Hello friend! I am excited to host Canadian author Lee McCall and learn about his latest book, Sleeping Dogs. This science fiction is on my TBR. Let’s learn about Lee and the book!
Get to know the author: Lee McCall
Welcome to Armed with A Book, Lee! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!
I’m a freelance digital artist, originally from Canada’s West coast. While writing wasn’t something I planned for, I often found myself creating story vignettes in my personal artwork. Eventually, I was impelled to start creating stories with words, not just pictures.
As a reader, I enjoy all kinds of genres, but I particularly gravitate toward science fiction – authors like Michael Crichton, Andy Weir, and classic sci-fi like Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, and Arthur C. Clarke.
There are a few things that I feel it absolutely necessary to make clear about myself. I prefer Coke to Pepsi. I almost never drink tea, only coffee. I believe anchovies have no business being on pizza. I think Islay Scotch is preferable to Speyside. I like dogs, but I’m unapologetically a cat person. I refuse to watch Disney’s “Up”, because I can’t get through the first 10 minutes without crying. And Captain Jean-Luc Picard was the best starship Captain ever. (I’m prepared to duel at dawn to defend that last one.)
I should add that my cat, Cleo, is firmly on my side for all of the above, even though she’s never tasted Scotch.
What inspired you to write this book?
I had been reading a news article in which scientists were discussing bringing back mammoths by means of cloning. The article presented arguments for and against, as well as describing the technical difficulties in attempting it. It got me wondering whether, if humans became extinct, an alien species would consider bringing humans back. That was the genesis of my book.
I had thought it would be just a short story, but it expanded once I started writing, and I soon realized that it would need to become a series to do it justice.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
It’s taken more than 3 years to complete this first book. I loved to read, but knew little about writing when I started, so it was a learning process for me.
What makes your story unique?
I think what makes it unique is the fact that while humans and humanity are at the heart of this story, there are no human characters in it. It looks at humans entirely through the eyes of the alien species who are debating the re-creation of humans – aliens who are more like humans than they realize – or care to admit.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
I think any sci-fi fan over 14 years old would enjoy it.
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
A couple of things – one, that we humans live on a planet unlike anything that astronomers have yet discovered, a planet that we should be doing everything in our power to care for and preserve. And second, that a person shouldn’t let their views and opinions be constrained by tradition and/or upbringing, but be willing to evaluate new information, even if it doesn’t seem to agree with their present views.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
(I honestly couldn’t come up with a particular favorite.)
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
Well, first of all: writing is hard. ☺ Also, that it takes a team. You have to use beta readers. You really need a proper editor. I didn’t realize that when I started. I thought I could complete it all on my own. I know better now, and it’s been a humbling discovery.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received related to writing?
Don’t worry about how good your first draft is. Just get the story down.
You mentioned this is the first book of a series. How many books are there? Do you have ideas for another series or story?
I expect there will be 3 books in this series. I’m partway through writing my first draft for the second book right now.
Sleeping Dogs
Genre: Science Fiction
Publication Year: 2022

When an Anaran survey ship was dispatched to investigate surprising indications of life on a planet orbiting a G-class star, they were stunned to discover a planet of unparalleled biological diversity and beauty. And horrified by the realization that its indigenous intelligent species—humans—were on the verge of destroying it.
Wary of initiating contact with a violent species possessing a level of technology rapidly approaching their own, and with limited time to act, Anaran leaders reluctantly concluded that the only means of saving this unique planet was the elimination of humans.
Now, six centuries after the extinction of humans, Earth’s ecological balance has been restored. It is an Anaran colony, a center for scientific research and a prized tourist destination—and the jewel in the crown of the Anaran Administrative Zone.
Since she was a child, Prill had dreamed of going to Earth. Although raised by her parents as a follower of the Children of Anara—the cult-like remnant of a once dominant religion—Prill had abandoned those beliefs and pursued a career in science. And now, as a graduate of the Academy of Exo-Science, her dreams are realized when she is assigned to the Port Tiras Research Center on Earth.
But Prill arrives on Earth at a time when some prominent members of Anaran society are advocating a revisionist view of humans, arguing that the elimination of the human race was both unjust and unnecessary. Before long, the Human Re-creation Project is announced—and Prill finds herself impelled to join this ambitious scientific endeavor. Her decision forces her to choose between family, friends, and her conscience, and leads to consequences she could never have foreseen. For not all is as it seems with the project. And there are some who are determined to stop it at any cost…
Content notes
There’s no graphic or sexual violence in the book, or topics that would be considered triggers, to the best of the author’s analysis.
Book Excerpt from
Sleeping Dogs
Stepping out of the lift, Prill immediately stopped, stunned by what she was seeing.
Along both sides of the cargo bay were hundreds of cryopods, soft blue light emanating from their interiors. The air inside the corridor was chilly, and she shivered, not just from the cold.
“Are those . . .?”
“Yes, those are the human subjects.” The director’s voice was irritable. “And it was extremely difficult getting this cargo bay retrofitted to accommodate the pods, so please don’t mess about with them before you have to.”
Prill was too preoccupied with processing what she was seeing to be offended by his curt tone. She turned to Barin.
“I thought you said that ‘genetic samples’ were preserved. Did you know there would be complete human bodies?”
“Well, yes.” Barin appeared slightly uncomfortable. “But that’s to our advantage, really. Many of the human females will still have viable eggs that we can harvest for cloning purposes. Which should give us something of a head start.”
“But . . .” Prill’s voice trailed off. She really didn’t know how to express what she was feeling. The setting seemed surreal to her. These human cadavers, perfectly preserved in silent rows, seemed wrong somehow.
They walked through the cargo hold, Prill staring at the cryopods as they passed. The air temperature seemed to drop even more the further they progressed. She noticed that she could see condensation from her warm breath as it mixed with the cold air, and observed tiny wisps of condensation snaking across the floor.
Then she stopped again abruptly, her attention arrested by one of the cryopods they were passing. In disbelief, she approached it and stared at the figure inside.
The body of a small boy occupied the pod. He looked about ten years old, thin and frail. He had fine, pale blond hair, almost identical in color to her own, drooping down over his forehead and partially covering one eye. His skin was very pale, almost translucent under the blue glow of the pod.
“They . . . we took children?” Her voice was a horrified whisper.
Find Sleeping Dogs on Goodreads, IndieStoryGeek and Amazon. I am excited to dive into it!
Thank you for hanging out with us today. Connect with Lee on Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram and ArtStation. Learn more on his website.
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Cover image: Photo on Unsplash
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