Happy Friday, friend! Welcome to an interview with author Elyse Thomson about her book, Poisoned Empire. This is the first in the Mages of Oblivion series where the second book Conspirators’ Kingdom, released recently. I am excited to make time for both. Let’s welcome Elyse and learn about the book.
Get to know the author: Elyse Thomson
Hi Elyse! Welcome to Armed with A Book. Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

Hi! Thank you for having me. I’m a bookbinder specializing in the repair of antiquarian books, and an author obsessed with fantasy and romance novels. I’m drawn to all things ancient history, love gaming (Baldur’s Gate 3 is my current obsession), and act as the emotional support human for one very neurotic terrier.
What inspired you to write this book?
It’s a bit of a dual inspiration.
I’m a huge fan of fantasy and romance novels, but I rarely found one where the female lead had a best friend who was more than just a relationship cheerleader. I really wanted to write a romantic fantasy with two friends who go on the adventure together, get in trouble, find love, and have their friendship see them through it all.
While their friendship is at the core of the book, they both needed to meet their matches. I decided I could be as self-indulgent with the inspiration as I wanted, so I turned to my favourite historical couple: Justinian and Theodora, emperor and empress of the Byzantine empire in the 6th century. They’re a fascinating couple. From what we know he truly, deeply loved her, going so far as to change the laws so he could marry her, a former actress. And for her part, she became a political force to be reckoned with, and an empress who used her power and position to help better the lives of women. I did my best to weave a thread of their story throughout the book.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
I think, with all the edits (and querying in between), I would say about 1.5 years.
What makes your story unique?
I think my biggest claim to uniqueness for Poisoned Empire is the Byzantine influence and female friendship at the core of the novel!
Who would enjoy reading your book?
My readership tends to skew towards women in their 20’s and 30’s, but I would say if you’re a fan of unlikable heroines, court intrigue, steamy fantasy, and settings inspired by ancient history, Poisoned Empire is going to be right up your alley.
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
My greatest wish is that readers have fun. Writing it was my escapism when I needed it most, and I hope my book gets to be that for someone else.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
The “How would you feel about calling me mother?” scene remains my favourite, if only because I get to show everyone what a vexatious little imp Selene can be.
Poisoned Empire is the first book in the Mages of Oblivion series. Tell me about the series.
Poisoned Empire was only going to be a standalone, but when I was done, I didn’t want to leave the world behind. As lover of history, I thought it would be fun to follow a political dynasty through the ages. I decided that every book would have a new heroine, a new hero, and show the ripple effects of their adventures through time. The first three books occur within a 5-ish year time span, (the novella happens about 45 years prior to the start of the first book) but the next three will skip forward almost a century to show how their choices changed their world, and all the unintended consequences that followed. *cue evil author smile*
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
You have to believe in yourself and your book. There will be times when it feels like no one else believes in your work, and it’s at those times when you have to be your greatest advocate.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received related to writing?
Another two-parter:
Write what you want to read and write what you love. This becomes especially important when you go to edit your book, because I promise you, you’ll be re-reading your book so many times you’ll lose count (and possibly have the urge to burn it).
As someone who gets caught up in the pursuit of perfection, this one made me feel like I could relax. It’s okay to mess up, especially as an indie author. You control your book. If you find typos driving you up the wall, you can fix them! If you want a different cover, it’s as easy as finding a designer! You could even rewrite your whole book and then re-upload the newer version! Knowing this helped me push forward, instead of constantly questioning every decision.
If you could give a shout out to someone(s) who has helped in your writer journey, please feel free to mention them below!
That would be my best friend, Paulina! She’s been my alpha reader as long as I’ve been writing. Poisoned Empire would have just been another file on my computer if she hadn’t told me that this one was special, and that I should share it. Also, it probably would have had a very disappointing title, because I’m absolutely terrible at naming things!
Where can readers find you on the Internet?
All my socials can be found at the bottom of my linktree! You can also message me directly through my author website.
Poisoned Empire

Adult romantic fantasy
Published 2023
Mages of Oblivion #1
Cinderella (feral) meets The Lies of Locke Lamora in this lush romantic fantasy inspired by the Eastern Roman Empire.
Black-marketeer Selene has poison magic and the cynicism to match. When she and genius metals mage Iliana are arrested by the same scheming, noble fathers who tossed them out at birth, they suspect apologies won’t be forthcoming. Forced to either impersonate their half-sisters or die, the friends are stuffed into fancy dresses, packed off to the capital, and thrust into the perilous, glittering world of the imperial court.
Traitors lurk in Prince Belisarius’ court, and only his loyal strategos Marduk is above suspicion. As noble-born villains siphon away the souls of their daughters to magnify their magic in secret, Belisarius plots to expose them all—by inviting every noblewoman in the empire to compete for his hand in marriage. But two infuriating imposters in attendance quickly become his bane.
When the friends are discovered, they expect imprisonment—not a deal. Vast riches are on offer if Selene poses as fiancée to the handsome prince while Iliana simpers for the towering strategos—a ploy to lure traitorous enemies to the capital. Yet even as they help secure the throne, false affections flirt with real passions, and Selene and Iliana are convinced they’ll either lose their hearts… or their heads.
This steamy fantasy is perfect for fans of Jeffe Kennedy, Grace Draven and T. Kingfisher.
Content Warnings: child death, death, blood and gore, maiming, torture, kidnapping, swearing, alcoholism, sexism, homophobia, classism, infertility, poisoning, consensual on-page sex.
