Welcome everyone! In collaboration with author Anna Schlinghoff, I bring you a chapter from her latest book, The Soul’s Human Experience. If you are looking for a spiritual read, your search might be over. 🙂 Let’s meet Anna and then dive into the first chapter!
Get to know the author: Anna
Welcome to Armed with A Book, Anna! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

I’m a spiritual coach, Reiki Master, and Human Design reader on a mission to level up the planet, one person at a time, by helping people remember who they are, why they’re here, and what they’re capable of.
I believe that everyone has a right to understand their soul and its human journey. At age 20, I was gifted the experience of “touching” a soul. By age 31, I could no longer ignore the fact that too many people were unaware of their fundamental truths and set out to change this. I understood the power in this knowledge and its need to be communicated in a clear, digestible way.
When not absorbed in spirituality, I’m also an avid fitness enthusiast, former personal trainer and group fitness instructor, can usually be found getting my sweat on. Originally from Chicago, Illinois, I now live in Dallas, Texas, with my husband.
What inspired you to write this book?
A deep desire to help people—one billion people to be exact—as that was the intention I set. The book is the manual to spiritual awakening that I wish I had when I was going through mine. There was no single source that I could find, which explained all the basic spiritual concepts. So, I set out to write a user manual to life as a human and with the goal of awakening, enlightening and helping people heal.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
The majority of the book was written in about 45 days! I started with notes on paper and quickly ran out of room. At that point I started writing more seriously and found it difficult to stop. The words poured out of my fingers and onto the keyboard like a broken dam. Even in the middle of the night, I could not stop the flow of words that wanted to be written. It’s surreal thinking back on how it all happened and how fast it came together!
What makes your book unique?
It’s the only beginners guide to spirituality that I know of which covers a wide range of topics in a clear and concise way. It makes spiritual concepts accessible to all while tackling the big questions of life: who are we? Why are we here? What is our purpose?
Who would enjoy reading your book?
Namely the spiritually curious—although I believe that even the seasoned spiritual enthusiast could gain a new perspective!
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
My hope is that it makes the reader feel empowered to create their most fulfilling life, because they will understand their truths and be equipped to do so.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
Can’t pick!
The Soul’s Human Experience

Are you ready to experience a profound remembering?
The Soul’s Human Experience is a guidebook for souls living with human bodies. Now more than ever, we are seeking deeper connection and asking ourselves what we really want out of life. Navigating the human experience can be difficult without an inner compass to guide us, and that compass is our soul. The Soul’s Human Experience contains many “AHA” moments that will remind you of your true soulful nature, why you’re here, and what your purpose is. Anna shares her own journey alongside powerful reminders on how to find joy and fulfillment in your own life.
This book is a comprehensive manual for learning what lies at the intersection of soul and body while cultivating purposeful empowerment within the reader to embrace living with intention. Whether you are brand new to spirituality or looking to deepen your understanding of soul alignment and direction, The Soul’s Human Experience will guide you on your path.
Many people are drawn to spirituality but may struggle to understand the complexity and vastness of information. In this book, Anna clearly and concisely teaches readers how to transform their lives to have meaning, learn to heal themselves and feel empowered to step into their most aligned selves.
You will discover:
- Who you are and why you’re here
- Why we forget our truths
- What living as a human on earth is all about and how to enjoy it
- Why being a human is hard and how to make it easier
- What life purpose is and how to start living yours…and much more!
It’s time to embrace our soul’s human experience.
Content Notes: None.
Book Excerpt from The Soul’s Human Experience
Reminding You of Who You Are
When someone asks who you are, what do you say? Do you give them your name, age, roles, or titles? None of these things are actually you. It’s okay if you’ve forgotten who you are because you’re about to be reminded. Knowing and understanding the truth of who you are will give you a solid foundation to stand on and keep you anchored in the chaos of life. When things get tough, you’ll stay grounded— outside influences won’t shake you. Other people won’t be able to convince you to be what they think you should be. Why? Because you will know, deep down, what is true. What is true is this:
You are a soul with a temporary human body. You, soul, are eternal.
You are a piece of the Universe itself.
You are the energy of conscious love.
You are an immortal soul currently existing in this time with a human body and personality. You are the Universe individualized. The Universe is intel- ligent by design, therefore you are a piece of this conscious energy. You are the energy of conscious love manifesting as you,right now.That’s it.It’s simple.
