February 2021 has flown by and I hope that you had a good month. Though it is the shortest month of the year, it brought a number of changes for me and in terms of reading, Ariel and I read a lot of books! We hope you find some good recommendations. 🙂
Kriti’s Selection
I got back into audiobooks this month! I haven’t been listening to any for a while now but The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin was so amazing in that format that I was hooked. I spent some time making art based on books (like with The City We Became and The Conductors) and it was a lot of fun.

- The Councillor  by E. J. Beaton – Fantasy – Staging on Instagram and review on Armed with A Book on March 3rd. See review on The Nerd Daily.
- The Forgotten Home Child by Genevieve Graham – Historical Fiction set in Canada – Review on Armed with A Book and Instagram
- The Lost Ones by Anita Frank – Discussion with Stephen, review on Instagram and author interview
- The Conductors  by Nicole Glovar – Historic Fantasy – Discussion with Ariel and review on Instagram
- Ring Shout by P Djeli Clark – Historic Fantasy Horror – Review on Armed with A Book
- When life gives you mangos by Kareen Getten – Middle Grade Fiction – Review on Armed with A Book and Instagram
- The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin – Urban Fantasy – Review on Armed with A Book and Instagram
- An I-Novel by Minae Mizumura – Semi-biography, Translated Book – Review on Armed with A Book and Instagram
- Winter by Marissa Meyer – Science Fiction – Discussion with Meisha coming soon. Short review in the slideshow below. Staged on Instagram.
- Dark August by Katie Tallo – Thriller – Review on Armed with A Book (also check out for conversation with the author in the same post) and Instagram
- Satellite Love by Genki Ferguson – Discussion with Ariel on Armed with A Book coming tomorrow. Staged on Instagram
- In My Own Moccasins by Helen Knott – Memoir – Review on Armed with A Book coming March 7th. Staged on Instagram
Number of library books: 5/12
Review copies: 5/12
Buddy Reads: 5/12
Owned Books: 3/12
Audiobooks: 2/12
I am surprised I read so many in this short month and with everything else that was going on professionally with me. I think the secret was audiobooks and those two would not have happened at all in another format.
I enjoyed reading with Ariel and finding some book clubs to join. A friend told me about Scientists Who Read and I will be reading Homegoing with them. Varun, with whom I have done buddy reads before, will be joining me for that book so expect him to feature on the blog next month. I had the opportunity to do some impromptu author interviews this month and I hope I will be able to connect with authors again.
The most impactful book for me was In My Own Moccasins and I will be discussing it with Charlie from Peaches Book Club tonight to add to my review for the 7th!
March is looking to be a month of some amazing books and reviews on the blog. 🙂
Ariel’s Selection for February 2021
This month, I read a lot of buddy reads! It was really fun going through some of my Netgalley approvals as well as some reads that’ve been on my TBR for awhile. Some notable reads this month was Dowry of Blood, where I got to dive more into the Dracula mythos, and also The Removed, which is a beautiful story about family, grief and connection through the lens of a Cherokee family. I read more than I was expecting to, and I think that was mostly due to the buddy reads and my focus on Netgalley approvals since I have several being published in March. A highlight of my month has been the Horror-a-Month Series with Kriti, and this month I read The Changeling. Even if we don’t totally enjoy our selections at the same level, it’s still been a really fun time reading our “horror-hours” together in mini sprints!
General Stats:
Books: 17
Audiobooks: 4
Buddy reads: 6
Netgalley: 7
Storygraph Stats:
Most Common Mood: Adventurous
Most Common Pace: Slow
Most Common Length: Between 300-400 pages
Average Rating: 4.03 stars

While my reading was a little bit more this month, I think I want to make sure that I’m not rushing through very many books in March and allowing myself to slowly digest some books if I need to, and try not to overwhelm myself with library approvals. The reason why I’ve not set a numbers goal on Goodreads this year is because I want to focus on the quality of my reads and how I absorb the material, not the amount. Next month I’m looking forward to participating in the Trope-ical Readathon as a part of the Science-Fiction and Fantasy team. Hopefully I’ll knock a few more Netgalley approvals off of my list as well. Looking forward to a March of quality reads!
What did you read in February 2021? Tell us some of your favorites so far!
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