Welcome, friend! Today I am chatting with author Kerry Williams about her book, Other Nature. This is the first book a YA Paranormal Romance series. Let’s welcome Kerry and learn more about the book!
Get to know the author: Kerry Williams
Welcome Kerry! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

Hi! I’m Kerry, author of Other Nature.
I live in a town called Redditch, which is in Worcestershire in the UK with my little family, my fiancée Ben, young daughter Ivy and our cat Solo and huge Czech wolf dog cross, Chewie.
By day I work as a copywriter, I love being able to be creative every day. Writing as a job is a dream.
Creative writing was what I did at University many years ago, but it took me a long time to get here. I worked in recruitment for many years but I am so happy being back to my creative roots now.
Personally, I love all things fantasy and am happiest retreating into other worlds. At the moment I am obsessed with The Folk of the Air by Holly Black and Once Upon a Broken Heart series by Stephanie Garber, bring on September for a Curse for True Love!
I can often be found with a cup of tea in my hand, I am a die hard cat lady and when I am not reading or writing, I love learning about astronomy – huge Brian Cox fan here, I could listen to him all day.
What inspired you to write this book?
The idea for this book has been rattling around my brain since I saw the 2003 version of Peter Pan with Jeremy Sumpter. That film is so magical. I loved the whole cinematography, especially the way that Peter effects the environment around him – that is a huge influence in Other Nature.
I think film and TV holds a lot of inspiration for me, I am a very visual person. Music also holds a huge amount of inspiration and certain pivotal scenes in the book were inspired by certain songs. For each book I have a specific playlist that I would listen to while writing.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
Like I said, the inspiration for Other Nature has been there since 2013 but I didn’t start writing until 2020 at the start of the pandemic. This was when everyone was in lockdown and I needed something to help keep me sane, so I started writing again.
I didn’t take the notion of publishing the book too seriously until I gave it to my sister to read. She loved Other Nature so much and wanted to know what happened next, so the next two books I wrote within the year pretty much for her. Her eagerness to know the end of Peter and Connie’s story definitely kept me going.
Then in autumn 2022 the whole series was picked up by Skye High Publishing. They are a small press so things have moved quickly, which has been amazing. The rest is history.
What makes your story unique?
I would describe my main characters as morally grey, however, this growth to morally grey progresses throughout the book and the series as a whole. Morally grey is my favourite type of character, however, I am interested in the notion of seeing that corruption arc rather than a hero one. At lot of the times in books you find that the morally grey character is less so by the end, I wanted to turn that on its head.
At the start of Other Nature the characters are young, you meet them when they are seventeen and you stay with them across the series until they are adults.
I love the growth you see, and I think what makes this series unique is that the growth doesn’t necessarily make them better people, but you root for them anyway.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
I would describe Other Nature as a YA fantasy romance, it is low fantasy though, so very much set in our world. The settings are very important, the first book is set in the English countryside but the sequels are more international, with book 2 (Gemini) mainly taking place in Varanasi, India and book 3 (The Setting Sun) having a large portion set in New Orleans, USA.
In Other Nature, the fantasy element is a slow drip and is part of the mystery that you have to solve. It might seem like a regular YA romance to start and then it gets more and more fantastical. I would like to think the twists will keep readers guessing.
At its heart, Other Nature is a love story so you will need to be a hopeless romantic like I am. The story is about first love, and contains a boy obsessed trope.
Do you have a favourite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
Chapter seventeen is my favourite of the book, and actually is one of the earliest scenes that I imagined before I started seriously writing Other Nature.
I don’t want to give too much away as it really is the point of no return for the characters but I will include this quote.
“What are you?” I ask, although at this point I’m too far gone to care.“Isn’t it enough that I just want to be yours?” he asks, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.I would usually find this a frustrating answer, but I know he isn’t being evasive. The truth is he doesn’t know.
What is something you have learned on your author journey so far?
I think definitely to be more flexible and open during the editing process. Seeing my work become more polished has been an incredible experience, it was hard at first as it feels like someone is picking apart your baby but when you open yourself up you realise that your editors want to help you make your work better.
When you do that it becomes more of a collaboration, and I have to admit there is a certain thrill about seeing an editor leaving a positive comment in your notes about something you have done well. I am so grateful for all of the value they have bought – it is an emotional experience.
Other Nature
YA Paranormal Romance, Published 2023

Mysterious twins.
Hidden secrets.
And a world of magic beneath our own.
