A novel by RS Penney
Armed with A Book Posts
In this conversation with Buster Benson, I try to find out the what, why, how and when of writing regularly, exploring the different ways in which we have integrated it in our lives.
Want to learn something new but not sure where to start? Thinking of writing about it but don’t feel like confident? This exercise is made for you! 🙂
What can we do to sharpen our creative instincts? Will playing with some word sand go a long way? Visit the Writer’s Sandbox.
Building a writing routine? Or thinking of making changes to the one you have? Here are insights from an amazing book on making time for creative pursuits.
It has been a while since I have written something. How do I get back on track? Here’s my strategy: tapping my interests to take the pen again!
There is nothing better than celebrating accomplishments. This January, I read 6 books and from my Book Bingo, earned 1 key and allowance to buy 1 book.
My first experience in student teaching was in Junior High Math and I recount here the adventures I had with my students and share this journey of growth.
This year I chose my 50 books in advance and adopted new reading habits. I know I am going to reach my target. You can too with some planning!
What to expect and what to do as a student teacher, entering your mentor teacher’s classroom for the first time.