Welcome, friend! Today I bring you a collaborative post with author Brett Salter. We are chatting about his Middle Grade fantasy, The Search for Synergy. Be sure to check out Brett’s indie recommendations on the Indie Recommends Indie series. 🙂
Get to know the author: Brett Salter
Welcome Brett! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!
My background in writing stems mostly from the inspiration I found as a kid when I read Fantasy and Sci-Fi books. These include The Chronicles of Narnia, The Xanth Novels, The Time Quintet, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and everything from Shakespeare to Dr. Seuss. In my formative years, I joined several punk rock bands and wrote songs, poetry, and short stories aplenty. As an adult (?) I took on a dare and wrote the first book in my Talisman Series. I loved the feeling it gave me and the idea of inspiring others so much that I kept writing until I had an entire series.
And now, a massive head’s up! I am NOT a professional writer. That’s why I write MG/YA instead of High, Epic Fantasy. I do all my own writing, my own editing, my own promoting, and my own stunts with my extremely limited free time. If you are okay overlooking a few typos and coma splices, then we can be friends. If you are expecting the next George R.R. Martin, then my apologies. I write for kids like my own and tell stories meant to entertain. Check out my books if you like action, dragons, and zany characters. Just remember everybody, it’s Middle Grade fiction, not Applied Mathematics or Epistemology, so just have fun with it and try not to be too serious.
What inspired you to write this book?
To be completely honest, I wrote the first book on a dare from my mother. And after I finished the first book, I was like, “what should happen next?” So, I just kept writing. And then, I had a whole series, which I have been releasing about 1 per year since 2017. If you read my work, you will see that I am unabashedly inspired by everything from Fantasy literature, anime, classical poetry, punk rock music, mythology, and especially RPG games from the 1990’s. It’s pretty blatant honestly. But hey, I write what I like, right?
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
Hmmmm. I’d say about 3 months in 2017. But I even had a fellow writer helping me with edits as recently as a year ago. You can never edit enough, unfortunately for me
What makes your story unique?
I love being creative and incorporating all different kinds of mythology into my world. Also, I thrive on using color and elements to classify the different characters. My series uses aesthetics and color and history and puns and mythology to come up with names for everything in my series. Seriously, EVERYTHING has a name. Spells, and weapons, and Talismans, and even the bad guys required hours of pining and contemplation before they were appropriately named. LOL. Such a weird thing to obsess over, huh?
Who would enjoy reading your book?
Well, my target audience is Middle Grade. So, ages 10-14, but honestly, more adults read my series and seem to enjoy it as well. If you like cinematic action, a bit of comedy, and middle grade fantasy, you’ll love it. You know, magic spells and transforming dragons and otherworldly monsters attacking our realm. It’s got a bit for everyone!
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
I think the main thing I want to impart on young readers is to always take that first step into adventure. It could be a situation in real life or cracking open a book and following along with characters. Preaching creativity is really what I strive for with MY life and my kids’ lives. I want them to be passionate about their interests and always be creative because this world need creativity now more than ever. I hope everyone who reads my books takes something away that makes them happy or finds something interesting or even gets them away from their stresses and screens for a little bit. Books can open doors to new worlds, but it’s on us to reach for the handle.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
“Dude, I’m not interested in holding you down. I’m interested in setting you free!” This scene is Julian talking to Rome. I really think this encapsulates both characters positions and feelings in the first book. Julian goading Rome into believing and urging him to trust him so they can fulfil their destiny of become Earth’s greatest protectors….and best buds. It’s meant to be a special moment between the two and it shows how while even faced with Rome’s scepticism, Julian never takes his charge too seriously.
The Search for Synergy is the first of a series. Can you tell me more about the series and your vision for it?
Well, I hope you like action and dragons. Because that’s what you’re gonna get with the rest of the series. New dragon dens, new Darkbrands, new magic, and new allies are just the tip of the ice dragon. Also, I don’t want to spoil anything, but we’ve only been introduced to 2 Talismans by the end of the first book. And there are plenty more where those came from. The question is how can they be used to help the races of Earth to stop the invasion on the brink of occurring? Of course, you can always check out the Fandom Wiki Page for major spoilers for the series, but what fun is that? Save it for after you read the books and then want to deep-dive my characters and my world. The boring answer is that I have 5 books done already, a 6th one coming early next year, and 12 total planned for release.
