Welcome, friend! I am excited to bring you a cute picture book today, Forever, it’s We! Amanda McDowell has poured her heart and soul into this book, showcasing the bond a son (child) shares with a mother (parent) in their everyday. Let’s get to know Amanda!
Get to know the author: Amanda McDowell
Welcome Amanda! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!
First, I’m Kazi’s mama. He’s (almost) two years old, spunky, kind, funny, and emotionally nurturing. I’m a Children’s Picture Book author of ‘Forever It’s We’. I’m a single mom, an HSP, and I have struggled like many other mamas out there with postpartum depression and anxiety. I’ve had many jobs inside the scope of healthcare facilities for a few years, I was a barista for many years, and a waitress for many more. My most notable achievement in my previous professional career was graduating ground school as a domestic flight attendant. However, COVID-19 swiftly put an end to that dream and passion. Although, I do not think I would’ve changed that decision in the end. I could never have put up with that lifestyle as a single mom of a little one.
What inspired you to write this book?
My son. I wrote this book in the wake of COVID19, my divorce, and in desperation for some sort of grounding experience. Writing has always been a sanctuary for me. Ever since I was so little I could barely write, let alone spell. It’s always been easier for me to write down my emotions rather than express them verbally. It helped me. And, then I fell in love with it and wanted to share it. I always thought one day, eventually I would write and publish a book. I never thought it would be a children’s book.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
I wrote this story at 2am one morning in the middle of October last year. I couldn’t sleep, and the story just came out. Our final edit was in October of this year and released on November 8th, 2022.
What makes your story unique?
Personally, I don’t think my story is all too unique. There’s a ton of single moms out there with voices. Those voices could write a story unique to them and their families and feelings. There’s many women out there who have struggled silently or struggled loudly with expressing their journey with PPD and/or PPA. I think the only thing that stands me apart in this moment would be my willingness to speak and to write. I’m trying to leave this world a little better off for my son, what that journey looks like in the future I’m not 100% sure.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
I wrote this book for the women out there who put all the love and hard work into their children, and families day in and day out. It’s a 24/7 and 365 day a year commitment. That work may look different to every mother and to every family. However, at the end of the day our children see us as who we are and how we make them feel. It is my number one goal, as a mom, that my son feels loved and safe.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
The bedtime illustrations. Suffering with PPD and PPA (and in denial of that fact) my son and I spent a lot of time cuddling in bed. Right, wrong, or indifferent. It is what it is, and it happened. It’s a core memory for me.
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
Self Publishing is not for the faint of heart. Social media is a drain, but needed for this industry. Do your research before you decide to self publish, like with KDP or self publish through a house which handles the process with you. It’s a crazy author world out there. Do. Your. Research. That’s all I can say.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received related to writing?
Same as above answer.
If you could give a shout out to someone(s) who has helped in your writer journey, please feel free to mention them below!
An enormous thank you goes out to my parents, extended family, and friends for their support and encouragement throughout this journey. Thank you to Teri, Heather, Roy, and everyone else over at Westbow Press for helping me make this dream a reality.
Forever, It’s We
Children’s Books, Published 2022
Age Range: New Born – Early Readers

‘Forever, It’s We’ explores the relationship between a son and mother. Encouraging self expression, healthy emotional development, and imagination play through daily activities like dancing, cooking, and much more.
Book Excerpt from
Forever, It’s We
Since Forever, It’s We is a kids picture book, feast your eyes on some photos of the pages.

“It’s mom and me.
All day it’s we.
Together we dance, a secret dance
That only we know.”
Find Forever, It’s We on Goodreads and Amazon. It is also on B&N.
Thank you for hanging out with us today! Connect with Amanda on Instagram, Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon, Facebook.
If you are an indie author and would like to do a book excerpt, check out my work with me page for details. Check out other book excerpts here.
Many thanks to Amanda for taking photos of the book and letting me use them!
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