Hi everyone! Today I have Kaelyn Buzzo with me and she is sharing about her debut novel, In The Dark. In this post, learn about Kaelyn and her book and read an excerpt from the fantasy paranormal fiction.
Get to know the author: Kaelyn
Welcome to Armed with A Book, Kaelyn! Tell me and my readers a bit about yourself!

A born and raised Floridian, I have been an avid bookworm since childhood. I love the power of words and the stories that draw you in so powerfully, it feels as if you are experiencing every touch, taste, and emotion yourself. I wanted to give readers that visceral experience with In the Dark, my debut novel which I wrote mostly from my local coffee shop. I am also a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who writes about veganism, mental health, and body image, all themes that feature prominently in my book along with my love and faith in God as a Christian.
When I’m not reading, writing, or coaching, I am playing volleyball or hanging out with my two smaller furbabies (my three-footed cat named Raja and my half-blind dog named Milo) or on my family’s farm with my much larger furbabies, two Quarter horse Paints named Titan (aka Grumpy) and Winston.
What inspired you to write this book?
You can read a more in-depth answer to this question on my website here: http://kaelynbuzzo.com/why-i-started-writing-my-series-in-the-dark/
Basically, the short version of my answer is that I was struggling to find my “purpose” post-college graduation, always had, really. I was, and still am, a sucker for adventure, for depth in life and relationships, and an adrenaline junkie (newly found and admitted). Writing my book was a way for me to escape depression and anxiety and the constant doubt that cornered me at every turn. What was my purpose? Why was I here? What was I here for?
All of these questions nagged me. I needed a purpose, desperately. I found that writing my book, In The Dark. Publishing a book may not be as sparkly, simple, and straightaway successful as I had hoped, but I’m not going to stop. I found a part of myself in writing and I won’t stop putting my stories out there, even if it means only connecting to one person who reads my story. That still means the world to me.
How long did it take you to write this book, from the first idea to the last edit?
Almost 3½ years total! It took about 1½ years to write In The Dark and about the same amount of time to edit and publish my book.
What makes your story unique?
I wrote it (not to sound vain, or anything). This is something I’ve learned as a human being. Each and every one of us is incredibly unique. We may have similarities to others, we may like some of the same things and have quirks that are alike, but there will never be anyone that is you. You are one of a kind. The same can be said for my book.
My goal as a writer turned author is that my books will reach people’s hearts. That they will be able to relate to my book, my characters, or even find joy in stepping away from the stress of life. I want to connect to others through my stories, to relate to others that fall into the world of words as I have.
Who would enjoy reading your book?
Honestly, anyone can enjoy this book. I don’t particularly enjoy picking an estimated “age range” to target those that could enjoy my book. I’ve had people in the 60-70 age group read my book in less than 24 hours…even though the estimated target range for my book is 20-35! Age doesn’t matter in this case. What matters is if you have a fancy for fantasy, adventure, and character building. For the nitty-gritty, down-to-earth, hands-on experience of a character going through ups and downs after experiencing major lows. To me, that’s a story I want to stick with and I hope anyone that reads my book will be able to do the same.
What’s something you hope readers would take away from it?
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Life can get dark, it can be grey and cloudy, but there will always be light at the end of the tunnel ready to shine light into the darkness. That God will be with you, that He loves you just as much in the lows as in the highs. That He is not responsible for the evil in the world and whether you see it or not, He is fighting battles against evil in your honor.
Do you have a favorite quote or scene in the book that you find yourself going back to?
Yes! There’s a part in my book where Kalea has a hard time distinguishing between dream and reality. I’m a big fan of psychological mind-benders and watching character-building through traumatic events or experiences (I’m not a sicko, I promise). Having Kalea be my first ever main character who has to handle, suffer, and try to conquer all of the traumatizing events I put her through makes her an absolute trooper (love you, Lea!). I don’t want to spoil anything so I’m being pretty vague, but if, and hopefully when, you read my book, you’ll know the part I’m talking about.
In The Dark

“There are monsters in this world. Ones that cause trouble, ones that will not show themselves, ones that tell lies, and ones that stalk your nightmares. Mine has come to meet me in person.”
Kalea lived a simple, carefree life, on the threshold of entering college. That is, until one of the monsters found her. And kidnapped her. Taking her away from her home and throwing her into a place of darkness and screams. Of pain and torture.
On the cusp of giving up all hope, she finds a chance to escape and stumbles onto a secluded mountain property in Colorado. There are strange men here, kind, but they have secrets they’re not telling her. Meanwhile, her Monster is searching for her, and unexplainable things are happening.
In this thrilling supernatural adventure, readers will follow Kalea as she finds her place in a world full of monsters, magic, and madness. They’ll grab hold of the dark secrets that surround her, the fierce friendships in her new community, and the strength of her fortitude as she barrels through tragedy to learn who she is, what she can do, and who she is meant to become.
Content notes: Mental illness (PTSD & Trauma), Physical abuse. There are traumatic events in my book. If this could trigger you, please don’t read my book. I don’t want to have any part in causing that for any person.
Find this book on Goodreads, Storygraph, Amazon.
Book Excerpt from
In The Dark
Screams and shouts echoed throughout the humid night’s air. My heart rapid-fire against my chest.
