Welcome to our wrap up for June 2022! Tell us what you read this past month and read on for our update.
Kriti’s Month
Seeing how May went, I knew June was going to be a busier month with two family weddings to go to and then recuperating. There were other unexpected life changes along the way and I am happy that we came out on the other end stronger, and having read a little more than I had thought I would. 😀
Total books read this month: 5
Number of personal picks: 2
Review copies: 3
I dedicated the first half of the month to my commitments:
- I finally finished Tell me an ending by Jo Harkin, an alternate history near-future science fiction about the technology to erase memories and give them back. With lots of characters and an intricate plot line, it’s a book that needed my full attention. It was a good book overall and one I look forward to writing about in detail. You can read the synopsis on Goodreads.
- I posted about Aurora by David Keopp as soon as I finished reading because for once I had read a book around the time it was published. 😀 Aurora is set in a world where there is no electricity. Through its characters, it challenges the comforts of the world we take advantage of and what we would do when they no longer exist. The characters were very well done! You can read my full review here and find the book on Goodreads. Through the oldest characters, Norman, a scientist, Aurora pays homage to old classics of The Count of Monte Cristo (one of my favorite books – isn’t it the best to see a paraphrased quote and know exactly who said it and when?)
- After scifi and dystopian adventures, I was on the search for the familiar: For the Love of Learning: A Year in the Life of a School Principal by Kristin Phillips. I read this book in two days and was so happy to be back in school while at the same time getting a new perspective from the eyes of a principal. Anyone with the love for learning and fond memories of school will love this book. If you have worked in the education section, I’m sure you’ll experience all the ups and downs with Kristin as the school year progresses. Beautiful engaging storytelling! I’ll be reflecting more on this one on my blog. Stay tuned! Add this book to your Goodreads shelf.

After a few different starts, I dived back into my long time favorite series by Terry Goodkind.
- Into Darkness is the conclusion to The Children of D’Hara series that follows Sword of Truth. I love his writing and world so much and he is one of the authors I have been reading for over five years, since 2015 actually. The pace was engaging and fast, the details were spot on and I loved the tension! With all of Terry Goodkind books, the plot on the synopsis is only half of it, the chain of events have a bigger impact and the stakes are always high. Lots more to say about this one in the future! Check out the full 5-book series here. You don’t have to have read Sword of Truth to read these but it helps a lot.
- Debt of Bones is the prequel short story of the Sword of truth series. The protagonist is First Wizard Zedd, and the story is about an important historical event in the main series – boundaries from the underworld separating different parts of the world. It was true to Terry Goodkind style of writing I described above and make me want to reread Temple of the Winds (Sword of Truth, #4) which is about wizards of the past. Here is the Goodreads page for the book and the bigger series.
Total TBR: 258 (June 1) -> 260 (July 1)
I want to highlight three books that I received this month which I am excited to dive into:

- The Archivist by V.S. Nelson (Goodreads) is a supernatural suspense. The name, the cover, the concept, I love all of it!
- Yoga for Public Speaking : An embodied approach to mastering your onstage presence by Margie Newman (Goodreads) – I have been wanting to do more yoga and am interested in seeing how my knowledge of the practice aligns with Margie’s recommendations in this workbook-style book.
- The Witches of Moonshyne Manor by Bianca Marais (Goodreads) is an anticipated book for me, out in August! Looking forward to sharing about it with you.
Many thanks to the authors and publishers for sending me review copies!
Ariel’s Selection for June
Notes and Summary:
This month was another busy month for me, so I tried to focus my reading on books that I loved most, as well as lighter, faster reads in graphic novel format. I am still making my way through the Dandelion Dynasty, which has become quickly one of my favorite series of all time. I hope to have the final book in the series done in July!
Top Three Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Graphic Novel
Top three book moods: Adventurous, mysterious, emotional
Number of Books: 10
Bookish Highlights of the Month:
Five-Star of the Month: The Veilded Throne
Notable Netgalley: The Daughter of Dr. Moreau
Most Anticipated: A River Enchanted
How was your June? What was something you enjoyed doing?
Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful July, and if you are a new reader to our blog, In the comment section, be sure to drop us a hi and let us know how your May went!
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