Hello, friend! Welcome to another post in The Creator’s Roulette. A few weeks backs author Angela Kaufman shared about the Tarot and how you can use it in writing. In this post, she continues to help us develop characters using astrological archetypes.

Angela is a Certified Intuitive Consultant, Psychic Medium, author, content writer, activist and LCSW. Angela’s mission is inspired by a lifelong interest in spirituality and social justice. She is author of Queen Up! Reclaim Your Crown When Life Knocks You Down- Unleash the Power of Your Inner Tarot Queen (Conari, 2018). Her first novel, Quiet Man, a crime drama that explores the devastating toll of predatory capitalism and the meat industry has on both people, animals, and the environment and was a finalist for the 2019 Siskiyou Prize in Environmental Literature and was published through Trash Panda Press. Other works of fiction include, Sold Out (2021), Golden Apple (2021), and latest work of political fiction, Murder in the Gilded City, also from Trash Panda Press.
Let’s dive into the inspiration that astrological archetypes have to offer.
Using Astrological Archetypes to Develop Your Characters
A guest post by Angela Kaufman
Astrology has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. This resurgence of interest in the ancient science and art of looking to the movement of planets as this connects to our personalities and our lives has taken on new meaning in the 21st century.
In addition to using astrology for matchmaking, relationship healing, team building and financial predictions, writers can also use astrology to help develop characters in our works in progress. Astrology isn’t just about studying the planets and stars, it’s also about studying the archetypes that are the basic building blocks of storytelling in the first place.
Each planet corresponds to one or more astrological sign, and each sign represents a different archetype. The Natal Chart, or chart of the moment of one’s birth, shows a map of where each planet and sign is in relation to each other at your time of birth. This is believed to influence different aspects of your personality as well as different Karmic and life lessons you may encounter.
But Natal Charts aren’t just for people. Countries have Natal Charts as do businesses, homes, pets, and anything else that has a moment of birth or creation. Interpreting an entire chart can be fun but is a complex process beyond which can be described here. Yet what we are most familiar with is the Sun Sign, or the sign the Sun is transiting at the moment of birth. Some basic knowledge of the Sun Sign and the archetype of one’s identity and personality can be useful to character building. As you create your character’s name, appearance and other traits, you can also create their Sun Sign and use knowledge of this archetype to influence details of their role in your story.
Just as details like whether a character wears glasses, smokes a cigar, listens to a specific kind of music or has a hankering for some unique type of food can make characters three-dimensional and interesting, paying attention to your characters’ astrological sign can also lead you to create in depth and believable personalities.
The Elements in Astrology
To help you understand the astrological archetypes, it can be easier to understand the elements in astrology before trying to memorize the twelve signs. This is because there are four elements: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
Think of the elements like families that share similar underlying qualities and relating to each other. Each element is associated with three signs. Thus, each sign is nuanced but their elemental nature unites them by granting some similar traits and tendencies.
Air Signs – Air is the element associated with the mind, intellect, creativity, imagination, communication and strategy. Air Sign people are chatty, crave intellectual stimulation and become bored easily.
The Air Signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Gemini is filled with ideas and loves to communicate with others. The Messenger of the zodiac, Gemini often has several conversations going on at once. They are great at making friends but struggle to make decisions, so commitment in relationship can be a challenge.
Libra is the sign of balance and of romance, the arts, and beauty. This sign is attuned to ideas through music, the arts, and literature. Libra, like Gemini, is notoriously indecisive and will also look to others to help them define their goals and beliefs. Libra can also be assertive when confronting injustices but otherwise prefers harmony and peace.
Aquarius goes far to the other extreme. If Gemini needs constant communication from multiple sources to feed their mind and Libra tries to find balance with one partner, Aquarius leans toward favoring the intellect over their intimate relationships. They’re humanitarians who can be eccentric, rebellious, innovative and quirky. They’re often far ahead of their time and may often feel alienated.
Fire Signs are passionate, instinctive, courageous and bold. They are all about taking action and proving themselves through heroic campaigns. The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and in many ways is like a first-born child in a family. Aries are impetuous, they love to prove how strong and brave they are and they love to be the first, best and fastest. They can be optimistic and child-like regardless of age. Aries adores admiration and will do just about anything to get it.
