Guess who’s back with me on Armed with A Book today? Zenobia! She was here last to kick off my 2019 in Books for Book lovers series. Since then, her book blog – That Zen Blog – is all revamped and ready – do visit that now, or as soon as you are done reading :). I’m catching up with her about #ArmedWithABingo today.
Hi! It’s so much fun to be back.
How’s reading going this year, Zenobia?
So far it’s going great! I’ve read more this month than I have in such a long time. And guess what? All the books I’ve read so far have all been 4 star reads! That makes it even better.

What made you join #ArmedWithABingo?
I wanted to follow a reading challenge but all the others that I came across were theme specific. I couldn’t manage my current reading list under those. But then you came up with this idea and it fit perfectly. I use the board as a guide now. It gives me ideas of what to pick up next.
When you first looked at your board, was there a prompt that you were super excited to start first or one that terrified you in some way?
I already had a couple of books planned for this year and I couldn’t choose which. I had planned to start with “A book I meant to read in 2019” but had to unfortunately DNF that one. I guess it was the Fantasy board that excited me next
How far along on the board are you at the moment?
So far I’m at 4 books.
Apart from #ArmedWithABingo, are you taking part in any other challenges?
No I’m not. I think it is easier to start with only one at the moment.
Apart from an avid reader, what are your other interests?
I like to write and paint. I wish I had more time to work on these two hobbies. All my time goes in working and blogging.

Are you part of the #ArmedWithABingo community and want to be featured as you progress through the board? Let me know. 🙂
Or is this the first time you are hearing about this reading challenge hosted by me and Ariel? It’s not too late to sign up! We have personalized bingo cards, giveaways and much more! We celebrate every book!
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