Welcome to the first Non-Fiction feature of the year! To put time towards something – to grow in an area, to learn a new skill, anything we want to spend time doing – we first have to find something else that we can free up our time from. Made for More has many facts like this one – obvious things that we miss – and how we can use them to our benefit. I loved this book! I picked it up when I was craving a boost of positivity and empowerment and it was exactly what I got!
Made for More: A Fresh Start Approach to a Bolder, Brighter You

By Lindsay Sealey | Goodreads
Made for More is an inspirational call to action filled with creative tools and tips to help young women live a balanced, purposeful life.
As a young woman transitioning from teenage years into adulthood, you know life has many moving parts. You may feel uncertain as you figure out who you are, what matters most, and what your passions could be. Made for More will challenge you to examine how you can bring more of what you want into your life—and leave behind those things that no longer serve you. Through exercises, inspirational stories, and expert advice, you will learn to let go of perfection and the need to prove yourself in favor of self-acceptance and finding your true purpose.
This book will show you how to:
• Create happiness instead of waiting for happiness to find you
• Feel confident and let go of self-doubt
• Become more comfortable with being yourself
• Focus more easily on what matters to you
• Achieve progress over perfection
• Make more meaningful connections
• Gain power and ditch the fear
Made for More will lead you on an exciting journey of self-discovery to relinquish the pressures of who you think you should be, and instead, realize your power and rise up to become even more.
Made for More
When I was a teenager, at one of the scholastic fairs at school, I found a book that became my best friend. I wish I could remember the name of it but all I remember is that it was girls, it was pink and it was a journal. It had random things like if you are born on a Thursday then you are hard working. I was hard working then and I kept thinking it was because I was born on a thursday. I was born on a Saturday and those are my favorite days as an adult. Made for More is my best book friend now. I love it as much as I love Soundtracks by Jon Acuff. Two best book friends, life is awesome!
Made for More came to me at a time when I needed a boost of positivity. The wedding was a month and a half away and the busy time with pre-wedding functions had not started yet but it was all coming. I had done all the work I could do up front but I also felt the lack of motivation and goals because I was going to be busy and tied up until mid October. Made for More reminded me of me. It helped bring up some lessons I had learned from Soundtracks and see them with fresh eyes, to embrace them with a new zeal.
Though I am a little older than the target audience, Made for More resonated with me and I quite enjoyed getting Lindsay’s ideas on so many aspects of living well. The book addresses important concepts like confidence, empowerment, time management, and authenticity, presenting what they are, what they are not, and the steps that we can take to get to know ourselves and build them. I hadn’t spent much time defining these words before, having some idea of what they mean based on what I have seen around me. I liked how Made for More challenged these perceptions, gave me time to think and form a solid understanding with the help of inspirational examples from her and her clients’ every lives.
One of my favorite ideas from the book (introduced even before the chapters begin because this is an important underlying framework) is that of more and less. It’s a way of thinking about time. If I want to do more of something, say more time writing, I need to do less of something else. My days are occupied by work and my evenings are for me. I just hadn’t thought of my evenings as a jigsaw of things I do. What will make me more happy to do less of? What can I stop doing to spend more time writing? With Made for More, I learned to set kind goals again, for myself, and to show up for myself.

When I was reading this book, I had only recently started my collections lists. Made for More helped grow it while also giving me the opportunity to look back at what I have built and remind myself of the lessons I have learned. I always sat with my journal when I read this book. I was able to reconnect with my values and incorporate many of the techniques that Lindsay mentions into my lifestyle. I love her confidence planner.
Some ideas I have implemented in my day to day:
– writing down my three worries and wins at the end of the day
– noticing the things that make me feel confident and good
– trying to make time for things by putting into context what I am going to spend less time on
– having a running list of routines that feel good
My experience with reading lots of non-fiction is many of them cover similar ideas but the timing of picking up the book, the content, the voice of the author all contribute to how impactful and unique a book is. Made for More may offer a refresher of ideas for some readers, but for me, it opened my mind to being ok with the mistakes I make, seeing the things I am working on for myself, the potential I can reach and how every day is a brand new start! It felt like an honest conversation that I needed as I embark on the next stage of adulthood (marriage!).
Made for More is a heart to heart with life and it is a book I will definitely visit again. Already, I have flipped through my notes a few times and it has been months since I read it. I am always excited to spend more time with this book.
Many thanks to Claire McKinneyPR for giving me a copy of the book for an honest review.
About the Author: Lindsay Sealey

Fancy titles, education, and accomplishments aside, I am someone who is deeply dedicated to helping girls feel great and be their greatest, most truest selves.
As a girl enthusiast, I am deeply dedicated to walking alongside girls on their journey through girlhood – and I feel grateful every day for the privilege of living out what I believe to be true – I can make a difference each and every day in the lives of young girls by listening to them, meeting them where they are at, and being being present to them – to create a safe and sacred space for them to share their stories, connect with their emotions and inner experiences, and share what truly matters most to them.
That is all to say, I aim to motivate, empower, and inspire through teaching, coaching, consulting, mentoring, and guiding. That’s exactly why I created Bold New Girls ™.
Connect with Lindsay on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and her website. Stay tuned for my interview with her!
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