Leo is like the teenager in the Fire sign family. Leos are creative, passionate and also love to make a statement. But they are less impetuous and more refined and sophisticated, channeling their energy into proving themselves in leadership through performance, the arts, and social popularity.
Sagittarius is the Sage of the Fire family. Those born under this sign channel their passions into philosophy, spirituality, and higher learning. They are passionate about ideas and can be ruled by their moral beliefs, yet they also love to gamble and take risks. They’re pleasure seekers and can be the most independent of the Fire signs.
Water Signs are primarily concerned with emotion, relationships, and intuition. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Cancer is the maternal energy of the zodiac, regardless of gender. This sign craves security through home, family and business. Cancer, like the rest of the water signs, is highly sensitive and intuitive.
Scorpio embodies this sensitivity, intuition, and desire for emotional connection as well. They are the most passionate of the water signs, often becoming obsessively protective of their vulnerable feelings. They are also known to be the detectives of the zodiac, their intellect and intuition will help them seek out the truth.
Pisces is the mystic of the water signs. This sign is intuitive, sensitive, creative, and empathic and is also likely to be concerned with transcending boundaries and creating deep healing through immersive, emotional connection.
Earth Signs are responsible for nurturing but in a practical way as opposed to the emotional nurturing of the Water signs. Earth signs are concerned with abundance, stability, growth and wealth. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Taurus is the creative earth sign associated with nurturing skills and talents. Often associated with beauty, romance, and sensuality, this sign craves comfort but is also hard working.
Virgo is the most analytic of the earth signs and is associated with organizing, service to others, and looking at details of a situation. Virgo is also likely to be well read and studious especially when it comes to topics that have practical value.
Capricorn is the traditionalist of the earth signs. They can also be workaholics, defining themselves by their status in career. This sign is known to be highly responsible and diligent about fulfilling their obligations.
Now that you understand how each sign fits with their elemental family, are you getting a sense of where some of your characters may fit? For a compelling story, your characters need tension. If all of your characters embody water sign energy, it may not be as exciting as if your protagonist is a water sign but their love interest is an air sign. More on the specific dynamics of relationships between the signs a little later.
A Brief Overview of the Signs

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc./Patrick O’Neill Riley
Aries- the Warrior archetype, this sign needs a quest in order to feel satisfied. They enjoy a good challenge because it gives them a chance to prove themselves. They can be courageous, optimistic, and will not hold back when it comes to expressing their opinions. They are also highly passionate.
Taurus- The Nurturer archetype, Taurus is ruled by Venus and therefore is concerned with value, beauty, romance and comfort. This pleasure seeking sign won’t take risks easily because they value security. They can be hard working and stubborn but only if their work seems to align with a promise of comfort or a good return on investment.
Gemini- The Messenger of the zodiac, they can be obsessed with pop culture and always have several conversations happening at once. They are intelligent and charming and tend to be a “Jack of All Trades” but master of none because their attention swiftly shifts from one interest to another. This can make them well rounded on many interests but often on more of a surface level. They’re also good at making and keeping friends and can adapt to fit any situation.
Cancer- The “Maternal” energy of the zodiac regardless of gender, this is the sensitive sign that is concerned with home, family and caretaking. Cancer will nurture others and is also emotionally and intuitively guided to create security. They are often concerned with children, animals and vulnerable people. They can be diplomatic but also tenacious when they feel their loved ones are in danger.
Leo- The Star of the zodiac, Leo seeks the spotlight and thrives on the attention and admiration of others. This sign can be bold and grandiose but is also generous and kind to others. They are optimistic, artistic, creative and may have numerous talents that place them in the front lines as a leader. They can also be proud and sensitive to criticism.
Virgo- The Analyst of the zodiac, Virgo is concerned with serving others and is known for being intelligent, observant, detail-oriented and also humble. This sign is concerned with purity, cleanliness, organizing, health and hygiene. They are reliable and often have solid routines that help them feel secure.
Libra- Also ruled by Venus, Libra is the airy expression of this planet’s energies, thus this sign is romantic, eloquent, sensitive, charming and social. They are often indecisive as they seek balance and have serious FOMO. This sign is concerned with keeping the peace and will become assertive to fight for justice if provoked but prefers harmony and compassion to confrontation.
