October 2020 Wrap-Up

5 min read

Hello bookish friends! It was my birthday on the 2nd of October and I decided to start a new chapter with some new goals. This is partly why you have not been seeing a lot of reviews on the blog – I have been putting my energy into art and other interests, and hanging out more on Instagram. To switch it up a bit and give you some more recommendations that have not yet been (or may never be) made into full reviews, every month, I’ll be posting a compilation of my reads. Ariel will also be giving an update on her reading. We hope that you will find some great suggestions for your TBR, all in one post! Without further ado, let’s get into the October 2020 reads for us:

Kriti’s Selection

October 2020 Wrap-Up - kriti's instagram selection

I reached my limit on how many books I have started simultaneously, though that did not stop me from starting another one! Visiting the library more frequently has helped me prioritize my own reading over review copies. For October 2020, I completed seven books:

Miracle creek reading experience - Wrap-Up
  • Night (review on Armed with A Book not yet scheduled, Instagram) Part of the History Reading Map project.
Night reading experience - October 2020 Wrap-Up
The Memory police reading experience - October 2020 Wrap-Up
The Bookish Like of Nina Hill reading experience - October 2020 Wrap-Up
The Lost Queen reading experience - October 2020 Wrap-Up
  • Such a Fun Age (buddy read with Ariel, Instagram)
Such a Fun Age reading experience - October 2020 Wrap-Up
Ink reading experience - October 2020 Wrap-Up


  • Number of library books: 5/7
  • Review copies: 1/7
  • Buddy Reads: 3/7

Something new that I tried: Supernatural thriller (Ink)

Seeing so many buddy reads and discussions in October makes me happy! A little bit about my goals for my 27th year:

Fioan and my 27th birthday books
See full post on Instagram

✨ Read well known and thought provoking works.

I have spent the last two years reading and reviewing books through NetGalley and via author requests. However, this has really pushed the books I wanted to read to the back of my TBR. I will be focusing more on those books, with fewer review commitments. This means getting more physical books from my local library! 📚

✨ Pursue art.

I used to love drawing and painting and this year, I will prioritize that. I have already started learning Procreate and my @digital.endeavours account will be dedicated to my art work. I am hoping to post at least something new once a week and so far I have shared art and bullet journal spreads.

✨ Read more with friends.

Buddy reading is so much fun, especially with Ariel, Erynn, Stephen and Varun. I am hoping to continue that with them and find other bookish friends to read with!

✴️ Wishes

I put a lot of stress on myself with regards to activities that should have been for leisure. I will try my best to be more intentional this year and believe in myself and my capabilities. This will also let me be present with my family, friends and Fiona. 🙂

That’s all for my update! It will be shorter next month, I promise! Check out Ariel’s below!

Ariel’s Selection for October 2020

For October, I want to highlight some of my most notable reads:

  • Burning Roses 
  • There There
  • The Travelling Cat Chronicles
October 2020 Wrap-Up - Ariel's instagram selction 1
  • The Memory Police (Instagram)
  • The Black Kids (Instagram)
  • Kingdom of the Wicked( Instagram)
October 2020 Wrap-Up - Ariel's instagram selction 2
  • Borne (Instagram)
  • Winter Counts (Instagram)
  • Such A Fun Age (Instagram)


  • Most-read genre: Literary Fiction
  • Most-common rating: 4 stars
  • Longest book: Kingdom of the Wicked
  • Shortest book: Burning Roses

Some thoughts:

It’s a little unexpected that I read mostly literary fiction this month. Usually I stick to Science Fiction and Fantasy with the occasional foray into horror or thrillers. However, I think I’ve discovered a quiet love for literary fiction this month as it dives into tough existential themes that resonate with me and causes me to think and expand my horizons. I’m excited to see where November leads me, especially since I will be participating in IndigAThon! 

How was your October 2020 for reading?

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Kriti K Written by:

I am Kriti, an avid reader and collector of books. I bring you my thoughts on known and hidden gems of the book world and creators in all domains.

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