The sounds of her struggles cut off. The raged warrior cry abruptly morphed. Terror combined with unimaginable pain heightened the pitch of her voice, latching onto me as I peeled farther and farther into the bare forest. My throat squeezed, but I pumped my arms faster. Her screams followed me, the steady stretch of distance dimming the heartbreaking confession of agony. A loud crack slammed into my senses causing me to stutter in my stride. A branch had broken underfoot. I couldn’t hear much over my rushed footfalls and ragged breathing. They had to be following me. Were they close? Breathing down my neck? Back of my neck tingling, I pushed harder. Faster. Far away from here. From them.
Air whistled past. Branches smacked my skin. Rocks stabbed my bare feet. My muscles burned, begging me to relent. To ease my pace. But I couldn’t, not now. If I was caught, a promise of a much more painful fate than my lack of endurance awaited me.
Blood and dirt marred the once-white material of the formless dress I was forced to wear. I endured a relentless pace. Sweat soaking my skin. Add in a dash of humidity, a whole lot of fear, and I was drenched, the dress clinging to my body like a second skin.
When I was first captured, I’d plotted and planned every second I was awake. How far I would go to get out, what I would do to them once I got out. Bitterness raked my insides. But what could I do? Nothing. I was powerless. Weak. Helpless. That point had been absorbed harshly and quickly after my first—and only—attempt at escape. I didn’t try again.
I had given up hope. Until tonight.
I would have rotted in that cell if it weren’t for her. She created a window of opportunity. A small one, but one that couldn’t be wasted. And yet, I had hesitated for the barest of moments.
That hesitation might cost me.
Time passed. I wasn’t sure how much.
I moved on autopilot. Fearful and paranoid, I ran and ran, sustaining my pace with an innate sense of direction. Somehow, I didn’t run into a tree or—God forbid—off a cliff. My muscles were screaming.
The terrain blurred past as I continued on as if the hounds of hell were nipping at my feet. In the dark, the trees loomed over me. An eerie presence at night, now comforting, as if I were being shielded in the cover of their bare branches. Everything was dead and dark here. The trees had no leaves or greenery. There was no grass, only dirt and rock. Life had been sucked out of this place.
Inconvenienced by my rebellion, would they kill me on the spot? Or would they take me back and make me plead for death? I shuddered, hardening my resolve to keep going. To hurry. For there was one solid conclusion in what would happen if they took me back.
I wouldn’t make it out a second time.
I scrambled for a plan, mind racing at a pace rivaling my feet. Find shelter and food. Somewhere to lay low and recoup. Resentment that burned like acid had me surging forward with renewed fervor. Laying low was impossible, and not because of the current state of my clothes and matted hair that hid my natural blonde coloring. What kept me from being considered invisible, from blending in, wasn’t removable. Etched into my skin was a sour reminder of who and what would find me if I stopped running. If I was caught.
Flames steadily encroached, penetrating my lungs and making it hard to breathe. The fire spread to my legs as I pushed on. White clouds ghosted past as I gasped for air. The night air had grown chilly, my sweat-soaked gown worsening the conditions tenfold.
Out of nowhere, a blast of wind slammed me in the face, momentarily blinding me. I gasped in shock and then again in fear, for when I opened my eyes, I found myself surrounded, but not by pursuers. Gusts of air encircled me, and I shrieked as my feet left the ground. I tried grabbing onto some sort of anchor, a stray root or branch, but what I could only describe as a typhoon of wind enveloped me, leaving me helpless to its tempestuous force. Absolutely terrified now, I clutched my limbs to my torso and covered my head.
Then, as abruptly as it had come, it was gone. I yelped, my back smacking the forest floor. I lay there, stunned, dragging in air like a banked fish.
Grass cushioned my forearms and hands, replacing the barren ground of sticks and dirt. Lush greenery covered almost every inch of space available, the rich color of plants boasting the bountiful nutrients provided to them. Birds flitted about, chirping happily and singing to anyone who would listen. The aura of this place was so…light. Sunlight peeking over the curtains of the mountains contrasted heavily to the eternal darkness I had escaped from.
Steeling myself, I stood up on shaky legs. I examined the surrounding luscious oaks, tall pines, and rich flora for hints of danger, like say, sudden typhoons. My concerns were left graciously unfulfilled. Seeing no other option but to adapt to the turn of events, I warily trekked forward into the unknown.
The pulsing urgency to run, to move, had dissipated. The tension tightening my shoulders lessened the further I traveled. Wherever this was, they weren’t. The hairs on the back of my neck, previously ramrod straight, steadily flattened. More than once, I staggered. Invisible metal chains dragged behind me as I pressed on. My lungs were able to catch a break at this ambling pace, but my legs? They were giving out, and I wasn’t far from giving in. The luscious forest floor was increasing in its appeal as a makeshift bed.
Still, an inexplicable sensation prevented that from occurring. It drew me forward, a magnetized pull from deep inside my gut. Tugging at me when I paused for too long, the energy to rebel nonexistent. The charged sensation willed me to persevere. To blindly follow.
Connect with Kaelyn on Instagram and her website. Also find her on Facebook and Pinterest.
If you are an indie author and would like to do a book excerpt, check out my work with me page for details.
Cover image: Photo by Breno Machado on Unsplash
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