Connie’s life and relationships with her lifelong friends are thrown into turmoil with the arrival of the Burke twins in a quiet country village in the heart of England. She longs for adventure and their sudden appearance, other worldly good looks, and unwillingness to share their past captures her imagination.
While Peter Burke is reluctant to be here, longing for before, for a place to call home, he has no interest following his twin sisters lead and making friends. But the more he is drawn to Connie, the more he wants to reveal about himself and his unconventional upbringing.
Connie feels Peter’s pull like gravity, but the more she learns about him the more she questions what is truly possible in this world.
As their relationship progresses, threads of Peter’s secrets come undone, threatening not only his relationship with Connie but all he holds dear, and making her wonder if some secrets are best kept hidden.
Content notes: Mild references to neglect.
Book Excerpt from
Other Nature
“It must be strange to move to a new place where everyone knows your business, and you don’t know anyone.”
“Very.” Peter smiles at her.
I’m glad Lorna is able to hold it together and break the ice, impervious to his killer smile.
“Your sister was telling us that you’ve joined Brady’s Sports Science class.” Lorna has decided to stick to a safe subject. “So what sports do you like?”
Peter draws a deep breath as if preparing for what he is about to say. “Yes, mostly athletics, like running long distance, that kind of thing. I’m not so good at team games.”
I can’t help but grin . “I’m sure Brady will try his best to try to change that. He’s always forcing us to play games with him. Well, trying at least. I bet he’ll be glad to have some willing participants.”
Anna beams at the idea I’ve suggested by accident. She turns to Brady. “I would love that.”
Peter doesn’t seem so convinced. “I’m always willing to try,” he says, sounding anything but.
“That settles it then,” Brady exclaims. “This Saturday, the field by my house, rounders.”
“Ugh, Con, why did you have to give him ideas?” Lorna throws her head back with a sigh.
“We’ll be there,” Anna says to Brady, something of her carefree countenance returning. At her response, Peter leans forward to rest his head in his hands, massaging his temples as Anna places her hand on his back, rubbing in soothing circles. “It’ll be fun, Peter.”
Her brother looks up at her, defeated, and gives a small nod. This time, she gives her brilliant smile to her brother.
It’s strange interacting with the twins. I imagined Anna would be meek with Peter having to do the talking for her, but it is Peter who is reluctant and reserved. I’m overcome with an urge to drop the pretense and ask a question we are all dancing around. Peter isn’t okay. He may be beautiful, but even from my distance across the table, it’s easy to observe every muscle in his body is tense, in fight or flight mode, ready to run. It seems unnatural not to acknowledge it.
“How are you two holding up?” I ask, the question leaving my mouth before I have a chance to think about what buttons the questions might press.
Peter sits straighter in his seat.
I regret my decision at once, but it’s too late now. “I’m sure you know people have been talking, but I don’t know if anyone has asked you how you are. It must be tough. I can’t imagine how devastating it is to lose your mum and then have to move home.” I’m rambling, and to my horror, no one is stopping me.
My little speech has come to an end.
Peter’s eyes bore holes into me.
Anna flicks her gaze from her brother back to me, opening her mouth to speak, but it’s Peter’s voice I hear.
“It is.” Even the two words are measured. He takes his time to select them, while I wish the world would swallow me whole and not have him stare at me for a second. “Completely overwhelming.”
He turns to Anna, and I see the empathy on her face as she waits for what he is about to tell us. Peter glances at the ceiling as he speaks. “Sooner or later, we need to talk about this, so it might as well be now.”
“You really don’t need to tell us anything.” I try to take it back, guilty for prying. I don’t want to force them to relive any past trauma.
Peter’s expression changes into something maybe bordering on relief. “No, it’s better this way. At least then it’s done.” He takes another breath, keeping his eyes on mine as if this story is only meant for me. “Our mother was sick for most of our lives. Much of our time was spent caring for her. When she died, our whole world fell apart. We have no other family except our Aunt Sally, who we didn’t know until we moved here, when we came to live with her and her husband. After getting here, we came to realize our existence had been sheltered, and we were behind with school and other things. Sally and James worry about us, and we are trying to adapt. But it’s hard.”
“That’s awful. What happened to her? Your mum, I mean?” I ask, unable to stop myself.
Peter glances at Anna—away from me for the first time—their expressions unreadable, before he continues, “We don’t know for sure. Sally and James won’t tell us much. We woke up one day and she was gone. We think they think they are protecting us.”
“Peter found her body,” Anna whispers, and his head whips back to gape at her in disbelief.
Sharing that part of their story was not part of what they’d planned on telling people, I guess.
All of us take a sharp inhale of breath.
