Welcome, friend! Today I am chatting with author Najee Jamerson about her novel, Souls Aligned. If you are interested in a LGBTQAI+ romance story, check this one out!
Get to know the author: Najee Jamerson
Hi Najee! Welcome to Armed with A Book. Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!
Hello! My name is Najee Jamerson. I grew up in Los Angeles, CA but I’ve resided in Las Vegas, NV since 2008. I knew at an early age that I wanted to be a writer. I remember being seven years old and copying books I used to read as a child. I always thought, “I’d love to write my own stories.” As I grew older, that’s exactly what I did. Writing became my life; it saved my life. Having an outlet like writing was a godsend. I knew I wanted to share my stories with people one day and at the age of twenty-two I received my first book deal. I released my first book Sweet Malevolence and then my second book Wet shortly after. The goal was to own my own publishing company and ten years later it finally happened. I formed Magic Hour Publishing LLC March of this year and I’m so excited to be releasing my new novel Souls Aligned under my very own company!
What inspired you to write this book?
Love inspired me to write Souls Aligned. I wanted readers to get lost in a beautiful, cosmic, Earth-shattering love story. The idea of Souls Aligned came to me in my dreams and I knew it was a story that needed to be told. One where characters had no bounds and expressed their love unapologetically. I want the readers to feel the love all throughout Souls Aligned, not only by Logan and Amaris but by the village of people that surrounds them.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
It took about eight months to complete Souls Aligned. My first draft took a month to write. I was literally in a zone and wrote non-stop. I would go to sleep thinking about my characters and wake up with them on my mind. Professional edits took about two months, and I lost count of how many times I wrote and rewrote scenes in my book. Before uploading I handed Souls Aligned over to beta readers which added three more chapters to a book that I thought was finished. LOL. Writing is literally edit, re edit, and then even when you think you’re done you’ll most likely edit some more. I loved every bit of this process because it produced a book that I’m proud of.
What makes your story unique?
Even though this is a lesbian romance I feel anyone can connect to Logan and Amaris. The newness of finding someone you believe could be your person but battling forces that might be unbeknownst to them. The struggles of life, and the choice to keep fighting when all you want to do is give up. Logan and Amaris are human, and we all crave to experience that beautiful connection with someone.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
Anyone who’s had to ask themselves the question, “Is love enough?”
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
Honestly, that we’re all spiritual beings having a human experience. Some of us are lucky enough to find that person that our souls recognize, and it becomes such a beautiful human experience between two beautiful souls. I hope the readers find a little bit of Logans fight in themselves and a lot of Amaris free spirit in their hearts.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
“Do I know you?”
That question is a staple of the story. Anytime one of them ask the question there’s a unique answer that follows. It’s something special between Logan and Amaris.
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
To be true to myself. I spent the first half of my writing career moulding myself into the author people wanted me to be. Writing only one genre because that’s what was expected of me. Holding myself back from really exploring my craft. This phase of my career I’m allowing myself to be true to myself. I’m not putting myself in a box with my writing. I want to be able to write a fantasy one day and wake up and write a love story if my heart desires the next day.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received related to writing?
Take the time to have my work professionally edited. Most importantly never stop writing.
If you could give a shout out to someone(s) who has helped in your writer journey, please feel free to mention them below!
Hands down my wife. She’s the first point of contact when I’m working on something new. She keeps it real and doesn’t sugar coat her feedback which I appreciate. She doesn’t tell me what I want to hear she tells me what I need to hear. There’s been times during this process that we’ve stayed up until the wee hours of the morning going over edits, creating new scenes, thinking about the perfect cover idea. She’s been my right hand in this process, she also motivated me to take the plunge to start my publishing company. She’s supported me since we were teenagers, and you need people like that in your life.
Where can readers find you on the Internet?
Find me on Facebook (Magic Hour Publishing LLC), IG (@Magichourpublishingllc), Goodreads, Amazon author page.
Souls Aligned
Publish Date: 3 October 2023

As I watch her smile, my heart aches with a love that cannot be spoken. Amaris is the light in my life, the one who makes everything else fade away.
I would do anything for her, but the fear of her pain keeps me from confessing my love. The illness lingers like a shadow, a constant reminder of how precious time truly is.
Our love is a flame that burns bright, but the shadow of death always looms nearby.
In the end, it is the love that keeps us going, that brings us back to each other. It is the one thing that can never be taken away, even in the face of death.
A Love that has the Power to Shift Mountains and Conquer Death!
In the annals of romance, there are tragic love stories that stir the soul, tales that capture the heart, and narratives that inspire hope. Such is the remarkable love story chronicled in ‘Souls Aligned’, a work of literary artistry that transports the reader to a realm of pure emotion, where the most profound human experiences find their fullest expression.
