Welcome, friend! Today I am chatting with author Nick Stitle about his debut novel, Stormless. If you are looking for a new High Fantasy adventure, this may be of particular interest to you.
Get to know the author: Nick Stitle
Hi Nick! Welcome to Armed with A Book. Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

Hi there! Thank you for choosing to interview me! My name is Nick Stitle, and I am a 17-year-old author who is hoping to make it big in the writing world. I have been writing since I was in sixth grade, and I released my first book on May 17th. To tell you a little more about myself: I am a huge fan of anything magical or fantasy related. I spend most of my free time reading, exercising, or playing video games—though I haven’t had as much time to put toward these activities lately as school tends to take up most of my time. However, I always find time to fit a little bit of writing in despite my busy schedule! I am a writer at heart, and lately the only thing on my mind has been how excited I am to finally show the world my work.
What inspired you to write this book?
This book is actually heavily inspired by the stories I wrote throughout my middle school years, though the story has been refined and polished quite a bit since then. I have also been inspired by all of the movies, books, and TV shows that I have enjoyed over the years. Some of these works include: Game of Thrones, Throne of Glass, Mistborn, and the Stormlight Archive.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
This book took me about a year and a half to write. I had my first couple of ideas technically in the summer of 2021, but they didn’t fully take shape until that fall. I wrote my first draft for the next several months and finished in May of 2022. I spent the following ten months editing my work, and now I am finally finished!
What makes your story unique?
My story is unique because it bridges a gap that I currently see in the literary world. There are a lot of books out there that focus on issues like mental health and sexuality, and there are a lot of books in the fantasy genre that are simply incredible. However, rarely do I see a book that centers around issues like mental health and sexuality that is also within in the fantasy genre. With my book Stormless I hope to bridge that gap, as this story is both a fantasy epic and a complex examination of important issues in today’s society.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
Those who have also struggled with their mental health and sexuality will enjoy and connect with this book, as well as hopefully see themselves in many of the characters. I also think that any fans of fantasy in general will enjoy this book, especially fans of authors like Brandon Sanderson and Sarah J. Maas. Ultimately, anyone who simply wants a good story that is set in a unique world will have a lot of fun reading Stormless!
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
I hope that my readers walk away with a message of hope and perseverance. Stormless is part of a series, so while this message may not be as apparent at the end of book one, I think that it will definitely be received by the end of the series. Stormless focuses on many characters with a variety of struggles, and I think watching these characters overcome these challenges over the course of the series will have a positive, lasting impact on my readers.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
One quote that I find myself going back to a lot is actually from chapter one. The quote is:
Auris is in danger, and it seems I am the only one who can save it.
I find this quote so interesting because it is said by the main antagonist, which I think really shows that everything comes back to one’s perspective. This antagonist, while cruel to some degree, does genuinely believe that he is one of the “good guys,” if you will, and I think that this plays into a lot of the novel’s themes.
This is the first book in a series. Do you already know how many books there will be or is this something that will evolve as you write?
I think that there will be either four or five books. I have the story almost entirely planned out, but it is hard for me to tell how long a section will be until I actually write it. Therefore, whether there are four or five books will depend primarily on how long the rest of the story ends up being in terms of word count.
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
I have learned that fiction, especially fantasy, is flexible. I realized that there is no right or wrong way to tell a story and that it is within my power as a writer to construct a story that plays toward not only my strengths but also simply what I enjoy writing.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received related to writing?
The best piece of advice I received related to writing was actually from Christopher Paolini. To make a long story short, I had the pleasure of getting on a private one hour Zoom with Mr. Paolini, and while on that Zoom he said something to the effect of: “You know you’re done editing when you start to find yourself reversing edits that you just made.” Basically what this quote means is: When you start changing back edits that you have made, you know that you are done editing your book. This was very valuable to me, as I was editing Stormless at the time I heard this, and this advice really gave me some guidance on when I should finally step away from my computer and publish my work.
If you could give a shout out to someone(s) who has helped in your writer journey, please feel free to mention them below!
First, I have to shout out to my parents, who are the reason all of this became possible. Without their help, I would never have been able to publish my book. Second, I would like to thank Christoper Paolini, as his advice and continued support has been a huge source of motivation for me.
New Adult, High Fantasy, Published 2023

The world you are about to enter is very different from the one you know .
Auris is a place of storms and chaos where seven violent Tempests rule the land, wreaking havoc across the continent. Only the Summoners, bearers of powers not unlike those of the divine Tempests themselves, have the strength to stand against the tyranny of the storms. Society depends upon the enigmatic Summoner-empowering Crystals for survival… Yet when a Summoner bearing powers that should not exist appears on Arvendon’s doorstep, the world begins spiraling into chaos.
Castien Varic, a common soldier, finds himself in the throes of a coming war. He embarks on a mission with the most legendary of Auris’s Summoners, hoping to discover the truth behind the resurfacing of the Ancient Summoner.
Faelyn Titansworn, heir to the largest of Auris’s empires and one of the most powerful Summoners in the world, finds himself lost in his father’s shadow. When a conspiracy threatens to destroy all that he knows and loves, Faelyn takes it upon himself to save not just his kingdom, but all of Auris.
Asteros Silverglade bears the powers of a god. Two years in the past, he, along with five others of his Sect, uncover the hidden secrets that the world has tried to erase. Yet they soon learn that the mysteries of the baffling event known as the Vanishing—the war that somehow caused over half of Auris’s Summoners to disappear without a trace—run far deeper than they could’ve ever imagined.