Book Excerpt from
Poisoned Empire
Context: Traitors lurk in Prince Belisarius’ court. Noble-born villains are siphoning away the souls of their daughters to magnify their magic in secret, hoping to enact a coup. Belisarius plots to expose them all—by inviting every noblewoman in the empire to compete for his hand in marriage. But the competition brings all sorts to the halls of his palace, including the boorish, uncouth Domina Milena Amethyst, daughter of one of the same men Belisarius suspects is after his head.
Domina Milena Amethyst is not who she seems. To the outside world, she’s a domina, the daughter of one of the highest ranked noblemen in the empire of Lethe. In reality? She’s merely his bastard, the poison mage Selene, posing as her titled half-sister in exchange for gold…and her life. Her orders? Act as eccentric as possible to turn all eyes from her other half-sisters, lest anyone else discover there’s something not quite right about them. But no one said she couldn’t have a bit of fun while she’s at it…
Belisarius watched in fascinated horror as the boorish domina parked herself at his private table and grinned as though she’d just achieved some great coup. He prided himself on his reaction, which is to say, he remained sanguine and composed. He’d long known how high to arch his brow to indicate his displeasure.
“What brings the Domina Amethyst to my private table?”
“The view, Your Royal Highness. This is the best place in the palace for a love-struck young beauty to moon over the object of her affections.”
Alas, she was immune to subtlety.
Cornered by the uncouth harridan, he refused to give her the reaction she so clearly sought. Never had anyone taken quite so much pleasure in displeasing him. If he remained cold, maybe she would eventually leave in boredom.
“And who would this young woman be?”
“I haven’t a clue. I only supposed I might try blocking her view. Truly, I do you a favour. Whichever noblewoman here takes the greatest offense is the one most desirous of your affections.”
“I don’t believe I require your services as a foil in order to select my future empress.” The bite in his voice transformed her smile from one of derangement to one of triumph. Damn her. Why was she doing this? To score political points against him by making him look foolish? It was certainly something a petty magister might cook up.
“Don’t tell me—have you already fallen madly in love with me? Is that why you don’t wish me to aid you?” She blinked in mock surprise.
Belisarius swirled the wine in his goblet, wistfully dreaming of throwing it in her face. Her shock might just make that political landmine worth it. If only he could wipe that smug, detestable smirk off her face.
“Tell me, Domina, were you raised by wolves or does your boorishness come naturally?”
At that, a very odd expression crossed the domina’s face. It left him feeling a slight chill. It was gone in a moment, replaced by a leer.
“Ah, if only I’d been raised by beasts with parental instincts. Perhaps I would have learned how to properly appreciate the attentions of noblemen.” She waggled her eyebrows in comic suggestiveness.
Belisarius was beginning to wonder if the woman in front of him was quite sane. Surely no well-adjusted woman of her station implied her parents were lower than beasts, and then made vulgar innuendos. Perhaps this was why no one had heard much of Magister Amethyst’s youngest daughter. He had erred in not specifying that only those playing with a full deck need attend, and this was his punishment for demanding that all of the magistri’s daughters must be present at his bride show.
“Dessert is served, Your Royal Highness.”
One of the servants placed a small cake decorated in gold leaf before him, unruffled by the presence of the impudent woman seated beside him. How Belisarius envied him that quality in this moment. Resolved to ignore her, Belisarius went to take his fork in hand, but the domina had snatched it from under his nose, even daring to take a bite of his food. Just as he was about to lose his patience, she froze. The fork fell from her hand, clattering on the sumptuous tablecloth. Her eyes met his, wide with pain.
A whirl of blue skirts came barrelling into sight. His guards reacted as if Domina Roxane Sapphire were a threat, their spears raised.
“Your Royal Highness, it’s poisoned. Whatever she ate is poisoned!” Roxane hissed.
“Keep your voice down.” Belisarius glared at the blonde. She paled.
Domina Amethyst gasped and choked, her eyes streaming with tears. Roxane patted her gently on the back.
“Water,” Milena wheezed.
One of the guards handed her a glass, and she drank as though parched, coughed a few times more and then breathed easy. Her eyes sparkled with wonder and delight as she stared up at the blonde.
“I think I just ate a mage.” Then she turned bemused amethyst eyes on him. “And you, Your Royal Highness, have very refined taste in mortal enemies.”
“Now that you’ve finished choking on my dessert, I believe you will explain yourselves.” Belisarius regained control of the situation. “Send them to my parlour and have them wait for my arrival. Now, Domina Sapphire, you will escort Domina Amethyst as if assisting an ailing friend. You, Domina Amethyst, will act as if you’ve had a touch too much to drink. I don’t think that should prove too difficult. Send for Nicephorus and Marduk when their absences won’t be noted.”
“Yes, Your Royal Highness,” the guard replied.
“Toodles.” The poison mage waved as she listed from side to side, playing her part.
Roxane whispered something panicked at her before the guard hurried them both away. The prince sipped his wine and contemplated the assassination attempt laid out before him. Was it happenstance that the only noble-born poison mage had sat down with him at just the right time to take a bite of the cake meant for him? Did he have more enemies than he thought, or was this attempt on his life related to the ritual? How did the poison mage fit into all this? He hoped the answers would be forthcoming. Until then, he would act as if nothing were amiss.
The wine soured on his tongue.
Find Poisoned Empire on Goodreads, IndieStoryGeek, Amazon. Thanks for taking the time to join us for this interview!
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