I think April 2021 has dethroned March as the stressful month of the year. 😀 Our update is a short one this time and even though we don’t have a lot to mention, I hope you had a good April yourself and can think of a few favorite reads.
Kriti’s Selection
I moved to my new house on April 24th and the whole week leading up to it is a blur. Novellas helped me make good progress this month and I accumulated more books than what I read so it was a good month for books, not reading haha.
Number of library books: 3/7
Review copies: 3/7
Buddy Reads: 3/7
Owned Books: 1/7

SFF Novellas:
- Darkness Enthroned by Stephen Zimmer – Fantasy – Review on Armed with A Book.
- The Awakening by Stephen Zimmer – Fantasy – Review on Armed with A Book.Â
- Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor – Dystopia, Science Fiction Fantasy – Staging on Instagram and Discussion with Ariel available on May 3rd.
Historical Fiction Buddy Reads:
- The Mountains Sing by Nguyá»…n Phan Quế Mai – Historical Fiction set in Vietnam – Discussion with Ariel on Armed with A Book and review on Instagram.
- The Taster by V.S. Alexander – Historical Fiction set in WW2 Germany – Discussion with Charlie coming soon. Staging on Instagram.
Other picks:
- I thought you said this would work by Ann Wertz Garvin – Contemporary Women’s Fiction – Review on Instagram and Armed with A Book.
- Pet Sematary by Stephen King – Horror (a month read) – Review on Instagram and Armed with A Book.
I was unable to make time for a lot of books this month and my hopefuls for May include Gutter Child, the Canadian Book Enablers pick for April, also a buddy read with Varun. Blogging wise, I did four blog tours with two spotlights in April. May too will have a few but I will have time to read the books so stay tuned for more reviews!
Instead of the usual reading experiences for the books, I am sharing a photo of my new bookshelf instead, giving you a peek into my new study. 🙂

Ariel’s Selection for April 2021
April honestly seemed to fly by. There were several bookish highlights that made this month notable, and I’m really excited to reflect on them. A really profound buddy read with Kriti was The Mountains Sing, and a really awesome audiobook experience was I’m Thinking of Ending Things. I had seen the movie prior, and it was really cool to experience the story through an audiobook lens. A book that had been on my TBR for a long time was The Prey of Gods, and it was so good I’m interested in the author’s other books.
Books Total: 16
Audiobooks: 6
Buddy reads: 6
Netgalley: 4

Overall my focus was physical arcs and backlist TBR, as well as a few buddy reads. I felt like it was mostly productive, and I’m really excited to see what May has in store for us!
What did you read in April 2021? Tell us some of your favorites so far!
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