Scorpio- The Detective of the zodiac, Scorpio is sensitive, intuitive and intellectual. They often sense when things are awry without fully understanding what is wrong, they feel compelled to investigate and are always seeking the truth. They may be suspicious of others at first and are known to have a secretive nature. But this is because Scorpio is ruled by two power planets, Mars and Pluto. They are concerned with regeneration, transformation, truth and healing and often have significant trials and healing to deal with.
Sagittarius- The Gambler of the zodiac, Sagittarius is known to be quite lucky. This philosophical sign can be a spiritual seeker concerned with righteousness and morality yet they are also independent and crave experiences that expand their minds. They believe in living life to the fullest but also living in alignment with their ideals.
Capricorn- The Elder of the zodiac regardless of chronological age, Capricorn is the stoic, the leader who works behind the scenes. They are concerned with wealth, stability, responsibility, rules, orderliness and tradition. They are often overly responsible and can define themselves by their accomplishments and career.
Aquarius- The Creative Genius of the zodiac, this sign is revolutionary, intellectual, intuitive, and often visionary. They can be eccentric and have a habit of shocking others by saying exactly what they think with no filter. They are sensitive but ruled by intellectual inspiration more so than emotional connection to others.
Pisces- The Mystics of the zodiac, those born under this sign tend to end up in roles of symbolic martyrdom or can be the scapegoats in their relationships. They seek deep intimate and emotional connection. They want to abandon all boundaries and return to full connection with Spirit. They often are interested in mind altering processes either related to drugs or trance, drumming and ritual or other forms of shifting consciousness. Pisces is the sign that is always aware that there is more to life than the physical.
How the Signs Relate to Each Other
Though there are many nuances that determine how a particular character may relate to another (and this can be where a full chart comes into consideration) it may be helpful to understand how basic knowledge of the Sun signs can help you determine the dynamics between characters in your story.
Generally speaking, signs of a similar element relate best to other signs of that element or to their “complementary” element. Thus, water signs work best with other water signs or earth signs. Air signs relate best to other air signs or fire signs, and vice versa.
This is where you can add some tension by placing characters in families, relationships, groups, partnerships or marriages where their archetypal wounds, strengths, and challenges come to the foreground.
For instance, if air signs work best with other air signs and fire signs, as these signs understand them the best, what would happen if an air sign is forced to work through a crisis with…. An earth sign? A Water sign?
Having read the descriptions, perhaps you can already sense the tension. What happens if a Gemini is in an elevator with a Virgo and a Pisces when the power goes out? They’re stuck together until help arrives… but how will their very different needs, motivations and perceptions lead these three to clash?
Think of your own works in progress or past stories. How did your characters clash with each other? How did they overcome their differences and learn how to work together (assuming they did)?
Some of the most exciting mismatches that create great tension may be pairs like the following:
Here are some ideal sign combinations that can foster growth and easy support (less tension) for your characters.
- Aries/Aries- may inspire each other but also compete with each other.
- Aries/Gemini- easily inspire and stimulate each other’s dreams and visions.
- Aries/Leo- easily bring out each other’s strengths, may both try to be the leader in the relationship.
- Aries/Libra- these signs are opposites, but opposites attract in this duo. They complement each other’s strengths and bring out each other’s major life lessons.
- Aries/Sagittarius- these two will encourage each other to channel power toward their ideals.
- Aries/Aquarius- this can be a shocking, brave and impulsive pair who are full of surprises.
- Taurus/Taurus- understanding of each other’s needs but can also keep each other stuck, both are highly cautious.
- Taurus/Cancer- nurturing, supportive, may be good family or romantic relationship.
- Taurus/Virgo- these two may understand each other but may also reinforce each other’s anxieties and rigidness.
- Taurus/Scorpio- these two are opposites and can have a charged relationship as they help each other find balance and learn key life lessons.
- Taurus/Capricorn- this relationship may become too comfortable as their desires are similar but they won’t challenge each other.
- Taurus/Pisces- a nice blend of practical and emotional energies, these two can bring out each other’s nurturing and intuitive nature, great friendship or romance to encourage each other.
- Gemini/Gemini- highly inspiring to each other, this pair can be playful and friendly but struggle in love.
- Gemini/Leo- these two inspire each other’s confidence and help each other follow through on their dreams.
- Gemini/Libra- inspiring and optimistic, these two can be great friends and mentors to each other, possible romance but indecisiveness is an issue.
- Gemini/Sagittarius- opposites, and therefore they easily attract each other’s complementary energy. They teach each other major life lessons requiring balancing their unique strengths.
