#ArmedWithABingo is in full swing and since I love talking to book lovers, what’s better than featuring some members of our little community? Let’s welcome Katherine to the blog today! The first two weeks of January, Katherine was (I believe) spending every spare second reading.
Uhhh that might have had something to do with our vacation plans being tanked last minute by my fiancé putting his passport through the washing machine… Again. Two weeks at home gives you a lot of free time.
She has made one bingo on the board already and is one spot away from a second one at the time of writing this.
Just finished An American Marriage. Double Bingo! 💪

Katherine, how do you find the time to read so much? 🙂
Well, I quit all social media except Instagram just before Christmas, because it was such a time sink. I’ve been trying to make myself read instead of scrolling mindlessly through timelines and it’s definitely paying off.
On top of that I have a pretty regular routine of reading before I go to sleep. Finally, I take my kindle absolutely everywhere. I was reading in a bar on New Year’s Eve because I’m that cool. And if I can’t read on my kindle, I throw on an audiobook, although I’m easily distracted so it has to be a really good one, like Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb. Lately I started reading on the top step of the swimming pool, but then I got terrible sunburn so I’m shelving that strategy.
Apart from an avid reader, what are your other interests?
I’m a nerdy gamer. Right now I’m replaying Skyrim, but I love a lot of big sandbox games like Fall Out and No Man’s Sky. I also play D&D weekly with friends, and do a bit of cross stitch on the side. When I’m feeling the need to get outside I go hiking in the parks near where I live.
What made you join #ArmedWithABingo?
I’m an overachiever and I’d already planned my reads for Popsugar and The Secret Bookclub’s reading challenge, but after I quit Facebook I wanted a challenge that was focused more on Instagram. A lot of the categories overlap and it looked like fun.
When you first looked at your board, was there a prompt that you were super excited to start first or one that terrified you in some way?
I’m not a huge YA fan so that’s always a category that makes me a little nervous. However there is a new Hunger Games book coming out soon so that should take care of it. The fantasy, 500+ pages and series categories were exciting because I’m trying to read the complete Wheel of Time before the TV show airs next year, and I can cross off several of those prompts that way. It’s over 13000 pages! Oof.
There is a show for Wheel of Time out next year? That is good to know! I read the first book and halfway through the second. My mistake was starting the series right after finishing Sword of truth which is also a very long series. I might have to pick it up again!
Yup! It’s going to have Rosamund Pike as Moiraine. So exciting! It is a veeery long series though, with a big slump around book 6. That’s how far I got the first time I tried to read it. It was so long ago that I have forgotten everything so it feels like a new read rather than a reread. But I definitely have to take breaks between books to read palate-cleansers in other genres. I’ll have to give Sword of Truth a try!

Are you part of the #ArmedWithABingo community and want to be featured as you progress through the board? Let me know. 🙂
Or is this the first time you are hearing about this reading challenge hosted by me and Ariel? It’s not too late to sign up! We have personalized bingo cards, giveaways and much more! We celebrate every book!