So, what is the soul, anyway? The soul is your spiritual, intangible, eternal, energetic being. It’s your core essence, the part of you that transcends time and space. The soul is expressed as the spirit, the light, the energy body, the higher self—or you can call it by whatever term suits you. However you label it, your soul is a piece of the Universe currently expressing itself in your human body. It was with you before you were born, and it will be with you after you depart this mortal container.
The soul joins with the body sometime before birth and parts with it at the moment we die. The latter has been corroborated by people who have had Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). They speak of floating above their bodies, unable to talk or touch anything but knowing what is happening. Who is it that has this disembodied awareness of physical reality? It is the soul—that part of us that belongs to the greater, loving energy source that is the Universe.
Yes—you are a piece of the Universe. You are the Universe mirroring itself back to itself, celebrating its own expansion. As Above, So Below. Your body and soul coexist beautifully, manifested as you, here on planet earth right now. You are conscious love. Everything is energy, as confirmed by modern physics. The energy of the Universe is pure love, therefore you are pure love energy that can think, feel, and be aware in this physical plane. How beautiful is that?
For thousands of years, the soul was thought to be part of the human body. Numerous ancient Greek philosophers, for example, had differing opinions about the nature of the soul and its relationship to the physical world. Some early thinkers pinpointed its physical location as the brain. Others believed the soul was in the blood; still, others thought it was bound up in the stars.
While the predictions have been varied, it’s an idea that has persisted throughout human history. This inherent knowing that there is more to us than meets the eye.
For as long as human beings have existed, we have yearned to know the meaning of life. Most religions and cultures acknowledge the existence of the human soul. Throughout our past, we have sought wisdom that proves we are a part of something greater than our earthly selves, regardless of our specific beliefs. The existence of souls does not have to be identified with any particular faith, philosophy, or culture; it can be neutral.
For the longest time, no one told me I was a soul in a body. This was a completely foreign concept to me—until I started my deep dive into spirituality. It’s possible I was living under a rock—sure, I’d heard phrases like “feeding the soul,” “warming the soul,” “selling your soul,” “speaking to the soul,” and “soul searching.” I knew the soul was, supposedly, some deep part of me, but I wasn’t clear on exactly what it was, what its purpose was, or why it existed—if, in fact, it did. When I finally understood what it was and that I was a soul living with a human body, I found myself wanting to shout this knowledge to every person I passed on the sidewalk.
Hi! Do you know that you’re a soul in a body? You’re a soul in a body! And you’re a soul in a body!
It was my Oprah moment (in my head).
Every person has a right to know who they really are (if they don’t already). Since I didn’t know for such a long time, I couldn’t be the only one—surely not everyone was aware of their soul and exactly what it means to be one. (I wish we all were!) It frustrates me that this is not a more mainstream idea. If you don’t understand who you are, it can be disorienting, confusing, and heavy to exist here on earth. It’s time to talk about this! More and more people are discovering their true nature, but we have a ways to go before everyone on the planet knows this truth—and everyone has a right to know.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. You’re already a part of the Universe. You don’t need to do anything. You’re a one-of-a-kind energetic fingerprint, perfect exactly as you are. You don’t need to change anything about yourself to know this. Give yourself permission to embrace this idea of yourself fully, including anything about yourself you might initially see as flawed. See yourself instead as a piece of the beautiful Universe. You are the essence of love shining as only you can.
All Souls Are Connected to the Universe and Each Other
The pulse of the Universe runs through you.
Being a piece of the Universe means you are always connected to it and to every part of it. In the loving Universal space inside you, you already have all the answers that have ever and will ever exist because universal consciousness has all the answers. Since you are always connected, this knowledge is always avail- able to you whenever you are seeking support. You can tap into this constant connection for any want or need, big or small. The knowledge and strength of universal consciousness are yours to use at any time, and acknowledging this connection is the first step of getting into flow with it. To access it, get quiet with your soul. Listen, and feel for any subtle intuitions, sensations, or feelings. Communication comes in many ways, so stay open and continue to practice. The Universe and our souls are always communicating with us. However, we have become good at automatically tuning them out. The more you tune in, the stronger the connection becomes.
