Hello bookworms! We were going to put together a list of library books we have enjoyed so far this year but rather than beating the list idea to death, we thought we would share how our library habits have evolved over the course of the last year! Libraries are super important for the community – they are not just the place to get books and resources from, a lot of people use them to access computer and printer services. Libraries often host book clubs and special events and with COVID, a lot has changed.
Ariel, has your use of the library evolved with the pandemic? You moved during this period, did that expand your experience with local libraries?
It did, and it’s been interesting to see how different local libraries host different types of events. I love the library, and I’ve been using it consistently since I was very young. I still use the library consistently, but it is mostly with ebooks and drive-up pickups of physical holds.
I clearly remember when I first started using the library! The first book I borrowed was the audiobook for Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult and hearing you talk about the library and putting books on hold for our buddy reads has had a tremendous influence on me. Since we became friends, I have used the library so much! It did not even cross my mind for the longest time that I could go get physical books from the library – it does not have to be a solely online affair! The first physical book I got was Miracle creek in October 2020! And since, I have borrowed so many books that I have lost track. I only went in a couple of times to the hold section before libraries shut down due to the lockdown. Did your library shut down for physical access?
Physically yes, but digitally thankfully no, they have a fairly robust online system with Overdrive and Libby, so their monthly book events went digital. What are some books you realize you miss when your library was closed? For me, it was graphic novels. I really do love physically going through a graphic novel, the electronic version is just not my preference. Once the library’s physical books reopened, I realized that I had a lot of graphic novels stacked up in my TBR. Recently, that’s been my goal– to finally get those read!
Same! Graphic novels are best read in physical format. I have borrowed a few from the library since I started getting physical books. Though I don’t have a long TBR of graphic novels, I hope to get some good recommendations from you when I need some quick aesthetic reads.

We started doing curbside pickup as well and the events also moved to online. Books like The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and The Library of Lost and Found really shed light on the different ways in which people use the library. I did not realize how many young kids’ programs are facilitated by libraries and how new moms use them to socialize their kids. As readers with fairly straightforward reasons to access the library, I would say we were not impacted that badly with the restrictions.
What are some measures that your library is taking to protect patrons now? Apart from the usual within building restrictions like masks and hand sanitizers, my local library quarantines books for 72 hours before they are ready to pick up.
While patrons aren’t allowed in the building, curbside pickup is available to schedule an appointment with mine and a 7-day quarantine between each loan is conducted. It’s better than nothing, so I’m very thankful.
I love my weekly library trips! I get so many books and it is fascinating to see which ones are in demand. Even when there are 50+ copies of books, some have 200+ holds on them which speaks a lot about the books that the community is interested in. What are some popular books in your library? Where the Crawdads Sing, The Henna Artist and The Pull of the Stars are some popular titles at mine.
Right now, I am 10 weeks from getting You Had Me At Hola and that’s the longest hold I have! I tend to have a constant stack of holds waiting for me, so I try not to put too many on hold at once unless I see that it’s a big wait.
Thank you for inviting me to this conversation about libraries, Kriti!
Do you use your local library? Have you visited it recently?
Photo of library by Alfons Morales on Unsplash
This was an interesting read! Loved reading how your libraries worked and how often you visit. WOW, 50+ copies of one book? In one library? How? I mean, even the most popular books here only have 1-5 copies per library. As for the questions, no I haven’t visited in a while, the libraries have been closed for visiting since December 15th. Most do allow books to be picked up… but only up to 2-5 books each time. Since my three libraries aren’t that close (two are 20 minute car rides and 1 is 15 minute bike ride, so not too far, but still not worth it to go out in a lockdown). I hope I can visit soon, because I really want to get out of my house and get some new books. There is an online library (just one in general, not one per library, haha) but it has barely anything new and very very little English or Children/YA books and you can only borrow up to 10 books per 3 weeks.
I would struggle with that 10 book limit! I think mine is at 30 or 40? The city where I live has a huge library with multiple branches and they pool in all their collection so 50+ makes some sense. I will be moving soon and that is a smaller library with 1-5 copies like yours. I totally understand a 20 min drive being too far – that is exactly why I am changing libraries when I move. I don’t want to drive far at all! I hope you are able to visit your library soon.
I guess that make sense then! And maybe the budget at those libraries is much higher than the budgets libraries (no matter how big) get here.
I would love to visit my local library in my town (10 minute walk), but sadly that is such a tiny library. It is a fun one, but it doesn’t have a lot.
I hope your new library is much better! Bigger!
Thank you. Hopefully soon indeed. Let’s hope this lockdown disappears in April.
I’ve been focusing on my library’s digital options this past year, too — including the online hold system for physical items, which I then pick up via curbside.
I’ve also been borrowing more audiobooks through Libby, so I can have an excuse to take long walks with my earbuds in. 😁
At the same time, I’ve also been buying a lot more books online, particularly nostalgic favorites that my library doesn’t carry.
Glad to hear you are using the library in your unique way. Audiobooks are great for walks! I have been buying a lot of books too – anything that I can’t get from the library right now and am too impatient to wait, goes in the cart.