Did you know that the first book that I ever read as an official reviewer was Ramshackled by Erynn Lehtonen? It is the first part of the Yokai Calling series; the second one, Sleep Demons, as thrilling an adventure as the first. I have never posted about a series before on Armed with A Book so this is going to a little different from my earlier book thoughts, without spoilers, of course! Deeply inspired by Japanese mythology with a fantastic world-building, if you are looking for short, fast-paced reads, this is the series for you!
Yokai Calling Novella # 1: Ramshackled Yokai Calling Novella # 2: Sleep Demons
Aren’t the covers just gorgeous? 🙂 Check out the synopsis of the first book that got me hooked to the series (and let’s be honest – book reviewing)!
Some rules should be broken.
Twin brothers Hidekazu and Masanori Genshu’s futures were preordained. They would not become exalted warriors like their mother and father, nor would they change the course of history. Their family name should fade from legends and histories unnoticed, them with it.
But Masanori and Hidekazu had other plans.
In the early hours of the morning, far from the watchful eyes of their parents, they practiced in secret. Until the day Tsukiko City was attacked, and their friend was kidnapped. Even as the world around Hidekazu and Masanori returned to normal, they realized they could not sit on the sidelines any longer.
It was time for them to fight.
Masa and Hide’s journey begins in Ramshackled, the first of four novellas prefacing the Wyvern Wars series: an epic fantasy adventure inspired by selections of Japanese mythology and folklore.
Yokai Calling Novella # 1: Ramshackled
The Yokai Calling series follows the story of twin brothers, Hidekazu and Masanori Genshu. They have grown up, forbidden to fight by their family and continue the family legacy. While Hide possesses abilities to channel ki ‘energy’, Masa does not but this does not frazzle him. With their childhood friend, Princess Aihi, they are thrown into an adventure of a lifetime.
While Hide possesses abilities to channel ki ‘energy’, Masa does not but this does not frazzle him. I really enjoyed the mental commentary of the characters and it helped me get to know them faster. Hide and Masa are strong characters, even if they are only 15 years old. Their comradeship with the Princess Aihi is evident throughout the story. They want to do the right thing and would rather train and fight than watch. They struggle with going against their parent’s wishes openly but always think through their actions.
In Ramshackled, Erynn does a great job of describing the setting and explaining mythology. Her description of fighting scenes was smooth and I found this book easy to follow. Shrouded in mystery, I was interested from the get-go.
Yokai Calling Novella # 2: Sleep Demons
Sleep Demons is a breath-taking follow up to Ramshackled. I absolutely loved this book! Never is never a dull moment in this novella. While the first part of the series was about building the connections between the characters, this one focused on inner battles and ambitions that people have but never admit.
Continuing with their quest to help Aihi, the twins, Hide and Masa, face bigger dangers that they had not anticipated. They learn more about the world that they live in, the spirits around them as well as start to form their opinions of what is going on. What started off in the first book with the killings of certain women, now is a full-fledged game that Aihi has become a part of but does not quite comprehend.
I enjoyed this book a lot and can’t wait for the next part!

The Long Take – Themes for Thought
Writing this section of my book thoughts is always the most challenging part (and exactly why I continue to write it) because it drives me to think more deeply about the books I have read. Ramshackled and Sleep Demons have both been amazing in world-building, transporting me to a well-thought out, sometimes, dark, and always reasonable world. Since the story is centered around twin brothers, I am going to touch up destinies of the protagonists. Another aspect of the Yokai Calling series that I will be highlighting is the insights about Japanese folklore.
On Destinies
Every parent has some expectations of their child. Some of these are communicated directly, others stay as unsaid boundaries that should not be crossed. In the case of Hide and Masa, their parents have always been clear with them about the paths in life that the brothers should not pursue. The twins try to fulfill these wishes but as they grow older and more able to question the decisions made for them, they start to wonder if what their parents see as the right path is truly the right path for them.
However, under no circumstance do they disobey their parents. And, as much as that comes out of their upbringing, I will say that the respect taught in the Japanese cultures for parents and teachers, play a huge role in how the brothers act.
On Learning
Part of the magic of writing is being able to take liberty with the ideas that exist in this world already and alter them into something more – whether is the fantastical elements or the timeline, there is always some truth and research that goes behind every novel, even memoirs. With some books, this is quite obvious, while with others, readers might not even think about the underlying ideas.
The Yokai Calling is a series that starkly presents the fruits of deeply getting to know a subject that Erynn is interested in. She combines her interests in Japanese language, folklore, mythology, and history into the Yokai Calling series. I myself have always been fascinated by Japanese culture and through this series, it was great to learn about their mythical characters and, as you will find in my interview with Erynn, learn about some of the liberties that she took with the literature.
Check out the Yokai Calling series yourself now that you have read my thoughts. Ramshackled is available for free on Kindle at the time of writing this (link below). If you are interested in reading another fantasy series about twins, check out The Wolf we Feed that has twin siblings, Drake and Tirith.
** Ramshackled and Sleep Demons are both available as ebooks so get a copy and let me know what you think! **
Ramshackled: Amazon Kindle
Sleep Demons: Amazon Kindle
Check out my interview with Erynn next!
Cover image: Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash
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