Through the pages of this luminous lesbian romance novel, we are invited into the lives of Logan and Amaris, two kindred spirits who are destined to be together despite the many obstacles that threaten to keep them apart. As their love at first sight unfolds, we are witness to the raw intensity of their passion, the depth of their commitment, and the power of their connection.
But this is not just a story of love; it is a tale of resilience, courage, and the unshakeable faith that can move mountains. As Logan battles a life-threatening illness, Amaris must find the strength to hold on to hope and believe in the power of love to heal all wounds. Their journey is one of profound sublimity, and its message is one that will resonate long after the final page has been turned.
Book Excerpt from
Souls Aligned
As Charles pulled up to the house, Amaris could see the front was lined with exotic cars she figured were Mr. Maddox’s; men loved their toys.
“Okay, I’ll get your bags out. Mrs. Maddox should be waiting for you in the foyer.”
“Okay. Thank you, Charles.” Amaris took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. She adjusted her camera strap and pulled it behind her back; she was never without her camera. There was beauty in everything, and she loved to capture some of that beauty.
A beautiful older woman was standing in the middle of the room, waiting for Amaris when the doors opened. She assumed it was Mrs. Maddox. Amaris raised her camera and snapped a picture of her. Her chocolate brown skin was flawless; she was the true definition of ‘black don’t crack’. Her salt and pepper hair fell gracefully around her face. She had beautiful light-brown, almond eyes and full lips that fit perfectly on her.
“Forgive me for just snapping a picture, but you are absolutely gorgeous.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, young lady.” Mrs. Maddox gave Amaris a big welcome hug. “Print that picture for me. I’d love to see how it came out.”
“Will do, ma’am.” The tension in Amaris’s body faded a little. Mrs. Maddox’s eyes and hug were welcoming, which allowed Amaris to relax. She was so nervous about coming to Vegas to do this job. She knew that sometimes, people with a lot of money were snobs and she didn’t know what to expect when it came to the Maddox’s. She’d met Taylor and Xavier first, whom she thought were so down to earth, but parents could be a whole different story.
“Please, call me Kayman. I’m glad to have you. I’ve seen your work. You are quite the photographer. I’ll have one of the workers show you to your room. If there’s anything you need, please do not hesitate to let someone know.”
“I’d love to walk the grounds and get a feel of them, since I’ll be taking pictures.”
“Of course. I’ll have—” the doors suddenly opened, stopping Mrs. Maddox mid-sentence. The smile on Mrs. Maddox’s face made Amaris turn around to see what brought her such joy. When her face landed on the woman, she knew why.
“Beautiful …” she whispered. She was one of the most beautiful women Amaris had laid her eyes on. She had to be the daughter of Mrs. Maddox, because the resemblance was uncanny. Her chocolate skin was smooth and sexy; it looked almost edible.
Amaris imagined shooting her while intimately stripping her naked and pulling her dreads loose to see how long they fell. She’d love to capture the reaction in her beautiful, big brown eyes and would’ve also loved to see her crack a smile.
Amaris’s eyes went to the tie wrapped around her neck; she couldn’t lie, she was wearing the hell out of her suit; the material hugged her body as if it didn’t want to let her go. The black Louise Vuitton dress shoes that graced her feet had to cost her a fortune, but looking at her, money didn’t seem like a problem.
Amaris needed to know who this goddess was and why she was instantly attracted to her. There was a sense of familiarity to the stranger, as if she saw or knew her from somewhere.
“Aw Logan, you made it.” Mrs. Maddox’s eyes lit up on seeing her daughter.
Logan smiled and kissed her mother’s cheek. “Of course I did.” Her eyes landed on Amaris for a moment and she felt her heart stop. It was as if something had tugged on her heart, as if her soul had just recognized its other half.
“Are you okay?” Mrs. Maddox said in a panicked voice.
Instead of answering her mother, Logan took Amaris’s hand into hers, surprising Amaris. She couldn’t explain why, but she needed to have contact with this woman; she needed to feel her skin against hers, which was something new to Logan.
“Do I know you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
Amaris felt the energy shift and the butterflies filling her stomach. Yes, I know you. But from where? She thought to herself. She knew she’d never laid eyes on Logan or ever had the chance to share each other’s presence, but she felt the instant connection.
“I don’t know, do you?” she barely whispered. Logan’s touch was sending waves of energy through Amaris; it was almost too much to take. Amaris was sensitive to energies; she could share energy with different people. That’s why she was always careful with who she surrounded herself with.
Logan was trying to figure out where she’d known Amaris from; maybe it was from a party she couldn’t recall. She’d been to so many parties, so it could have been possible, but then again, she knew she would have recognized her. Amaris’s beauty was one that couldn’t go unnoticed. She had a beautiful, curly afro—Logan could imagine running her hands through as Amaris laid in her arms— and gorgeous, dark-chocolate complexion that Logan wouldn’t mind kissing every inch of. Her warm hazel eyes were inviting, as if they were telling Logan to explore her; her body was out of this world.