We are all made of the same energy, we are all connected, and we are all one—one with each other and one with the Universe. Everyone and everything is an extension of you, and you of it. The power of the Universe is everywhere. It is in every person and every thing. Before I understood this on a spiritual level, I understood it scientifically; we are all made up of the same star stuff, as astrophysicist Carl Sagan famously explained. (I’m not just a spirituality enthusiast, but a space enthusiast too.) The elements that make up our physical bodies are the same elements that can be found in the stars of our Universe. When stars die by way of a supernova explosion, these elements are ejected into the Universe. Over billions of years, these scattered elements gather into form and become objects, such as planets, and ultimately, they created us, humans. This makes you the same as your friend, your neighbor, a stranger, the tree, the mountain, the ocean, the cloud, the bird. You get the idea. We are all made of the same common building blocks. We are literally made from parts of the Universe.
Seeing from this place of sameness instead of differ- ence creates a dramatic shift in how we view our place in the world. When we recognize that we are all the same, we can have greater compassion for each other automatically—and having a greater sense of compassion brings more love into the world. As a society, we can strive to be better in this way. You are already whole and complete. You are divine perfection right now. By accepting yourself, you accept others and vice versa- by accepting others, you accept yourself.
I once had a boss I disliked. I saw him as different than me; I imagined I would never treat others the way he treated his team. He was unfair, unkind, and not a good leader in my opinion. I was always nice to him despite that, but my job was a struggle. I was forever trying to prove myself, whereas it seemed my coworkers received praise and promotions without any effort. It seemed utterly unfair and made me dread going to work. I put myself through this struggle for years. Finally, desperate, I said to the Universe, “Please help me to see my boss another way.” I truly wanted to. The toxicity and negativity had become overwhelming, and if this didn’t change things then I was going to leave. Slowly, I began to find more compassion for him—I shifted my perspective from seeing him not only as a boss but as a fellow human being, a person with his own faults and problems. To others, he was also a father, a husband, a neighbor, and of course, he was a fellow soul. Maybe he wasn’t so different from me after all. I chose to see this aspect of him rather than the things that bothered me. The negative energy slowly began to dissipate. Once I’d made a habit of this, things started to change noticeably. The hostility diminished. Then a couple of months later, out of the blue, he gave me a promotion and a raise. It was a miracle.
You, too, can make these shifts. You only have to be willing to try. Willingness opens the door to possibility. Seeing the soul in others recognizes them as you while also seeing both of you as the same universal energy. You must be willing to stop putting energy into your current ideas about others and instead put your energy into seeing their soul—their light. By shifting your energy, you shift the outcome. It creates space for change and tells the Universe, “I am willing to shift the way I view this person.”
It may take time and practice to get over your initial feeling of resistance. For a long time, I was not even remotely interested in seeing my boss differently. That seemed radical. I didn’t think I could change my opinion of him, and I didn’t want to. Frankly, in my view, he did not “deserve” to be seen as anything other than his negative actions. So why should I try? But thinking that way wasn’t beneficial, so I was willing to try, just a little. A little turned into a lot. A year later, my perception of him had changed dramatically, from dislike and disgust to—dare I say it—likability. He had changed too—he was kinder, more patient, and understanding. I’m not taking credit for changing him, but I can’t help wonder if my shift in perspective had an impact on him at an energetic level. Either way, it was amazing.
Initially, it might feel as if the other person is not worthy of having their faults overlooked. This practice is not about them or excusing any of their faults and wrongs. We don’t have to forgive, forget, or excuse in order to see the light in someone. These two things don’t have to go together. This is about you and your peace and freedom. Keep that in mind, and the practice becomes easier.
I believe this way of seeing others with compassion and oneness is essential for bringing about a bigger change in our world. Imagine if we could all practice this—there would be less road rage, less rudeness, more patience, and more joy. It starts with you, and you can start today.
When you have compassion for just one person, that positive energy gets put into space and directed toward them. They may feel it (whether consciously or unconsciously), and in turn, be kinder to their family, their coworkers, and all the people they come in contact with. You may think you helped just one person, but actually, your good energy will multiply and touch the lives of many more people. That’s how you help the collective—one person at a time, supporting them to feel better and understand more about who they are. Hopefully, they will teach by example and do the same.
