We have read graphic novels together but we have never read a graphic novel for children! The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a sweet story with lovely artwork that is bound to find a special place in your heart. Take a look at the synopsis below and then read our discussion!

Enter the world of Charlie’s four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most important life lessons. The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse have been shared millions of times online – perhaps you’ve seen them? They’ve also been recreated by children in schools and hung on hospital walls. They sometimes even appear on lamp posts and on cafe and bookshop windows. Perhaps you saw the boy and mole on the Comic Relief T-shirt, Love Wins?
Here, you will find them together in this book of Charlie’s most-loved drawings, adventuring into the Wild and exploring the thoughts and feelings that unite us all.
Content Notes: None that we could identify.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
Whole book Discussion
We haven’t read a quick book like this together and, Ariel, you suggested this one! When did you hear about it?
I saw it briefly one day as I was browsing through Instagram stories, and then saw it pop up again on my Goodreads feed. I do love cute graphic novels, and this one seemed perfectly that. After a long and stressful May and a significant break from our buddy reading, it seemed like the perfect read to get us back on track!
The author’s note at the beginning of the book said that he sees himself in each of the characters. Did you see yourself in the characters? I loved the big questions that the boy asked his creature friends and I was reminded of asking similar bug questions to Clinton.
The big questions are really great! I think in many parts of life we may find ourselves symbolically embodying the different creatures based on where we feel most comfortable– enjoying life and cake like the mole, or silently observing like the fox. It was a beautifully drawn and engaging story that doesn’t really focus on a narrative, but rather focuses on asking big questions and letting readers journey along with the characters.
I felt the artwork portrayed these qualities of life well. It was stellar. While the prose drew me in, I often myself imagined what the boy and the mole must be thinking, based on the picture on the page.
Yes agreed, there was so much to each drawing that it added to the reading experience to just sit and absorb each drawing
Yes, it’s a book I have flipped back through a couple of times already. Such a peaceful read!
The mole loves cake! Do you have a go-to food / dessert like him?
I do! I really enjoy donuts and they are something that I always enjoy on special occasions like my birthday. What about you?
Edible cookie dough! I don’t make it often but I love sharing that with Clinton. 🙂
Concluding Thoughts
This book was a really cozy and comfortable read. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking to read something light while appreciating little life lessons and beautiful art. It was really fun to buddy read this together and talk about all the cute and profound moments scattered throughout!

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is now available in stores. Be sure to check your local library and support them.
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Cover Image: Photo by Werner Sevenster on Unsplash
I’ve admired this beautiful book in my local independent bookstore. I’m going to have to treat myself and buy it.
You’ll love it 🥰
That’s all the reason I need! 😍