Logan loved thick women and Amaris looked like she could wind those hips nice and slow on her. If she didn’t know any better, she would think it was love at first sight.
“What’s your name?” she asked instead.
“Amaris.” Amaris tried to get her heart to stop beating so quickly. “What’s yours?”
“Logan. Nice to meet you, Amaris.” Logan grazed her lips across Amaris’s hand.
Xavier and Mrs. Maddox stood back, watching the exchange between Logan and Amaris in amusement. They were both surprised that Logan had taken an interest in someone. They both knew Logan’s view on love for herself; it was slim to none.
“Nice to meet you as well.”
“Sis, are you going to release my photographer’s hand? She kind of needs that for the next few days.” Xavier joked.
Logan laughed while releasing Amaris’s hand. She then peeled her eyes away from Amaris and back to her mother. “You look amazing, mom.”
“Thank you, darling. So do you two know each other?”
“Maybe in a past life.” Amaris joked.
Logan’s eyes went back to Amaris as a smile spread across her face. “Yes, maybe in another life.”
The sparks flying between the two could be seen by a blind man. Mrs. Maddox tried to hide her smile. She wanted Logan to find someone to spend her life with, but Logan had other plans for herself. Mrs. Maddox tried her best to respect that, but as a mother, of course she wanted her children to find love.
“Amaris, are you hungry?”
“No, thank you, Mrs. Maddox, but I’d love to look around the property to see where I can get some really good pictures.”
“I’ll take you.” Logan chimed in.
“No, you need to eat, Logan. I can tell you haven’t today,” Mrs. Maddox said sternly. She turned to Amaris and continued. “I’ll have one of the workers take you around, Amaris.”
“Mom, it’s cool. I’ll take her. I’ll eat when we get back.” Logan protested. Before Mrs. Maddox could object, she grabbed Amaris’s hand and whisked her outside. She didn’t want her mother breathing down her neck as if she was ten.
“So you’re going to show me around in a suit?”
Logan laughed while grabbing the keys to one of the golf carts. “Yes, I am. Unless you want to go with someone else.”
“Well, I don’t know you.”
“But maybe you do, remember?” Logan flashed her a playful smile.
Amaris didn’t know why Logan’s smile sent chills through her. “Yeah, maybe.”
“Besides, I’d rather show you around, so my mother will leave me alone about eating.”
They hopped on one of the golf carts. “Your mother will always worry about you. Don’t take her for granted.”
Logan didn’t respond, knowing Amaris was right. But she hated the fact that her mother was always so worried about her. She didn’t want her to live like that.
Logan started the golf cart and headed around the property so Amaris could get a good look. She loved growing up on their estate. There was always something to do. Every summer her father would fill their pond with fish just so she and Xavier could fish whenever they wanted. They would spend hours at the pond or riding around the property on their quads. It was some of her best childhood memories.
The sun was out, but it wasn’t as hot as it could be, and Logan was thankful for that; the sun usually drained her energy fast. Today was a good day for her.
Mrs. Maddox and Xavier sat out on the terrace, both baffled with Logan’s behavior.
“Are you sure they don’t know each other, Xavier?” Mrs. Maddox asked Xavier, uncertainty clearly written across her face.
“If they do, Lo didn’t meet her with me. Did you see how Lo looked at Amaris? I’ve never seen her look at anyone like that.”
Mrs. Maddox smiled. She knew her daughter had been bit by the love bug. “She’s found the one.” She knew from her husband and from Xavier that when a Maddox found the one, that was it. Mr. Maddox pursued her until she finally gave in. It was something she would never regret.
“How do you know that mom?”
“A mother knows. Just like I knew once you got your act together that you and Taylor would be together.”
Xavier chuckled, shaking his head. He couldn’t remember how many times his mother had hit him upside the head, warning him to get his act together before he lost Taylor. Thank God he finally listened or he wouldn’t have been here, about to get married to the love of his life.
“You know how Logan feels with everything mom,” he replied.
“I know, but she just needs the right person to change her mind. Maybe Amaris is that person.”
“Well, I need her to take these pictures now and worry about Logan later. Taylor will kill her if they don’t come out right.” They both laughed, knowing how anal Taylor had been during the wedding planning. She wanted everything to be perfect and if the pictures came out bad, there would be hell to pay.
“I want Logan to be happy,” Xavier said with all seriousness. He loved his sister with all his heart. He wanted her to experience what he shared with Taylor and what their parents had.
Mrs. Maddox placed her hand on Xavier’s. “Me too, X. She deserves it.”
Find Souls Aligned on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads. It is out in October!
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