It is time for the final discussion post # 3 with El @inkandplasma about the Renegades series! Supernova is the concluding book of this fantastic series and it took me less than a month to finish it. As the story progressed, I found it harder to put it down. Since I was listening to audiobooks, I was looking forward to my work commute and mundane activities at home. 🙂 At the end of this post, you will also find some Reader’s Choice Awards that we gave to the series as a whole.

Here is the synopsis for Supernova.
All’s fair in love and anarchy…
The epic conclusion to Marissa Meyer’s thrilling Renegades Trilogy finds Nova and Adrian fighting to keep their identities secret. While the battle rages on between their alter egos and their allies, there is a darker threat shrouding Gatlon City.
The Renegades’ worst enemy is back among them, threatening to reclaim Gatlon City. Nova and Adrian must brave lies and betrayal to protect those they love. Their greatest fears are about to come to life, and unless they can bridge the divide between heroes and villains, they stand to lose everything. Including each other.
Intrigue and action will leave readers on edge until the final, shocking secrets are revealed.
Content Notes: Violence, Death.
Book Discussion with El @inkandplasma
What a fast-paced start to a book! Hell broke loose in no time in this one and I was hooked. I can totally see why you binge read this one, El.
In my opinion, Supernova was the fastest paced book in the series. Everything just kept happening and happening and happening! I couldn’t put it down. When I first opened the book, everything felt so deceptively calm after the chaos of Archenemies, but it picked up fast. I remember a moment where Danna’s butterflies landed on Nova in a swarm, trying to betray her secret, and my heart was in my throat like I was reading a thriller! It was a whirlwind up until the big finale with the final battle that we’ve seen building for two books. How did you feel about the ending of the series? Was it what you were hoping for?
Like I told you in our conversation over chat as I was reading the book, this book was so fast that I didn’t even want to make a guess about how this was going to end. Since I was listening to the audiobook, I did keep looking at how much time was left and I could not fathom how the next 12 hours were going to work out. Or the last one hour for that matter haha. It was better than I had hoped for. Seeing Ace’s madness and how conflicted Nova was, I was not surprised by the chain of events. Though I did not see a number of the twists coming in – Marissa Meyer is definitely a queen of plot twists. I have never been so taken by a story. Your love for the series also fueled me liking it because I knew how excited you were to hear me talk about it.
In our last post, we chatted extensively about Agent N. Throughout Archenemies, we have had conflicting thoughts about it and Supernova brings out all those pros and cons in one chapter. It is quite neat to see the debate between the prodigies and councils about being equipped with Agent N as well as the precautions they have to take to be safe from it. It points to human nature too where we are ok to not worry about things until one of us gets hurt and then suddenly, all the negative effects come crashing down as a wall.
I know that I was waiting throughout the whole series to find out what would happen when Adrian and Nova finally found out the truth about each other’s identities, and it finally happened in Supernova! What did you think about the way that was finally revealed? And if we’re talking about reveals, I think we absolutely cannot skip over the reveal about Adrian’s mother’s death that’s been hinted at from the beginning of Renegades.
Oh Phobia. A nightmare right there.
I never expected the events to be so interwoven. Now that I am thinking that, how different do you think the story would have been if Nova had been saved by the Renegades in the first place? Do you think there would have been a different Nova who would have questioned the way things were being run?
I think that a Nova raised by the Renegades would have been a completely different character. I do like to think that she eventually would have challenged the way that things were being run, because she was raised by the Anarchists to see their point of view and was still eventually swayed to somewhere in the middle of the two. Adrian’s views on Agent N seemed to pull him away from the Renegade rhetoric a little (though not as much of a change as Nova went through) but I think Nova would have found herself questioning the Renegades way of thinking eventually. Maybe we would have seen a different kind of splintering, where some of the younger, disillusioned Renegades formed their own group.
What did you think about the concept of the supernova and the role it plays in humans becoming prodigies?
When I finished the series, I was genuinely surprised about the supernova. I didn’t know what was going to happen, even as it was unfolding and I had no idea how important the star would be. I was really worried about Max! When I first read it I wasn’t so sure about the idea of the redistribution of prodigy powers, I’m kind of torn about it all now. In some ways I really liked it, because the idea of everyone and nobody being a hero is really interesting. On the other hand, it was a little strange to me because, apart from negating the immediate threat of Ace, it didn’t seem to change very much about the Renegades universe. The powerful are still powerful, and there are still huge differences between those levels of power. It also, unless I’m mis-remembering, negated the sacrifices made in the face of Agent N. I remember thinking that a lot of characters were being affected and being shocked, but the supernova seemed to backtrack on that.
I know we screamed about this a little bit in our DMs, but that epilogue! I absolutely loved it, and it was so unexpected to me that it totally blew me away. I’d love to read another entry in the series that followed on from the epilogue – even a novella, or a book set a few years later once the dust had settled! Would you like to see more from Marissa Meyer in the Renegades universe?
As much as I would like to, I find sometimes, the best series are those that ended the way Renegades did. Real life never ties up all the bows perfectly and that’s why leaving the ending is, is more realistic to me. However, if Marissa Meyer does decide to do an extension of the universe, whether as a novella or another series, I am totally reading it. What about you, El? Is there a particular character that you would love to see a spin off about? Does fan fiction already exist?
I’m sure there’s definitely fanfiction out there somewhere! I do love the ending of the series, but I’d love a novella about Magpie, or maybe a prequel novella about Ace Anarchy and the rise of the Renegades. I think I’m just too curious about this universe! I really love the setting and the worldbuilding.
Hope you enjoyed our discussions about the Renegades series. If you have already read them or plan to pick them up, please visit the other two posts about the series (Book # 1: Renegades, Book # 2: Archenemies) and add to our discussion! We would love to hear from you. I highly recommend the audiobooks if you like those.
** Supernova is the final installment of the Renegades trilogy by Marissa Meyer, all of which are out in stores so get a copy and let me know what you think! Feel free to add to or discussion when you read it. **
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Favorite Book in the Series:

Favorite Characters and Scenes:
El | Kriti | |
Favorite Scene | When Adrian fights Phobia | When Nova stands up to Ace |
Favorite Renegade | Max | Oscar |
Favorite Anarchist | Phobia | Puppeteer |
Favorite Quotes:
One cannot be brave who has no fear.
El’s quote
One does not have to be competent to be an enemy.
Kriti’s quote
Have you read the Renegades series? Who would you give each of the awards to? Tell us in the comments! 🙂
Cover image: Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash
Butterflies image on Unsplash.
Photo of silhouette on Unsplash.
I’ve been very hesitant on picking up this series because of all the not so good reviews, but maybe I’ll give this a try. I did love the lunar chronicles though!
El and I quite enjoyed it. But like any book, every person who picks it up won’t like it. Hope you give it a chance!