Welcome to my stop for the Bookish Blog Hop – Winter Hop 2019! This blog hop is organized by Jo Lindsell and this is my first time taking part in it. It’s been super fun answering a different question for every day and being hosted on other blogs. Since it’s my turn, the question for the day that I’ll be sharing about is:
Do you use NetGalley, Edelweiss, or other such site?
As book bloggers, reviewers and avid readers, there are so many places we can discover new books and authors to read. When I started out in June 2019, I made accounts on 2 sites: BookSirens and NetGalley. Though BookSirens was great to get the lay of the lands, NetGalley is the one with more variety and my go-to when I am looking for books. As I have mentioned in Who are you as a reader? – The Introspection, these platforms as well as the library, have led me to read more digital copies of books.
Let’s hear from fellow book bloggers and book lovers!

Jo Linsdell @ JoLinsdell.com
I love Net Galley! I’ve been a member of the site since 2016 and read loads of great books that I’ve been sent via the site, including some awesome ARCs.
As an international blogger this site is a real blessing. It’s a great way to discover new authors.

Leslie Conzatti @ Upstream Writer
I do not, and here’s why:
I don’t need it. Not that I’m not interested–the idea of being able to access ARCs of books I could only wait for to arrive at the library, or find in bookstores is very exciting, and were I the sort of person who had trouble finding new books to read and coming up with reading material, I would absolutely love the chance!
But it’s been six years now, and I can still waltz into the library at any given day and find six new interesting titles that I would actually very much want to read! That, plus the giveaways I am notified about through the various writing/reading/author groups I’m in on Facebook, AND the odd discount/freebie that pops up on Amazon makes Leslie one very happy and well-supplied reader!

Kaili @ Entertainingly Nerdy
NetGalley and Edelweiss are apps that I love but also regret getting. I love them because I love getting the ARCS from them. I love to read and I love the idea of getting advanced copies of highly anticipated reads. There’s always a rush when I get approved for books that I didn’t think I would get approved for. The reason I don’t like it is because I do have a tendency to request tons of books that I have no reason to be requesting. But I won’t stop using them mostly because it’s one of my access to some books that I probably never would have discovered otherwise. I’ve been using NetGalley for a little over a year now. Edelweiss I just started using about a month or two ago!

Valerie @ Cats Luv Coffee Book Reviews
I constantly use Netgalley. I love being able to find new authors and books to read. I struggle with it too because it’s so easy to request far more than you have time to read! I’ve found a lot of authors that I probably would not have read if not for Netgalley. I do have an Edelweiss account but I rarely use it. I don’t think it’s as easy to use as Netgalley.

Robin @ Robin Loves Reading
I use NetGalley 95% of the time, but I also use Edelweiss. I am auto-approved on both platforms for several major publishers. Honestly, the reason that I use Edelweiss less even though they auto-approved me more is because I am so desperately trying to get my ratio down at NetGalley. I love both platforms because they book selections are excellent. If I ever get my ratio to a level I am comfortable with, I will make more use of Edelweiss.
I love how all these answers bring up some great points about sites like NetGalley and Edelweiss.
- They give us access to books and authors we might not discover otherwise, especially from other parts of the world.
- They allow us to quench (sometimes 😉 ) our never ending thirst for books.
- They are different services from going to the library or getting a physical book – but they have their place in giving us the thrills of reading a new book!
Do you use NetGalley or any of the services we mentioned here? Tell us in the comments!
Cover Image: From VisualHunt.com
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