You can make a difference in shifting the global consciousness.
You Are Not Your Body
As we have established, you are not your body; you just happen to exist with one right now. The spiritual text, A Course in Miracles, says, “I am not my body. I am free.” You are not your personality or emotions. You are not your titles or roles. You are a piece of the infinite Universe and its pure, boundless love. Your body is a container, a vehicle. Just as you cannot drive on the road without a car or bike, and astronauts can’t walk outside the International Space Station without a spacesuit, you can’t exist as a human on this planet without a body. The body is a temporary home. If you take away the body, what remains is who you truly are: your eternal soul-self.
Your soul will outlive your body. It has existed in prior bodies, and it will go on to live with future bodies as well, which is not to say that you should disregard your body. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Treating your body with care, respect, and love shows your soul care, respect, and love. Similarly, you (hopefully) take care of your literal home, for it is a reflection of who you believe yourself to be. Taking care of your soul’s home is essential for its nurturing and for the optimal overall human experience. After all, that’s why we’re here, to express ourselves in human form.
Your body deserves your kindness, love, and respect. Sure, your body might need troubleshooting from time to time; it’s not perfect. Listening to your body, honoring its needs, and providing it with quality nourishment and movement is good for both your body and your soul. You don’t need to go out and detox, do a fast, or sit on a mountaintop meditating; just honor what feels good to you. What makes your body feel best? Do more of that. How do you treat your body now? How can you treat it moving forward?
I try to remember to thank my body for all the things it allows me to do. I’m grateful that it gives me the ability to go on daily walks, read books, and taste and eat food. When treated with appreciation and kindness, your body will reciprocate, giving you good health and vitality.
We are here to recognize the soul within the body, to live in our body from a soul-centered place so that we can have this earthly adventure. To embrace the soul and the body as the same is such a beautifully unique human experience. Your body is the only home your soul will have in this lifetime. No matter what your physical circumstance is, you are still breathing and you are alive; you are supposed to be here in this moment. And remember, your body is not who you really are at the deepest level.
You might be wondering, But my physical body is real. How can I not be my body? I feel pain if I touch something hot. If I get cut, I bleed. Your body is real to the extent that the earth is real. The physical body can feel and be harmed, so it is real in that sense. But it is not real to the extent that it is a temporary experience and not part of your soul. You don’t need to identify with (or as) your body on a spiritual level. You are physically with your body right now, but your soul is free. The mind is part of the physical body, and you can pause and step outside the confines of the mind at any time. Therefore, you are free.
The body you had when you were a child is not the same body you had as a teenager, and it’s not the one you have as an adult—the body changes. The world around you changes. But the real you, the soul, is always there, unchanging; consciously aware of it all. Intuitively, we have a deep knowing of our soul’s existence. Your soul (the real you) has been witness to all the thoughts, emotions, and physical world experiences you have had up to this point in your life. Your soul is the place of your higher consciousness and awareness. You exist eternally without your body, without your thoughts and emotions. Your body is finite, bound by earthly rules of chronological, linear time. This is in contrast to the eternal or non-existent time by which your soul lives. As human beings, it can be difficult for us to grasp this abstract alternative concept of time. In outer space, time has strange behavior and can bend, contort, and even appear to stop. At the quantum level, time may be an emergent phenomenon or not exist at all. The concept of time is a mysterious one that physicists are still researching. Whatever the case, our normalized perception of a separate past, present, and future is not as real as it seems. If time is not as we perceive it to be, then perhaps our entire reality is not as we observe it either.
The Balancing Act
When people speak of becoming enlightened, it seems they speak of living in a state that has transcended their humanness in some way. We are curious about (and sometimes chase after) enlightenment, because as human beings we are often miserable. On one end of the spectrum we have our human, ego-driven experience; on the other end we have the experience of the enlightened soul. Before we awaken we live at the ego end of the spectrum. When we awaken and our spiritual practice becomes a habit, we live from the soul. While neither is good nor bad, nor wrong nor right (nor is one better than the other), finding a balance is the key to living a fulfilling life.
Living from your soul self is phenomenal. Here, you are free and joyous—nothing can touch you in this place of peace. Living from a human place, on the other hand, means being immersed in the world you came to explore, with all its rawness and realness. So, how do we balance the soul with the body and get the best of both worlds? By recognizing the soul and allowing it to play freely in the humanness. To only live from the transcended soul would be to renounce the very thing we came to experience. To only live from the human end would be to lack depth and understanding, and to never know true freedom.
