This month’s #ArmedWithABingo feature is my book blogger friend, Krista who writes at the Bookish HedgeMom Blog.
How’s reading going this year?
This year has been a lot slower than I anticipated. I thought my reading was going to go way down after having my son in May, but this business with social distancing and planning around the quarantine prematurely put a damper on things. I’m starting to find a new schedule and a new normal now though. 🙂
What made you join #ArmedWithABingo?
I participate in a holiday themed book bingo for indie books called Indiecember at the end of the year, and I had a lot of fun with it! So I thought a big year long book bingo would also be fun, and challenge me to read outside my usual genres.
When you first looked at your board, was there a prompt that you were super excited to start first or one that terrified you in some way?
I was the most worried about the memoir space, because I’ve never read a memoir before. I just bought Dear Girls by Ali Wong on audible for the memoir space, and I’m really enjoying it so far!
I was really excited about the book I meant to read last year space, because I’ve been meaning to read Night Zero by Rob Horner for the longest time. I just keep getting side tracked. But #ArmedWithABingo will ensure I mark it off my TBR thing year!
How far along on the board are you at the moment?
I’ve only covered 4 squares for the time being, but now that I’m finding balance in a new normal I should be able to catch up to my personal goals.
I have written reviews for all these books on my blog:
- A book with a color in its name – The Reflections of Queen Snow White
- A Book about friendship/family – Esme’s Wish
- A Book published ins 2020 – The Lost Legends
- A Book with multiple POVs – Blood Heir

Apart from #ArmedWithABingo, are you taking part in any other challenges?
I participate in Indiecember every year (see above), but those are the only two challenges I’m partaking in this year.
Apart from an avid reader, what are your other interests?
Can you tell I love hedgehogs? Haha! Aside from reading and taking care of spikey little grumps, I like to cross stitch. I usually get some fun patterns from sellers on Etsy. Friends and family have come to really enjoy cross stitched gifts.
Ways to connect with Krista:
- Website: Bookish HedgeMom
- Goodreads
Are you part of the #ArmedWithABingo community and want to be featured as you progress through the board? Let me know. 🙂
Oooh, I think you just gave me a new project to look forward to! Indiecember sounds awesome!
It is so much fun every year! 😀
It’s always interesting to see what other folk have been reading. I’ve always been an avid reader and I’d love to chat about what I’ve been reading as part of your challenge.
Thanks Chris! I’ll connect with you for the June feature 🙂
Great! Look forward to hearing from you, Kriti 🙂