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
Well, to be completely honest, yes. I wish I could go back and change some things in the first 3 books. Especially the way characters were introduced. Or setting character power sets. I’ll tell you, the hardest thing about writing a long series is worrying about retcon errors or revisionist history. When I set the history in the first book, I pretty much made it impossible to stray from that later in the series, so working around that can be hard sometimes. I’ve had to get creative with certain aspects of the limits I set myself early on. And some ideas that I come up with, and that I get really psyched about, I can’t even use because of some tiny detail I mentioned in book two, or whatever. So, yes, that can be frustrating, but I find that when I end up disposing of one great idea, usually something equally as cool pops up or I just twist it to fit perfectly into my world.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received related to writing?
Hire an editor!
If you could give a shout out to someone(s) who has helped in your writer journey, please feel free to mention them below!
Oh my gosh! So many. The first book is dedicated to my wife and kids. They are my everything. Also, my mother who planted the seed for this entire thing. I would also want to say thank you to all the people who read the books (including Connor Webb) and all the reviewers/readers I’ve collaborated with in the past. I can’t name them all, but they have all been instrumental in helping me forge on with this series and all the headaches that come along with it. Everyone stay safe and keep a wary eye out for portals!
The Search For Synergy
Middle Grade Fantasy, 2017
Series: The Talisman

The Search For Synergy is the first book in The Talisman Series by author Brett Salter. It follows the exploits of two middle-school boys, Rome Lockheed and Julian Rider, as they transition from normal kids into epic warriors fighting for the existence of the Earth realm. Rome is secretly a fire dragon from the Den of Volcana placed under a spell which hides his true form. Julian is an oddball, up-and-coming knight with a case of the “try-hards”. Together, they perform an ancient pact which bonds their lives and souls forever. Under the tutelage and guidance of an eccentric, local librarian, Mr. Jones, the two learn of an impending invasion from an archaic evil desperate to invade from the other side of The Void.
Content Notes: The Search For Synergy is very limited in triggers. The monsters be a little much for younger readers and there is some cinematic, fantasy violence, but no blood or gore. No cursing or sex of any kind. Some reviewers have mentioned that the young teens have to lie to their parents and authority figures about their situation which can be something to consider for younger readers
Book Excerpt from
The Search For Synergy
Mr. Jones abruptly clapped his hands together and smiled ear to ear. “Great Saturn’s rings! That’s marvelous!” he exclaimed with childlike glee. “We must prepare for The Great Synergy soon. I am sure you have many questions, and I promise to answer each one. But first, I must have a closer look at you. Please come this way.”
He ushered both boys from the table and led them over to the children’s literature section. Mr. Jones walked around Rome eyeing him up and down. He extended Rome’s right arm straight out and tapped his pointer finger up and down on Rome’s wrist.
“Nothing there yet?” he asked aloud. He stomped his right foot hard on the ground near Rome’s left foot and looked squarely at him. He did it again. He did it a third time using much more force. Each time he stared firmly at Rome. “Hmmmmm. Reflexes are still inert,” he mused.
Mr. Jones stared at Rome for a few more seconds chewing on his glasses then finally muttered, “Oh, there you are!” He leaned in closer to Rome and glared decisively into Rome’s eyes. “By the Knights of the Round! I see it!” he exclaimed. Then, he moved closer to Julian. “He is going to be very powerful, indeed.”
Mr. Jones turned back to Rome and saw the look of a scared cat about to run. His excitement abated. Mr. Jones had allowed his own excitement to supersede the boy’s need for understanding. If Rome left now, there would be no getting him back and another generation would go without having made a connection. He could not wait fifteen more years.
“Please excuse an old man’s excitement,” Mr. Jones offered. “Rome, do you ever read fairy tale books or fiction of the fantasy vein?”
Rome was bewildered. “Not really,” he said, trying to find an escape route. “I watched The Lord of the Rings if that counts.” Julian cackled out loud. He exchanged a glance with Mr. Jones then walked away from the pair towards a distant bookshelf.
Mr. Jones continued. “You see, young Master, most of, but not all of those tales about wizardry and knighthood are very real. At least, they WERE very real in olden times. Especially the tomes that pertain to the kingdom of Britannia and the good king known as King Arthur.” He suddenly stood up very straight. “I am going to tell you something, and I want you to please believe me when I tell you this. You are not what you think you are. You are not the normal person you see when you look in the mirror. You come from a long blood line of great power and tremendous bravery.”
Rome cocked his head not knowing what to expect next. He squinted his eyes and glanced at Julian who was fiddling with his die. Mr. Jones stepped back and crossed his arms. “You, young Master, are a dragon!”
Find The Search For Synergy on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub and IndieStoryGeek. There is also a Fandom Wiki Page for the book.
Thank you for hanging out with us today! Connect with Brett on Instagram and Goodreads.
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Cover image: Photo on Unsplash
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