The spiritual journey provides invaluable tools to navigate our time here. It can be difficult to enjoy being a human being without a reference point. It would be pretty hard for a soul to enjoy being human without having a physical body in this mundane world. Upon first consideration it might seem as though the body and the soul are like oil and water, two complete opposites that do not mix. However, equipped with knowledge of how each operates and experience of each, they can be emulsified beautifully. To be a human being and to be a soul at the same time is the sweet spot. Herein lies the beauty and balance of this world—walking the fine line between human and soul. You may wander to one side for a while. You may wander way off course! But true alignment is a healthy balance of the two. That doesn’t mean everyone’s line is the same. For one person, it may be more comfortable to walk further in the spiritual. For another, it might feel better to live a little more on the human side. What feels good to you?
The Soul Wants to be Recognized – Your Sacred Glow
Once I became spiritually awake, I realized that it would be easier to live as a human being if this spiritual knowledge were common knowledge taught to us at a young age. After we are born, the awareness of our soul fades like a distant memory or a dream. Without a remembering, we live our entire lives believing that we are only physical beings in a physical world. The more heavily we rely upon the physical, the farther we move from our soul connection.
These days, in our modern society, we live in disconnect, despite the irony that the internet connects us all in an instant. We seem to care more about our perception on social media than about our planet or our spiritual connection. But as we continue to spiritually awaken, society will change. You can be a part of this change by sharing this message and shining your light. Your light is the expression of your soul. Never underestimate the power of your light.
When one person shines their light on others, those people feel inspired to share their light as well. It creates a ripple effect that grows exponentially. We could all use a little more love and compassion. Be the light of love that you are and shine brightly.
Whenever you see another human, say to yourself, “I honor your light.” Even if your eyes can’t physically see this light, we are luminous. Our human eyes are limited. I imagine we would be overstimulated if we were able to see wavelengths beyond the ranges of the visible electromagnetic spectrum. Just because this sight wasn’t meant for our human eyes does not mean it doesn’t exist.
The Feeling of a Soul and Love of the Universe
I once had an incredible encounter and the privilege of experiencing a soul’s “physical” feeling. Of course the soul is not tangible, but it is made of energy, and energy can be felt.
My sophomore year in college, some of my friends threw a Halloween party. A friend (I’ll call him Matt), also planning on attending the party, told me that he had found the most amazing costume. “I’m going to show up to the party as a giant, oversized green crayon,” he said. “But don’t tell anyone, it’s a surprise.”
The party came and went; everyone had a great time. But Matt never showed up, which was odd—he had been so excited to show everyone his costume. None of us thought much of it. We knew he was working late that night. Early the following day, my phone rang over and over again. Finally, I got out of bed and answered groggily. It was a mutual friend of Matt and mine. His voice shaking, he told me that on his way to the party Matt had been in a bad car accident and had passed away. He’d been just five minutes from the party and in an instant a driver under the influence took his life. I was in shock. Time seemed to stop. It was one of those heavy moments that’s imprinted in your memory forever.
A week or so after his passing, I had a dream I’ll never forget. Except it didn’t feel like a dream at all, it felt real. To this day, it is the most vivid, realistic dream I’ve ever had. Matt and I were standing across from one another in an empty space, a space of silence and nothingness. I was aware that he was no longer alive in the physical sense. He smiled, and I stepped forward to give him a great big hug. The instant my arms touched him, an electricity of the purest, most joyful, loving, and ecstatic energy engulfed my entire body. It was intense and breathtaking in the most beautiful way. We hugged for a matter of seconds. That was it—I woke up.
The intensity of the experience and the comfort it brought me were incredibly overwhelming. The power of soul energy is immense. At that point in my life, I was still not a spiritual person. I had no precon- ceived notions about souls or “the other side.” Now I know that this was what many would call “a visita- tion.” He had wanted to show me he was okay “over there.” He gave me the beautiful gift of experiencing what a soul feels like and what pure universal energy must feel like as well.
