Happy Thursday, friend! Today I am chatting with author Azshure Raine about her novel, ReBirth, the first book in the Zodiac series, a love story between Fate and Time (I love the concept!). Let’s welcome Azshure and learn about the book.
Get to know the author: Azshure Raine
Hi Azshure! Welcome back to Armed with A Book. Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!
Hello! I’m Azshure, or Az for short. I’ve been writing off and on for about 20 years. I have 3 small humans who I keep alive as well as a supportive husband who I also keep alive. My day job is sticking things to newborns (hearing screens) but otherwise I’m a mom and a writer.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
The first idea for ReBirth was born in late 2001 in the form of a comic book I drew called The 13th Zodiac. Jase wasn’t the MC, Liya’s name was Li, and it was portal fantasy. Over the course of 20ish years I worked on it on and off, had kids, left it to sit, wrote the first chapter in 2007 then left it alone again. In late 2019, when COVID happened and home schooling became a requirement I needed to do something for myself and started to write again. From 2020-to today, I worked on all 4 books in the Zodiac series, self-published, took it down and was reborn as ReBirth in 2023.
What makes your story unique?
ReBirth isn’t your typical fantasy. I don’t have elves, dragons, or monsters really. It’s more of a story about the people caught up in a Titan’s plot. It’s a mix of mediaeval and modern. You’ll find characters wielding an axe in a tunic and slacks, while the MC wears jeans, a leather jacket and uses a gunblade.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
One of my favorite scenes in ReBirth is the dance on the boat. Mid-part two, Jase and Liya start to get close and after he teaches her how to use a sword, she challenges him to a dance. He, of course, accepts and I absolutely love that scene and how much it added to their early relationship.
ReBirth is the first book in the Zodiac series. Tell me about the series.
The Zodiac series spans three core books and up to at least three prequels. It deals with the end of the Zodiac, the thirteenth cycle, and tells the last love story between Fate and Time. There are threads throughout all 3 core books that a certain character is pulling. Everything that happened had never happened in the prior cycles—things are different for a reason.
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
Too many hands in the pot can muddle the world. When I first started out I worried too much about pleasing everyone who read the book. Changes were made that I didn’t agree with, but others wanted and the original book suffered for it. I learned to follow my instincts on how I think the book should go and to trust myself. Also I learned how to use semicolons properly. Most of the time.
If you could give a shout out to someone(s) who has helped in your writer journey, please feel free to mention them below!
My husband was the first to believe in me. He read the absolute first draft of ReBirth and said that if I wanted to write I should consider sharing it with others. He gave me the push I needed to not keep it all to myself. If it wasn’t for him, I would have never published a book.
Where can readers find you on the Internet?
Twitter, Instagram and website.

Zodiac Book One
Fantasy Romance
Published Year: 2023
Threads of gold, ancient and dangerous, pull them together; a bond neither can deny. Jase Raion receives an unexpected assignment—locate and retrieve a girl he was certain was dead. Expecting nothing, he goes to Brighton—a port town on the island of Aria—and finds her.
The girl who escaped the fall of Aria.
The girl who bears the symbol of Eternity.
The girl whose blood the Titan of Time thirsts for.
Liya Fairaway, the Princess of Aria, and his target. The moment he sees her, he knows she is not safe, from the Zodiac meant to protect her, the Titan of Time, nor his father—the King of Chall.
Content notes can be found here.
Book Excerpt from
Liya stood ankle-deep in water. A half sleeve dress clung to her hips in this place—wherever it was. Her body was out of reach, but her mind was here. I’m dreaming.
“Dreams are a powerful thing.”
Liya spun to face the woman from her dreams—The Titan of Time.
Time ran her fingers in the waters, creating figure eights. “Don’t you think?” With a flick of her wrist, a wineglass appeared in her hand. “It can be anything your little heart desires.” Taking a long sip of the honey-colored nectar, Time licked her lips. “Like a prince who saves the day.”
She waved her hand, and Jase appeared.
He stood, staring at his reflection in the water; a distorted white haze spread from his back.
Liya’s heart skipped a beat. “Jase!”
His head came up, and a smile crossed his lips. He held out his hand to her, beckoning her to him. His image darkened on the edges. Time’s illusion breaking as black decay ran down his cheeks from his eyes. She gathered her dress and dashed through the water, but he never drew closer. Tears streamed down her face. “Please!” She reached out, desperate to touch him.
“Or a brother.”
Geroo took her hand. Liya snatched it away and sank back into the waters as he cackled. Time appeared beside him, with her arm draped over his shoulder. She sighed, running her finger over his frozen, sinister smile. “Not that one?”
Time’s laugh echoed into the vast nothingness as she shattered into thousands of golden threads.
“Seventeen years.”
Liya gasped and turned to Time standing over her.
With a tilt of her head, Time sneered, “That’s how long I have been looking for you.”
A shiver rolled down Liya’s spine as Time grabbed her face, her nails cut into her cheek. “You slipped through my fingers thanks to that man sitting on the throne of Chall. He was supposed to be useful, not a failure!”
A clock ticked in the distance.
Liya twisted in her grasp. “Let me go,” she pleaded.
“No,” Time hissed. “Tell me, girly. What did your father do to hide you from me?”
“I don’t know,” Liya whispered. Time huffed and tossed her into the waters, causing her to cry out as she hit the surface.
“The Eternal Clock governs this Fate-forsaken world, and I grow weary of this cycle of rebirth. I wish for nothing more than it all to end.” Time’s gaze studied her. “Don’t you agree?”
Liya buried herself in her dress folds.
“Have you nothing to say?” Ripples formed on the water as Time walked. Liya shook her head, trying to banish the tears.
“No matter. I just have to keep that fool playing his part.” Time circled her. “After all, the end of time is in the hands of Fate. And she isn’t here, is she?” Drawing a thread from between her breasts, Time looked down her nose at Liya and snapped it. Her body dispersed into golden dust.
“See you soon.”
Find ReBirth on IndieStoryGeek and Goodreads.
Thanks for taking the time to join us for this interview!
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