This month’s #ArmedWithABingo feature is my author friend, Camilla. I met her through a Facebook group called Book Connectors when she was looking for bloggers to do a cover reveal for her book.
How’s reading going this year?
Reading is going great! I’m really enjoying the book reviews and interviews you share, Kriti. I get great book suggestions from you!
Thanks Camilla! 🙂 What made you join #ArmedWithABingo?
#ArmedWithABingo looked and felt differently than anything I’d ever seen. I’m drawn to different ways of doing things.
When you first looked at your board, was there a prompt that you were super excited to start first or one that terrified you in some way?
What excited me was finding interesting books that I wouldn’t normally read. The one I may have a hard time with is, “A dystopian novel”. I’m just not attracted to that genre. Which one would you suggest for someone who doesn’t typically read that genre?
I read a bunch of dystopia last year and would recommend checking out my post about them. I am sure you’ll find something there! 🙂
How far along on the board are you at the moment?
I’ve read three books so far, and have begun number four and five. I may be going about it backwards, but I don’t choose a book to fill a slot on the card. I choose a book I want to read and then determine which slot it fills.

Apart from #ArmedWithABingo, are you taking part in any other challenges?
There are two other challenges I continually take part in. One is that of single parenting two kids. I have an 18 year old daughter with special needs, Lillian, and a 14 year old son, Thomas. The second is marketing my most recent published book! HA! Definitely a challenge!
Apart from an avid reader, what are your other interests?
My other interests are writing and publishing books, going for walks, taking nature photographs, practicing meditation and mindfulness, and I’m currently watching all of the Marvel Avenger movies from beginning to end with my 14 year old son. We’ve made our way to Ant-man! I’m also the founder and host of Meeting the Authors, a website dedicated to interviewing authors surrounding the globe. I’m very excited, as this year I’m adding a monthly interview with a book blogger. Any book bloggers interested in being interviewed?
Ways to connect with Camilla:

Are you part of the #ArmedWithABingo community and want to be featured as you progress through the board? Let me know. 🙂
Or is this the first time you are hearing about this reading challenge hosted by me and Ariel? It’s not too late to sign up! We have personalized bingo cards, giveaways and much more! We celebrate every book!
This was such fun Kriti! Thanks for all you do!! xoxo