- Gemini/Aquarius- these two excite each other and inspire each other’s intellect and creativity.
- Cancer/Cancer- deeply understand each other but may also stifle each other’s growth because of over-cautious nature.
- Cancer/Virgo- these two can help each other nurture practical goals and may share a common business or personal interest.
- Cancer/Scorpio- potential for deep connection and to encourage each other’s dreams, can be a good combination for romance, friendship, or family.
- Cancer/Capricorn- opposites, and therefore may attract each other because of important life lessons that come from this relationship.
- Cancer/Pisces- ideal for friendship, family or romance, these two nurture and support each other.
- Leo/Leo- if they can avoid competing with each other, these two can have a passionate and exciting connection.
- Leo/Libra- ideal for romance or friendship, these two can help stimulate each other’s desires and dreams.
- Leo/Sagittarius- these two excite each other but have enough differences to challenge each other and continually teach each other new things.
- Leo/Aquarius- opposites, these two offer each other important life lessons requiring each to find balance between their unique personalities and desires.
- Virgo/Virgo- understanding of each other but not easily likely to motivate each other. May be critical of each other.
- Virgo/Scorpio- These two can better motivate each other and may try to actively reform or save each other from their perceived flaws.
- Virgo/Capricorn- These two can support each other and understand each other’s practical needs. They can work well in career or business or even in romance or friendship, but theirs is a lowkey relationship.
- Virgo/Pisces- opposites attract, these two complement each other’s strengths and try to help each other learn important life lessons.
- Libra/Libra- harmonious relationship but easy to become complacent as they won’t challenge each other.
- Libra/Sagittarius- they bring excitement and passion to each other, this pair can motivate each other to go on a quest.
- Libra/Aquarius- these two may have an exciting and stimulating relationship. They will awaken new epiphanies and help each other imagine new possibilities.
- Scorpio/Scorpio- major trust issues are likely but if these two can work through them, this intense relationship can create a ride-or-die pair that embark on a mission together. This can be a stormy relationship or an “us against the world” tight knit relationship.
- Scorpio/Capricorn- these two both desire wealth, status, and success and may promote each other’s professional success. They may also be great “frenemies” in a story, competing for the same treasure while pretending to be allies.
- Scorpio/Pisces- these two are ideal romantic partners, friends or family and may have a shared deep wound that they try to help each other overcome. This dynamic in a story may also be a source of examining codependency and obsessive relationships.
- Sagittarius/Sagittarius- these two may be characters who inspire each other but may also be energetic equals who battle each other because of differing ideals, such as Professor X and Magneto. They have a common cause or mission but may need to have a path independent of each other.
- Sagittarius/Aquarius- these two can be unpredictable leaders who bond together over a shared humanitarian mission but who also make for a unique pair with plenty of eccentricities.
- Capricorn/Capricorn- these two have similar motivations but may compete with rather than support each other. In storytelling, they may be the two characters both trying to preserve tradition but also competing with each other in the process.
- Capricorn/Pisces- these two try to help balance each other’s practical and emotional desires. They can understand each other’s needs enough to be inspiring friends, romantic partners or to play a role in each other’s awakening through the story. Pisces brings emotional healing and Capricorn brings stability and connection to the past.
Each Sign as Potential Protagonist – Archetype Inspiration
Aries- The Aries protagonist starts out naïve and eager to fight a tremendous battle. They believe they can win all on their own and if they don’t ask for help, they’ll prove their worth and gain the acceptance and admiration they desire. Through the Hero’s Journey, they need to learn that their ego and willpower alone are not sufficient and that they do in fact need to cooperate with others and find balance (lessons of their opposing sign, Libra).
Self vs. Partnership
Domination vs. Cooperation
Extremes vs. Balance
Taurus this protagonist is comfortable and even hedonistic in the beginning of the story. They have a goal in mind that often relates to wealth or romance, and believe that once they accomplish this goal, all will be well. The Hero’s Journey teaches them that they need to surrender control, show vulnerability and learn to trust others (lessons they learn from their opposing sign, Scorpio). Their quest is one to find deeper connection and truth.
