Since starting my journey as a bookblogger, I have noticed that book tags and lists are popular in the bookblogging community. I was thrilled when I was tagged by Alex at Mybookworld24 in The Fall Bucket List Book Tag 2019, I finally had to chance to try it out! Most of the books I mention here are not current year reads but they were the noteworthy ones in the categories.
Here is how booktags work if this is your first time reading about them:
- It is required to link back to the original creator of the tag. In this case, it is Tiffany at Read by Tiffany.
- It is ok to use the graphics used in the original post or create your own. I have decided to use Tiffany’s here.
- Tag other other people to try out the book tag. The rules say 7 people but since I am still new, I’ll going to tag 3. If you haven’t been tagged yet, comment below and I’ll add you to my list. 🙂
Let’s now review The Fall Bucket List

I have not read lighthearted books in the last couple months but when I think about this tag, Jill Mansell‘s books come to mind. The first book I read of hers was Rumor has it, back in 2012, and it still stays one of those books that cause giggle explosions.
Funny, a classic rom-com, with lots of misunderstandings, a guy who has the perfect image of a playboy but is he really? That is only one of the questions.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Atomic Habits by James Clear will be that book for me. And it is not unfounded hype.
In the non-fiction category, I have heard so much about it since its publication last year. I read this book in October and it was fantastic! The ideas that he mentions about the relationship of habits to identity, habits and talent and personality, were intuitive and thought-provoking at the same time. Putting them in context of the habits that I have, built a strong connection with James’ messages, and got me excited to learn more. I hope you write about it and my takeaways into bullet journaling in the coming months.
Check it out on Goodreads. My short take can be found there too.

I have raved about Friday’s Child before as one of the most inspiring books for me. It is humorous, mischievous and downright hilarious at times. The story of a young woman’s dream come true when her secret love asks her to marry him but are they really made for each other?
This section is about friendships and there are some amazing ones in this book. Whether it is the closeness that cousins can have, or the friends we make out of our partner’s friend circles, this book has all kinds of friendships and friend-zones. 😉
Check out the book on Goodreads.

Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult is one such story. It’s about a girl, Jenna, who has been told that her mother is dead but she believes that she can find her. She gets the help of a psychic and a private investigator, and together they retrace the steps that her mother took when Jenna was little. All the books that I had read by Jodi Picoult before this one involved court cases. This one is quite different! There is also a novella Larger than Life, that follows the mother in earlier years.
A story about love, loss, motherhood and elephants, check it out on Goodreads.

Laurel McBane is a wedding baker and amazing chef. I found her while reading the Bride Quartet series by Nora Roberts. The series is about four friends who run a wedding planning business and how they find love. If you are looking for a series about friendships and weddings, check this one out!
Check out the book that focuses on Laurel on Goodreads here. Information about the whole series can be found here.

I reached out to publishers in my country a couple months ago, hoping, but not counting on, to be part of their bookblogger programs since I was only a month in at that point. When you Kant figure it out, ask a philosopher: Timeless wisdom for Modern Dilemmas by Marie Roberts is the first book I got in the mail. It was such an amazing feeling, not to mention a perfect read. Concise and full of wisdom from many philosophers, this was originally written in French and the English translation that I reviewed will be available starting the 12th November.
Check out the book and my review on Goodreads here. Stay tuned though, because I will be writing about the wisdom I gained this month! 🙂
Thanks for checking out my Fall Bucket List Book Tag! I would love to see your Fall Bucket lists:
- Noly at TheArtsyReader
- Jules at One More Word
- Teresa at Always got time for books
- Varun at The Solo Thinker
- Yvonne at The Coy Catterpillar Reads
- My friend, Ariel from Goodreads
- You!
If you have already done the fall bucket tag, drop your link below! I look forward to reading it and promise to comment on it! 🙂
Featured Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash
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