Hello friend! Today I am chatting with author, Nur Akman, about her latest non-fiction book, So Where Are We With The Reality Now?.
Get to know the authors: Nur
Welcome to Armed with A Book, Nur! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

My day job is being Sr. computer programmer and system analyst. I believe that life is too short to have only one hobby in a life time. So, I change them time to time to discover more. I like to grow heirloom vegetables in my backyard, listening music from old Irish songs to Aerosmith, watching quality programs/movies/serious at Amazon prime, youtube, Gaia.com, reading must-have spiritual books. Because of virus my social and night life got toll.
Meanwhile I always have some psychic abilities, but I didn’t take seriously, I really didn’t do anything to sharpen them. Then summer 2020, everything changed. The urge my inside was so powerful, so overwhelming, I had to dive into spirituality full speed. From reading reference books, to having Akashic readings, karma cleaning, and receiving more information, eventually came to a point that it was time to open myself to the world. My first book recently published. Writing the second one. I’m also building my website.
What inspired you to write this book?
It actually happened suddenly. I was receiving the information. I was taking notes, draw some pictures and wondering why I was getting them, what to do with them. Then last summer, finally I got the call that it was time to share them. I thought the best way would be writing a book. Since Amazon has self – publish book option and made it really very easy. Meanwhile I learned that Amazon also has short story section. So, I also wrote one of my past life stories about Titanic and between lives about where I went after I died in Titanic.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
The first time I received information about creation was towards to the end of 2012. The last edit was on the beginning of Dec 2021. So, about 9 years. But I didn’t know I would write a book. So, if I take it from the first time that the result would be a book on July 2021, about 5 months.
What makes your story unique?
I was told thru Akashic readings that one of my life purposes is to bring unknow knowledge to humanity. My book is called “So where are we with the reality now?” About creation, God, Earth, the universe, outside of the universe, and even outside of the environment where the universe is. Some drawings are included.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
My book is for everybody, but I think starseeds will enjoy it more.
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
Finally finding answers for some of the long time wondered questions. Expanding the consciousness, seeing how big the whole existence actually is, what is next not just for Earth, but for the whole Universe. It is a dense book with lots of information.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
I mostly see visions like a video rather than pictures. So, it is so much pleasure going back to videos and watch all over again in my mind. It’s hard to pick one as favorite, but I guess I’ll pick the one that I was saying I would help to a planet in one of those visions.
So Where Are We With The Reality Now?

Reach the unknown about God, creation, Earth, the Universe and beyond.
Have you ever felt that something is missing, something is wrong with what we are told about the workings of the world? Have you ever wondered why we had come into existence, why we are here, what and where God really is, what is the purpose of it all? Do you feel there is more to life than meets the eye? Have you noticed things getting worse on Earth while we are being fed with forecasts of a better future?
The time has come for people to access the true knowledge about our reality. If we do not know the rules of the game in which we are unconsciously involved, how could we ever win? We may occasionally score a point by accident, but that is not a fair play. Everybody deserves to understand the truth, and make their decisions based on such understanding. This book is meant to help make it happen.
Content Notes: None declared by the author.
Book Excerpt from
So Where Are We With The Reality Now?
What does the universe look like? Where is it? What else is there?
In one vision I found myself somewhere that looked like space—a huge emptiness as far as I could see, except for the universe. I didn’t have a physical body and I wasn’t in a spaceship. I was just there. All around me was black. The space had a rough texture as if there were big black dots loosely thrown together that filled it up. These dots were above a lighter-black cloud. Even though it seemed dark, it was also bright enough to see clearly without an obvious light source.
In this vision I saw the universe, and it looked like Figure 2. It was a stretched oval shape with only a tip of one side’s frame catching a bit of light, tilted at an angle of about thirty degrees. Based on where I was, the universe was in front of me to the right. I felt a deep sense of balance that I’d never felt on Earth, and I felt peaceful. These two feelings were very powerful and satisfying, like nothing else mattered.
I don’t use the phrase “other universes.” It makes it sound like the only difference between our universe and other ones is that their planets, stars, and galaxies are somewhere else. Maybe some of you also feel that way, but this is not true. Though I haven’t settled on a new term yet, I now use “other existed places.” They are on the left side, far away from the universe and also far away from each other. The one closest to Earth on the northernmost left side, I felt as if I could never leave. My time there kept extending and extending, and the word “naggy” showed up in the vision. It was an unpleasant feeling to remember that existed place. Below that one, a little more to the left, was not that bad. I had a feeling that I had lived and worked in all the existed places. I knew where they were and their dynamics.
Existed places are very different from each other and can’t be compared. Let’s say the universe is a board game, another existed place is a video game, and another existed place is a fish tank full of water, fish, and ornaments. They all have different structures, textures, dynamics, and realities. That’s why I don’t say “other universes”—it would be like saying “other fish tanks” when I am referring to a video game.
Find this book on Goodreads and Amazon.
Thank you so much for hanging out with us today! Connect with Nur on her website and Goodreads.
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Photo by Pratik Gupta on Unsplash
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