Comfort vs. Wisdom
Security vs. Change
Nurturing others vs. Receiving love
Gemini- As a protagonist, Gemini begins by exploring worlds through books. They may also be an ideal protagonist for “buddy stories” or stories that involve a group of friends going on an adventure. They are initially naïve about their future path and may be child like or resisting the responsibilities of growing up and evolving. Through the Hero’s Journey, Gemini needs to use their skills to evolve beyond gathering knowledge for the sake of knowledge and instead create a higher understanding of their moral ideals (Sagittarius).
Playfulness vs. Responsibility
Ideas vs. Wisdom
Freedom vs. Commitment
Cancer- This protagonist begins the story naïve about their sense of security. They may be feeling alienated and looking for a family. They may also be the ideal protagonist for a story involving family related wounds or a family related quest such as a protagonist searching for meaning and understanding from their past ancestors, trying to discover a long-lost family member, or trying to find their identity as a caretaker. The Hero’s Journey helps this protagonist become grounded in the past and find meaning in their responsibilities (Capricorn).
Leo- Leo can be a particularly fun protagonist in a story in which the Hero goes on a humbling journey. Leo begins the story already believing they’re at the end. They may already think they’re on top of the world, or they may be looking for an ascent to fame and glory, but looking in all the wrong places. A Leo protagonist is also a natural hero, but needs to understand what their leadership potential is truly supposed to be about. Through the Hero’s Journey, Leo comes to understand the fame, power and glory they sought was not meant for them alone but that they are a catalyst for change in humanity at large (Aquarius).
Man vs. The State
Ambition vs. Responsibility
Self vs. Community
Virgo- a Virgo protagonist begins the story happy with their humble life, immersed in routines which they cling to religiously, and happily serving others. Virgo is detail oriented and may be the first one to notice the catalyst issue. But being practical, they may write off the catalyst at first or try to refuse to budge or change their routines. Even when the Virgo protagonist realizes there is an unavoidable change coming, they will try to be rational and logical as they solve the problems or tackle the bigger issue. Their Hero’s Journey lessons involves letting go of the desire to micromanage. They have to learn to rely on unpredictable and irrational things like their intuition or even magic. This brings them in touch with their life lesson (Pisces). They find healing and resolution when they release control and invite the supernatural processes beyond their immediate grasp.
Self-control vs. Higher Power
Rationality vs. Spirituality
Practicality vs. Emotion
Libra this is an ideal protagonist for a romance novel or love story. The Libra protagonist is holding on to the ideals and fantasies of a particular kind of relationship when the story begins. Perhaps their story begins with the realization that a romance wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Perhaps they begin their story with a break up (think Eat, Pray, Love). The Libra protagonist’s journey is to find their sense of Self without abandoning hope for love (Aries).
Self vs. Partner
Dependency vs. Autonomy
Pleasure vs. Commitment
Scorpio while you can have a Scorpio protagonist in any book, it’s especially fun to bring this sign into your mystery, crime, thriller stories or other stories that revolve around a quest for the truth. Scorpio as a protagonist is on a quest not only for the hidden truth but also to learn lessons related to trust and creating stability. This is also a great sign for a protagonist who is highly gifted but also wounded or flawed in some way. A detective with their own dark secrets, for example. Scorpio can also be a good protagonist for a story with supernatural elements as this may be the hero who discovers they have magical powers but then must learn to not abuse their power and to use their gifts to create healing and stability rather than for selfish ends (the lesson of their opposite sign, Taurus).
Willpower vs. Higher Authority
Domination vs. Cooperation
Trust vs. Fear
Rebirth vs. Stagnation
Sagittarius if your story requires a protagonist to take a wild ride from rags to riches or a tumble that leads them to fall from grace, a Sagittarius protagonist may be perfect. Their journey begins with luxury, wealth or privilege but naivete when it comes to moral responsibility to others. They may also start from humble beginnings and have grandiose plans for the future, but need to gain perspective about the importance of friends who help them along the way (Gemini). This sign’s concerns with morality, justice, law, medicine and society can also make a Sagittarius an ideal protagonist for a person vs. the state themed story or other stories with broad humanitarian themes.
Person vs. the State
The Wounded Healer
Philosophy vs. Action
Ambition vs. Friendships
Capricorn this protagonist no doubt sees themselves as in control or at least wanting to be. Their motivation is success, wealth and power or to preserve some aspect of history or traditions. Their Hero’s Journey begins with some recognition that in spite of hardship (Capricorn never has it easy) they are nevertheless in control. They may be naïve about the role their own efforts play in creating security, placing too much emphasis on willpower and hard work. For instance, this may be the protagonist who finally has the successful business they always dreamed of, but the catalyst of the story will change this somehow. They may also be searching for some relic from the past in order to bring security in the present.
