Welcome to the twelfth and final Backlist Bingo 2024 Check in! Thank you so much for following along with us in this challenge. Let’s take a quick look at how the year went for us and the participants.
Ariel’s Bingo Card

Ariel finished her Bingo board!
Kriti’s Bingo Card

I am quite happy to have read 15 books through this challenge. It was fun to focus on Indie and review copies to tackle those sections of my TBR.
What Participants read during Backlist Bingo

Over the course of the year, the community read 108 books.
Four popular titles that were read by multiple participants were:

- A Psalm for the Wild-Built
- Court of Thorns and Roses
- The Scarlet Alchemist
- Vera Wang’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers
30% of the books were published in 2023. Books published in 2022 and 2021 were also widely read during the challenge.

Check out our spreadsheet if you are curious about individual titles.
Closing Thoughts on Backlist Bingo 2024
It is natural to commit to a variety of things in the new year. Over our five years of reading, Ariel and I have designed a few different challenges. Some we have shared with you, others we created to read together. Some we have successfully completed in the year – Horror A Month, this particular version of Backlist Bingo – while others such as Romance Throughout the Year and Armed with A Bingo – were interrupted for various reasons. No matter what happens, it is always good to be more mindful about our reading and we love sharing what we have been upto with you!
For everyone who joined us in Backlist Bingo, we hope you had fun. Whether you added your books to our spreadsheet or not, we hope you read something from your backlist and felt great for having finally picked up that book.
As 2024 turns to 2025, I bet there are many more books on your TBR than what you started with in January. I hope you read some of them in 2025, or whenever the time is right.
Have a wonderful new year’s eve! See you next year. 🙂
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