I don’t often read short story collections, but once in a while, a book catches my eye and I can’t resist. This year will be only the 6th year that I will be taking part in the Christmas festivities. Before, in India, I didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy the season this way, I had only seen it in movies. I found A Midnight Clear through NetGalley and though I am little late in posting about it (it was published early November 2019), this collection is perfect to read anytime October-January! Spooky, moving, and thoughtful, find the meaning behind the holidays here.

This post is a little different from my usual book thoughts because as a collection, I think each story deserves to be talked about separately, as well as a constituent of the book. Let’s take a quick look at the synopsis first!
Six stories of not-so-merry Yuletide whimsy from the authors of Black Spot Books. A woman so cold she hardens to ice on a winter’s eve. Risen from his grave before his time, a winter god alters the balance between seasons. A wolf’s holiday season is interrupted by a strange curse. From a murder at the Stanley Hotel to demons of Christmas past, present, and future, and a mad elf and Santa’s Candy Court, the authors of Black Spot Books share their love for winter holidays in this collection of dark winter tales, destined to chill your bones and warm your heart for the Yuletide season.
The Stories & Themes for Thought
Below I have described each of the stories with my takeaways in blue.
The Daughtless by Sam Hooker
Set in Santa’s village, this story is about two of Santa’s elves – Snickerdoodle, a lawyer, and Gumdrop, her client. When the submarine, The Daughtless, returns from the depth of the sea with a shocked and mad Gumdrop surrounded by five dead elves, Candy Court is horrified. Snickerdoodle attempts to find justice for her client, learning about good and evil for the first time. This story is funny, creepy, challenging elfish culture and traditions, not to forget spooky at the same time. Better keep some cocoa and marshmallow handy to feel warm. 🙂
This story brings up the idea that no matter how a person is, nice or naughty, good or bad, people who make promises they want to keep, and believe in their cause, will continue to serve and always look for truth.
Tidings of the New Moon by Alcy Leyva
The story of a wolf who does not seem to belong in his pack anymore. For Glenn, this change is imposed on him by an encounter with a human. Questioning ways of both man and wolf, I found this to be a thoughtful story about unexpected beginnings.
The new year is often used as the time for new beginnings, when people commit to new habits, new year resolutions and promise to turn over a new leaf. Glen finds a new community because of his circumstances.
Movin’ on Up by Laura Morrison
Do you think you can convince a pure soul to go to hell by showing them the error of their ways? Can a pure soul like Cindi be bribed to take the road to hell? Sounds like a demonic job! The concept of this story was quite funny since the souls stuck in hell were trying to convince Cindi to go to hell by blaming her for other’s life choices. Cindi tries to resist the reasoning, coming up with her own convincing argument for why this was set up, and wondering if Satan would keep his end of the bargain…
This story led me to ask a really important question – at what point do we stop taking responsibility for other people’s actions?

The Poetry of Snow and Storm by Cassondra Winkwalker
Have you read Preacher Sam? This short story features him! Sam, his sister and nephew are staying at the hotel where Stephen King got the idea for The Shining, Stanley Hotel. When a man dies during a trek and Sam learns more about the family, he starts to suspect foul play.
A story about ghosts that we create with our own actions and the thoughts that haunt us, no matter how right those actions might have been.
Sleep sweet Khors by Dalena Storm
All Iris wants is for her sick uncle to wake up. Its Winter Solstice night, time to say goodnight to the old Sun god. But Iris feels that if he falls asleep, her uncle will also never wake up. What can she do to bring him back? Through Iris’ eyes, we learn about love, yearning and wanting the world to be perfect, while working with its imperfections.
This was such a touching story about love and the lengths we go to for our loved ones. Some wishes come at a cost, and actions we take often have consequences we did not foresee. There is a reason rituals and legends exist – they are not be messed with. I did not know about the two suns and that was something new to learn!
Snow Angel by Seven Jane
Sometimes the business of the holidays season ends up reducing it to a checklist. We have all felt this exhaustion at some point of time. For Crystal, Christmas once used to be a cherished time with her family, but over the years, it has lost its luster and she feels like she has lost her way. Trying to check off the items on her checklist, she heads into a storm all by herself. Where will that lead her?
This story reminded me about the true meaning behind the holidays – at it’s core, it is to spend time with those near and dear to us, no matter our religious beliefs. But what brings joy, sometimes turns into obligations and responsibilities, taking over the aspects that we are supposed to enjoy.
A Midnight Clear as a whole
Centered around the holiday season, in the heart of winter, with soft snow falling to the ground, A Midnight Clear brings together unique perspectives about the holidays, addressing the good and the bad. Through their stories, the authors transport us to a world with characters that we can relate to and learn from.
The collection brought so many lessons to my mind’s forefront, while at the same time, taking me to magical places. I was enchanted, a little terrified but warmed by the company that I had in each of the protagonists.
You can read the stories in any order but I would recommend reading them all.

Know someone who loves the holidays? Get them this book. 🙂
** A Midnight Clear is now out in stores so get a copy and let me know what you think! If you posted about it, share your thoughts below. Let’s have a book-discussion! **
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Cover image: Photo by Hide Obara on Unsplash
Such a beautifully written post, Kriti. The story collection sounds great, glad you enjoyed them. 🙂