This is going to be my 2nd and last tag of the year! The Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag was developed by Jenn from and is part of Blogmas, when bloggers publish every day from the 1st to the 25th of December – no that is not the reason why I have just been writing regularly. ๐ Anyway, I was tagged by Kristie at The Bookish Hedge Mom and since she is a my lovely new friend on Twitter, I am going to do this tag! (Do check out her blog – I love it!)
The Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag consists of 20 prompts and depending on how many of these things I did this year, I can decade whether I am on the nice list ๐ or the naughty list ๐.
1-10 points is nice
11-20 points is naughty
What is your guess for me?
The Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag – Here goes!
Red means I did it. Green means I did not.
Received an ARC and not reviewed it
I made my blog into a book blog only in July and have not been on NetGalley any longer than that. There are two books that I received the ARC for and did not review:
- Something Deeply Hidden by Sean Carroll – I did not even download this one. As much as I love reading about the universe, I know when a book is going to take a while to get through. I felt really bad about saying I won’t review it but it was the truth.
- This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger – I downloaded this one and every time would decide to start it, I would get distracted. NetGalley encourages reviewing within 3 months and this was just not going to work. So I was honest with myself and the publisher and said I would probably read it later. Learning that the story is related to another book, Ordinary Grace, did not help because I have never read the author before.
Alice Hoffman’s The World that We Knew has been on my reading list for over 3 months but I will make it through that one. I’ll persevere.
Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
I am actually at 55%! Should I color this brown?
Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)
Let’s take a quick look at my Goodreads… I either don’t say anything (meaning I might write about the book if I get a chance) or post a full review with links to the blog posts. ๐
The only book on there which says more later is Cinder by Marissa Meyer. And I plan to write about that when I get the physical copy – it’s on my Christmas wishlist – so the post is coming this month! I read the audio book and it was great but I desperately need the book to write about it.
Folded down a page of a book
Yes, good chance that happened.
Accidentally spilled on a book
There was probably one spill…
DNF a book this year
As I mentioned in Who are you as a reader? I drag myself through the book, hoping that I will be able to find something. I might mindlessly read it, skimming through the text, hoping something will catch my attention. In general, I know the genres that I will usually like.
So, in short, no, I did not DNF any book this year.
Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
I buy books and totally intent to read them, whether it is a pretty cover, they are on sale or the synopsis sounds great. If I don’t get around to reading them within a few years, I donate the physical books.
Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else
Who is not guilty of this? Us book lovers who cannot put a book down! If you find someone who can stop themselves from reading while in the middle of an amazing book, do introduce me to them. I’d like some tips.

Skim read a book
If a book can’t hold my attention, I’m skim reading it. The one I just finished was Life is a 4-letter word. I had such high hopes about this book and was so excited to write about it on the blog. But alas! ๐ญThe 40 lessons were ok but there was no flow between the stories. It felt like every time I was thrown into a new situation, no idea about the timeline, who the people in the situation were… unfortunately, I could not build a connection with the book as a whole at all.
Completely missed your Goodreads goal
I completely reached my Goodreads goals of 50, then updated it to 75 and reached that too.
Borrowed a book and not returned it
I return other people’s books. I only have so much space and I would rather fill it with my own books. ๐
Broke a book buying ban
I do not enforce such bans on myself. I love books and they make me happy. Why put a ban on happiness and then be unhappy because you broke the ban to be happy?
There is some circular logic there.
Started a review, left it for ages, then forgot what the book was about
Nope. I either don’t start the review at all, or finish it. Only two options for me!
Wrote in a book
This one is favorite! Check out my Instagram story and the conversation that followed (this was in September):

Friend (after seeing the story) – Whoever said write in them should be shot! Lol
Me – I write in them and highlight stuff…
Friend – I had no idea you were that kind of person.
Annotating helps me think more deeply about the content of a book and I am not ashamed of writing in my books. I use sticky notes to remember where my highlights are. If the book has enough margin space, I might write in the margins. I have started reading novels like people reading a textbooks but I always loved studying and if those skills apply to reviewing and helping me write my book thought posts better, who is to say I’m doing something wrong?
We all have our own way of engaging with books. And that is why I am a bit disappointed that this is a ‘naughty’ point in this tag. Just because some people value the freshness and pristine quality of a book, does not mean that others have to do the same (or be shot lol).
Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads
I am addicted to organizing on Goodreads. Status updates are in real time.
Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend
I only borrow from the library and those are ebooks or audiobooks which get automatically returned.
Dodged someone asking if they could borrow a book
Haha I would never dodge that question. I happily offer books up before I read them if I know it will be a while before I get them. Why should I stop someone else from reading it? Why let the amazing story sit idle and not be savored by someone else while I read other books?!
Broke the spine of someone elseโs book
I would be so thrilled the day this is written in red. You know why? Because none of the people around me read as much as I do. There is a very good chance that someone who borrowed a book broke the spine of my book. But, it does not bother me. There is an appeal to a book which is well read and loved. ๐
Took the jacket off to protect it and making it more damaged
Fortunately for me, I do not take jackets off. I love reading with jackets. They are such good bookmarks!
Sat on a book
At the time of scheduling this post (it’s Sunday night as I write this), I have read 90 books this year and there is a fair chance that I have sat on one of those 90 accidently. I read primarily in the comfort of my couch and blanket, with book, iPad, phone, all in there. Sometimes finding the right book can be a struggle and requires accidently sitting on it.
I admit, it does horrify me when that happen. But it does happen. ๐
Hope you enjoyed my answers for The Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag! Many thanks to Kristie for tagging me to do this! It was fun!
And, in case you are wondering –
I am nice.
Even though I was super naughty at the beginning of the list.

Photo by Eliott Van Buggenhout on Unsplash
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