Are you a fan of Brooklyn 99? Jake and Amy are such an amazing couple and it is so much fun to see them work together on cases. J B Michaels’ The Christmas Walk Caper introduces the readers to Mac and Millie though of the two, Mac is the retired detective (he had an accident and took early retirement so he’s not that old, people!) and Millie is a bit of a mystery. 😉
On this Christmas Eve, I thought I would share about the book, in case you want to cozy up next to the tree. I’ll be short and sweet, like the book!

Add ‘Catch a killer’ to your Christmas to-do list! Meet Mac, a retired hero cop with writer’s block and a penchant for trouble. What holiday hijinks will he get himself into?
Probably a murder investigation. Meet Millie, a local banker and former college athlete who may have a trick or two up her sleeve. What Christmas conundrum will she be brought in to solve?
Again, a murder mystery.
In this delightful cozy mystery set in downtown Geneva, Illinois, our sarcastic and savvy sleuths will seek justice for the untimely death of the owner of the beloved and charming retail mansion: The Tiny Wanderer.
It’s time to stroll on Third street. Immerse yourself in beautiful Christmas décor. Drink some hot chocolate and help solve the Christmas Walk Caper.
This book was one of the two Christmas themed books that I read this year, the first one being The Wedding Dress Christmas that I posted about earlier in the month. I love how both of these stories talked about the magic of Christmas in their unique way.
Through Mac and Millie, J B Michaels shows us the town of Geneva where Christmas comes with its own traditions and walks.
On Knowing the Neighbors
When the owner of the The Tiny Wanderer passes away untimely, Mac is unable to stop his cop brain for turning its gears and suspecting foul play. Though he hasn’t been in town very long, he has been visiting The Tiny Wanderer coffee shop for all his stay and knows the people of the town quite well by the time this happens.
You could tell a former cop to back off but when bureaucracy intervenes and wants the Christmas Walk to run as if nothing happened, Mac only grows more suspicious and wants justice for his friends.
On Mac being Mac
And that brings us to Mac being Mac. He might have taken a book deal over continuing to be a cop with some difficulty walking, but his brain still works just fine and he knows a mystery when there is one. I liked that he did not hesitate to ask Millie for help because without her, things would not have gone so well after all.
On Magic
Christmas is the season of magic and love. Magic is in the snow falling slowly to the ground, in the hot chocolate that people drink, hurdled together in the cold, magic is in the community itself. But sometimes, magic is more than just in the mundane moments. Sometimes, magic truly exists.
And that’s all I’m going to say about it. You can read the book if you are curious. 🙂

Overall, I really enjoyed Mac and Millie in their adventure and I would love to see where things take them in the future! I am thankful to Lola Blog Tours and the author for sharing a review copy of the book with me.
** The Christmas Walk Caper is now out in stores so get a copy and let me know what you think! **
Amazon Print
Amazon Kindle
(available for free on Kindle Unlimited)
Check back tomorrow later in the evening for an interview with J B Michaels!
Lovely start of the holidays to you! 🙂

Cover image: Photo by Алсу Ягудина on Unsplash
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