If you are looking for a diverse set of characters, an amazing storyline and jaw-dropping action scenes, you have to read Desa Kincaid: Bounty Hunter. This new novel by RS Penney covers a number of themes from technology to friendship and fantastical element of powers from nature (the Ether). Desa is an amazing protagonist. She is shrouded in mystery and a private person. Thus, it is not surprising that it takes a while to get to know her. She is also on a mission…
Here is the synopsis:
Desa Kincaid has spent the last ten years in pursuit of a man whose experiments have killed over a dozen people.
Blessed with the power to transform ordinary objects into devastating weapons, she journeys through trading ports, backwater towns, forests, deserts and the haunted remains of a dead city.
But can she stop her enemy before he unleashes something terrible on the world?
My Short Take – From Goodreads
Desa Kincaid has been travelling the world in pursuit of one man. She isn’t always welcomed to towns because of her powers that most people do not understand, but she does not let that waver her. She has a mission and she is willing to see it through to the end. She is a powerful character who inspires others around her. She does not see her powers as anything special. She believes anyone can learn them if they have the chance.
In this book, the first of the series I am hoping (!), we see Desa gain new friends and come close to the enemy she has been pursuing for a decade now. What follows is a journey into unknown territories, powers that she never envisioned could exist and elegant fight sequels using the powers of the Ether that she and others are able to manipulate. Many a times, I was on the edge of my seat, on a roller coaster ride with what the characters were experiencing. RS Penney does an amazing job of setting each scene and giving a voice to each character involved. The places that they journey to, the people they meet, the experiences they had are well thought out.

The Long Take – Themes for Thought
Nature’s Powers
In Desa’s world, the Ether is the source of power. By meditating, one is able to connect to it and enter a world which is full of energy. The materialistic world falls away and a world of pure potential emerges. Desa infuses coins, bullets and other daily-use items with energy from the Ether, manifesting powers like controlling gravity, heat and electricity. This art is known as Field Binding and she is one of the best Field Binders out there. As we follow her story, we learn that Field Binding is a guided secret in the city that she trained, while she personally believes that everyone should be allowed to learn and use it.

Learning Resilience
My favorite quality of Desa’s is her resilience. She faces perils and choices throughout her journey and she never gives up. She thinks through her options and is not deterred by the obstacles thrown in her way. Though it takes a while to understand why she is chasing Bendarian and the crimes that he commited, the plot is a good one, letting Desa’s character develop in multiple dimensions.
She is a friend, a leader, a confidant, a thinker-on-her-feet. And when she sees potential in someone, she is also a mentor and teacher.
A Tale of Inclusion
We live in a world where accepting different gender and sexual orientations is important and books like Desa Kincaid are a great example of acceptance of identities. I know bookbloggers out there who purposefully seek out books that have diverse set of characters: gay, straight, lesbian, bi-sexual, and other orientations. This tale has many main characters with such diverse orientations. Desa herself identifies as lesbian.
Desa takes Tommy under her wing when he and his lover have to leave their town. His eagerness and curiosity about her is different from the general reaction that she encounters from most people. Though she has been taught that Field Binding is reserved for the few, she decides to teach Tommy how to do it anyway, giving him baby-challenges to master.
This is another good attribute of her. She is a mentor and a teacher. She provides encouragement and feedback when it is needed and keeps Tommy believing in himself, even if there are times when their relationship is not in the place she would like it to be. Like a true teacher, when it comes to the craft, she puts her pupil’s needs first.
I really enjoyed reading it. I can’t wait to read more of Desa’s journey. I highly recommend this book to those who love action, magic, western stories, romance and fantasy.
I am grateful to the author and publisher for giving me a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with RS Penney! 🙂
** Desa Kiincaid: Bounty Hunter is out now so get a copy and let me know what you think! Let’s have a discussion about the future! **
Cover Photo by pina messina on Unsplash
Sunset image from VisualHunt.com
Abstract photo of energy and the ether by Billy Huynh on Unsplash
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