These three heroes walk the threads of fate, together weaving an epic tale of magic, war, love, and loss. Together these individuals will forever change Auris’s future. Empires will shatter, Tempests will be Unbound, but destiny will prevail as these heroes face their fated ends.
This is Stormless.
Content notes include light violence and discussions of mental illness.
Book Excerpt from
Castien Varic took another step forward. The large chamber was quiet and empty save for the two guards who now stood behind him. Castien turned, finding them standing perfectly still in their orange armor.
He spun back, shifting his attention to the doors in front of him. The massive white-marble body and golden handle of the middle door marked it as the most important. With a slight pull, it opened.
Castien stepped back, his footsteps quiet on the red carpet beneath his boots. It almost felt criminal that he was still wearing his muddy soldier’s shoes on the beautiful rug, but he had bigger things to worry about. It wasn’t every day that someone like him was summoned to the royal palace for yet-to-be-known reasons.
He closed his eyes for a moment, syncing his breathing to his pulse. Five beats in, six beats out, hold for three. Repeat.
Both his heartrate and his respiration slowed, effectively easing his anxiety. Castien looked up, clinging to the newfound confidence rising in his chest.
The marble door finished swinging open, revealing a man wearing hooded dark gray robes. Whisperer’s robes. Castien frowned, tilting his head. Why would they bring me here?
“I want to begin by easing your worries, Castien,” the Whisperer said. His age was rather apparent in his raspy voice, though in a way that projected wisdom, not weakness. “You are not being interrogated, and you are not being punished. We have simply called you to Summerglass this evening to… talk.”
What good conversation ever starts with that?
“If this is about the skirmish in The Highlands, I’ve already told you, I don’t know what more there is to say,” Castien said, his voice shaky.
The Whisperer tilted his head, seeming to smile beneath his hood. “It is about that, actually.” The Whisperer looked up, then lowered his gaze once again. “Although we have nothing more to ask you regarding how you were able to resist the Whisperer’s spells.” The Whisperer turned around, waving to Castien as he started back into the room he had come from.
Castien hesitated, but followed. He looked around, bidding goodbye to the marble walls and white pillars of the waiting room.
The Whisperer shut the door behind Castien, effectively trapping him in the office. A large wooden desk lay before him, complete with one chair on each side. One of the seats was leather, the other was made of wood. Castien didn’t have to ask to know which one was meant for him.
He slid into the wooden chair, settling down against the uncomfortable backrest, then looked around at the rest of the room. A bookshelf covered the entirety of the back wall, filled to the brim with tomes and volumes that Castien didn’t recognize. To his right was a wall decorated only with a painting of a Mistveil. It was made up mostly of random gray swirls, but so were Mistveils, Castien supposed. On his other side were a series of hooks and hangers, many of which were occupied by gray robes that matched the ones the Whisperer wore.
The Whisperer slid into the leather chair, and placed his hands on the desk, lacing his fingers together. A single lamp stood to his right, the bright gray Whisperer Crystal glowing beneath the translucent shade.
“Are you comfortable?” the Whisperer asked, raising a gray eyebrow.
“Not really,” Castien admitted.
The Whisperer huffed a laugh, lowering his hood to reveal the balding remains of an aging man’s hair. “I assumed as much. You don’t exactly seem at ease.” The Whisperer gave a knowing smile.
Castien raised an eyebrow. Of course, the Whisperer was referring to Castien’s emotions. The Whisperer was likely reading his thoughts at this very moment. Castien looked to the side, letting his vision trail off. Indeed, he felt a slight fuzz at the back of his mind.
“I assume that, if you know about the skirmish, then you know that Whispering doesn’t work on me,” Castien said, turning his attention back to the Whisperer.
“Remarkable,” the Whisperer breathed. “Who would’ve thought that such abilities hide behind those bright blue eyes? I have, of course, heard the stories. But I had never thought that one could truly be so… resistant. Especially a Stormless,” he added.
“Could you please tell me why I’ve been brought here tonight?” Castien asked, his voice still unsteady. “I don’t mean to be rude, but, as I’m sure you can tell, I’m made quite anxious by members of your Sect.”
“Hmm,” the Whisperer said. “Now why would that be?”
“Forgive me if I’m not too keen on having my emotions constantly read and analyzed, but I’m also not terribly fond of having someone else put thoughts in my head.”
“Yet you can resist such inputs, correct?”
“I…” Castien trailed off. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He found his heartbeat, attuning his mind to the steady rhythm. Opening his eyes, Castien forced himself to speak. “Listen, I’d really just like to know why I’m here. Please.”
The Whisperer’s brown eyes twinkled in the dim light of the room. “You have made yourself quite well known among Arvendon’s troops,” the Whisperer started. “And it is because of the stories that we have heard that we have brought you here tonight.” The Whisperer extended his wrinkled hand over the table. “My name is Estmar, and I will be conducting your interview.”
“Interview?” Castien raised an eyebrow again. “I’m already in Arvendon’s army, aren’t I?”
“Ah yes, but you are being considered for a special mission of sorts, you see. And my superiors would like me to conduct a few tests to see if you are up to the task.”
Find Stormless on Goodreads, IndieStoryGeek and Amazon. Connect with Nick on Twitter and Instagram. Follow his updates on his website, Goodreads and Amazon author pages.
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