Their quest helps them to realize that connection to others was always more important than material success (Cancer).
Obligation vs. Pleasure
Individual vs. Collective
Success vs. Family/Love
Past vs. Future
Aquarius no matter your genre, an Aquarius protagonist will engage readers if written as a three-dimensional character and not just an eccentric person with no back story. Aquarius is filled with paradox and contradictions. An Aquarius protagonist is ahead of their time, always restless looking to discover new things, and will leave your reader guessing at every turn. If not written thoroughly, your reader may wonder if you forgot key elements of your Aquarius character’s personality. This is because Aquarius always leaves people guessing and will always do what they think others aren’t expecting. This needs to be conveyed in their character’s choices or else readers may not get a sense of your protagonist having a coherent and consistent character.
Science fiction, fantasy, and stories with larger social themes are ideal for Aquarius protagonists. This is the protagonist who wants to be left alone to dabble in their interests but is always compelled to pursue a mission or quest for the good of humanity. They may also discover they have unusual powers or gifts and for this they are shunned or alienated (Elphaba from Wicked or Fiver from Watership Down). This protagonist may have explosive and shocking behaviors and may be both charming and also a little difficult for others to get along with. Through their journey, they discover the importance of balancing their futuristic vision with their individual gifts and needs (Leo).
Person vs. the State
Comfort vs. Radical Change
Anonymity vs. Personal Risk
Pisces this protagonist is easy for a reader to fall in love with. Whatever faults they have, a Pisces protagonist is inherently gentle, compassionate, loving and sensitive. They may make many self-destructive moves or have significant healing to do but they will always prioritize what they believe is best for others. This is an ideal protagonist for a story in which your characters are influenced by spirituality and mysticism. Pisces as a Hero needs to find definition, boundaries, and needs to create stability and practicality (Virgo). They are a dreamer who is forced through the story to deal with some practical matter that requires service and most likely sacrifice of some kind.
Ambition vs. Sacrifice
Unconditional Love vs. Control
Healing vs. Martyrdom
Rationality vs. Intuition
Now that you have a basic understanding of the Astrological archetypes as potential framework for character building, you’ll be more easily able to give your characters depth and purpose. The signs of the zodiac can add layers so that you are able to show the motivation behind your character’s actions. For instance, if for the sake of your plot you need to make sure your protagonist doesn’t recognize the love of her life is the person who has been right in front of her face all along, then perhaps she is an independent and philosophical Sagittarius who has been consumed with a personal mission that makes it easy for her to overlook the subtle and understated affections of her admirer who is a humble and introverted Virgo.
If your protagonist is a reluctant Hero who only gives in and agrees to fulfill their mission by battling against enormous odds, perhaps it makes sense for your Hero to be a Taurus who desires comfort and security, or a Cancer whose tenacious instincts are triggered when their home or family are threatened. Perhaps a villain or anti-Hero is not actually evil after all, but rather they are an Aries who sees themselves as the protector or defender of their own personal interests even if this is to the detriment of others. Perhaps they are a Scorpio and their malicious deeds are related to self-sabotage and their Shadow side run amok.
By drawing on the archetypes of Astrology, you can make characters whose choices are no longer built around suiting the plot and author’s agenda, but who seem to respond to their own drives, faults, and ambitions.
What did you think of this post? What kind of places to do you turn to for writing inspiration? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Thank you for hanging out with us today. Connect with Angela on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can also check out her website and learn more about her work.
Photo by Soulful Stock on Unsplash
Your description of Leo is a bit too soft.
Leo is powerful, fierce, determined, courageous, temperamental, protective and dominant. Not just “warm, generous, creative ” and all that other soft stuff. And the whole spotlight/attention thing is the most exaggerated nonsense of modern astrologers.
Leo combines the physical energy of a fire sign with the strength and determination of a fixed sign.
And the Sun bestows not just ego (which many astrologers write so superficially about) but also overall strength, power, energy, leadership, willpower and health.
Leo’s true archetypes are: WARRIOR-KING (all the fire signs are warriors especially in Vedic astrology), Conqueror, Protector, Hero, Gladiator and only Apex Predator.
Lions are stronger and fiercer than rams.