I am forever grateful for this gift. Not only did it give me the closure I needed to say goodbye to my friend, but it gave me something else—proof. I didn’t recognize this until years later. But when I recalled this experience, I knew it was the validation I’d been looking for—that there is more to our existence; that we each have a soul that is part of something greater, and that is the pure love of the Universe.
How Can I Be Sure I Have a Soul?
You might be thinking, Are you sure I have a soul? Yes, I am sure. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. There are no soulless bodies walking around on earth. Every living being here has a piece of the Universe within them. Your existence is no accident. To be connected to your highest self is to be connected with universal energy. It’s to be in the flow, to feel supported, and to know that you matter. To be disconnected feels hopeless, pointless, and joyless. Sadly, a lot of us can relate to the latter emotions as being all too common. Whether we realize it or not, our existence is no accident. Even those of us who have a daily spiritual practice of some kind (yes, it’s a lifelong practice!) can slip into these frames of mind. It’s okay. It happens. Part of the practice is knowing how to pull yourself out of a disconnect and get back into the flow.
But it’s not just ordinary people who are disconnected and need to find their way back to flow. There are different levels of disconnection, and most of us are just a little out of alignment. What about the high school bully, the thief, even the murderer? These individuals are disconnected from their soul and their universal Source. They strayed so far off track their free will took over in a negative way. They don’t see their home base anymore, and their soul-disconnect traps them in an energy of fear. They are no longer living in the energy of Source (which is self-perpetuating love). They are caught in a low energy of fear (which is also self-perpetuating). These individuals are some of our most difficult teachers. They serve as examples of what can happen with disconnect. When we encounter them they can strengthen us (if we allow ourselves to respond in this way).
We all want to know if we have a soulmate. It seems from a young age we all hope to find ours one day. But a soulmate is probably not what you think it is. The word “soulmate” is a widely misunderstood term. A soulmate is another soul we are drawn to because they help us awaken to our truths and help us grow our light. Often, this soul will act as a mirror, revealing what needs healing within us. When the time is right, they act as a catalyst in our growth by forcing us to face and accept things we might not otherwise. If it isn’t revealed, it can’t be healed! Soulmates push us out of our comfort zone so we can evolve for our highest good. This person (contrary to what Hollywood moviemakers would have you believe) is not always a romantic partner. It could be a sibling, a parent, a friend, even a teacher. You will likely feel connected to this person from the first time you meet—it may seem as if you have met before or have known each other for a long time.
We expect a soulmate relationship to be easy, loving, and perfect. While some souls do support our expansion through tremendous love and encouragement, others might teach us in a more abrasive and challenging way. In the latter case, a bit of friction might be required to reveal what we need to heal in ourselves, which allows us to clearly see the wound. Sometimes we have to be forced to look at ourselves. Both experiences stem from love, even the rough ones. You are likely helping to expand your soulmate in some way, just as they are helping you. Soulmate relationships are on purpose—your soulmate is part of your journey, and you are part of theirs.
Think of all the souls on this planet. The ones you are close to are on purpose. People don’t come into each other’s lives by accident, soulmate or not. To be clear, it may be that your partner is your soulmate! Yes, you have at least one soulmate (and likely several) who will come into your life when you’re ready. Soulmates might come and go depending on what we need in life at that time. You can have more than one in a lifetime. The point is, we think we have to go on this endless search for our soulmate, but we don’t, because it’s not about what we think it is. It doesn’t make you any less valuable as a soul in this world if you don’t have a partner. Don’t worry if you feel you haven’t encountered any of yours yet. It’s not a race!
As far as the romantic partnership aspect goes, it’s okay to want a partner if the reasoning is in alignment with your highest good. A soulmate is not someone who will complete you or make you feel whole. You are already complete and whole. These feelings can only come from within. A soulmate is not meant to bring you happiness or a perfect relationship. Happiness will never come from anywhere outside of you. To search outside ourselves for what already lies within will lead only to disappointment. Rather, your soulmate complements you, but only you can complete you. If completeness is what you’re searching for in a soulmate, then the person you seek is you.
I am very excited to get into The Soul’s Human Experience and will be sharing my thoughts in the future! Find it on Goodreads and Amazon. Many thanks to Anna for reaching out and wanting to share her book on the blog! You can connect with her on Instagram or her website.
If you are an indie author and would like to do a book excerpt, check out my work with me page for details.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
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