce nearly half the planet’s oxygen too. Lose the oceans and we lose everything.
How humans are destroying the world’s oceans, Times Magazine
Again I ask why?
NASA’s Climate Change article published in 2014 states, “Life on Earth depends on energy coming from the Sun. About half the light reaching Earth’s atmosphere passes through the air and clouds to the surface, where it is absorbed and then radiated upward in the form of infrared heat. About 90 percent of this heat is then absorbed by the greenhouse gases and radiated back toward the surface.” This is causing our polar ice caps to melt and our oceans to rise.
What is truly causing us to destroy our world we live in? Is it greed? Is it technology? Or, is it just human nature to do it? These are just some of the questions that are talked about in A New Planet.
About the author

When you think of an Amazon bestselling author you probably won’t think of Todd M. Thiede. He’s been a finance manager at a car dealership in Illinois for over 15 years. When he’s not working or spending time with his
family, he’s writing books. His Max Larkin Detective series has been on Amazon’s Bestsellers list for multiple books in the series. He’s also written Political Thrillers under the pseudonym T.T. Michael, and those books have won multiple awards from Readers’ Favorite and Book Excellence Awards.
Want to read A New Planet? Find it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Be sure to visit other stops along the way of the tour!

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