“I’m so sorry, Peter.” I release a breath. No wonder he’s so guarded.
“Man, that sucks,” Brady offers, shaking his head.
Peter runs his hand through his hair. “Yeah, it does.”
Lorna looks over in my direction, her large eyes trying to ask me, “What now?”
I can only inch my shoulders a fraction up, bemused, hoping no one else notices our exchange.
Anna saves us from the awkward silence, glancing at the large clock on the wall and saying to Peter, “We should get going.”
Peter stands to follow her, everyone taking the cue and standing to leave also.
Lorna picks up her bag and says, “Con, I just need to run to the loo. Meet me outside?” I agree, then she turns back to Peter and Anna. “It was so nice to finally meet you both,” she tells them and makes her exit.
I’ve taken a few steps before noticing Brady from the corner of my eye trying to linger behind. I can only imagine to be able to talk to Anna again. I fall into step with Peter, hoping to give Brady a window, but he senses Anna is not close by. With concern etched over his face, he looks for her. Up close, the few freckles he has sprinkled on top of his nose distract my attention.
“You know, Brady is a really nice guy,” I offer, considering his protective-brother bit stands out a mile.
“Hmm…” He makes a noise in response, not convinced, but looks back at me, studying my face.
The sudden scrutiny throws me off balance, and I have a need to break the silence. “It might not seem like it now, what with all the gossip and such, but we are quite a friendly bunch when you get to know us. Soon, things will settle down, and people will find new distractions to gossip about. And then you’ll realize things around here are quite boring.”
Why can’t I stop rambling?
I’m cringing inside as the words fall out of my mouth. I am not even sure if I’m making sense anymore, but Peter looks sort of amused. At least he’s distracted from Anna and Brady’s conversation, so mission accomplished, I guess.
“Do you find it boring here?” he asks, the corners of his lips turning up just enough to make my treacherous heart pick up speed.
Yes, he is finding my ramble amusing. Why won’t he look away for a moment like a normal person? His constant gaze is making me squirm.
“Believe me, Peter, you and your sister are the most interesting thing to happen to this village in my lifetime. So, yeah, not a lot goes on here.” I laugh, hoping at casual.
“Hmm… maybe a little too interesting for you.”
“What does that mean?” I narrow my eyes at him, wondering if he is teasing me.
“I guess you will find out.” Peter steps closer to me, just a fraction, but it’s enough to have the desired effect.
His sudden closeness clouds my ability to think. His eyes are bottomless brown pools, and I find myself glancing down at his lips. A thrill dances down my body and sizzles on my skin like electricity. A strange pull toward him forms somewhere in my chest, hot like a flame. Something deep in my subconscious whispers, Danger.
Anna brushes past me. “Ready, Peter?” she asks, red-faced, as she walks by me.
Without another word to me, Peter is following his sister, leaving me wondering quite what happened the moment before.
Brady is next to me in a heartbeat, looking buoyant, which is welcome light relief. For some reason, I’m a little rattled by my interaction with Peter. What was that? I shake it off, turning my attention to my friend.
“Mr. Timms, was Anna Burke blushing as she walked by just now?” I joke with him.
“Well, I kind of had to ask for her digits to arrange Saturday, the rounders match.”
“It looks like she was happy to give them.”
“Yes, Connie, I got her number. Happy?”
“Very. I couldn’t think of a better friend for Anna to make than you.” I laugh, and Brady pokes me in the ribs, but his grin stretches from ear to ear, so he doesn’t mind me teasing.
“You and Peter looked pretty deep in conversation yourselves,” Brady teases back with a loaded expression.
“I don’t know what that was,” I reply, and Brady shoots me a quizzical look. It’s true, though. I don’t know what happened other than we said some words—which I’m now struggling to recall—and just kind of stared at each other. Relieved I don’t have to explain my overactive imagination to Brady, I motion to the ladies. “I better pick up Lor.”
Once in the bathroom, I find Lorna leaning against the sink, waiting for me.
“That. Was. Intense.” She pulls me deeper into the bathroom.
“I know,” I say in mock exhaustion, joining her and looking in the mirror to see if my face is showing any clear signs of stress. “I am such an idiot. What was I thinking asking questions like that?”
She puts a hand on each of my shoulders, turning me to face her. “You were just saying what everyone else was thinking, Connie. Plus, now it has been said, and we can move on and be normal around them.”
“Something tells me those two will never be anything close to normal.”
Thank you for hanging out with us today. Find Other Nature on Goodreads and Amazon. Connect with Kerry on Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Goodreads and her website.
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