I was tagged by Jen at JenJenReviews to do the Book Blogger Insider Tag. My blog isn’t just a book blog and as you would know, I post about many other things on here. Curious about the many things I do and how much time goes into book blogging side of the blog? I hope this answers many of your questions! 🙂 Feel free to ask more in the comments!
Where do you typically write your blog posts?
Now that I am working from home, I use my home office as my blogging space. I work on the final touches of the post in the morning before work to schedule it for the afternoon.
How long does it generally take you to write a book review?
- I do a lot of work on the review which I read the book. Highlighting, taking notes or having conversations with my peers about the book helps keep what I want to talk about in my mind and my bullet journal.
- Once the book is all done, I make my reading experience graphic, do the cover mock up for the featured image and collect notes to organize the review.
- The review usually takes about an hour and then some more time to assemble the post, add images, links, do the SEO and make the social media post as part of scheduling.
When did you start your book blog?
My blog became a book blog in June 2019 so it’s not even been a year! My first review was Ben Burman Ghan’s What we See in the Smoke.
What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
I don’t think there is a negative aspect to the blog itself. Getting review copies from authors and publishers adds stress to the process of reading that sometimes affects the blog.
What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
It is my own place on the Internet! I love reflecting on what I read and writing has always been close to my heart. My book blog lets me think deeply about the stories I read and often use them as a reason to talk about bigger issues. It’s a place to discuss with my friends and people who are passionate about books.
What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?
There are a couple that I have enjoyed working on for different reasons:
- The Sword of Truth series post is close to my heart because it was just pure gushing about a book I have a special connection with.
- The discussion post about Trigger Warnings and Content Notes in reviews is one I worked very hard on, talked to lots of people and learned their perspectives. I think of it like a milestone is my book blog because it prompted me to include content notes in my reviews and be more considerate of my readers.
- The Decade in Books post was the most fun to create because it combines all my data geekiness with my books. 🙂 The graph below is from that post and I love how it shows how much reading I have done since I started the blog as well as how many review copies I read a month.

What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
Discussion posts are my favorite! I also love doing buddy reads and sharing the discussion around those. Any and every opportunity to collaborate with fellow readers is exciting for me.
As much as reading can feel like a solidary activity, stories are about collective experience and sharing with others. The blog posts of mine that reflect that connection are my favorite kind.
When do you typically write?
I typically write in the morning though I do a lot of the legwork around gathering my notes and making my graphics in the evening.
Do you review every book you read?
I wish I could! 🙂 Every book does not make it to the book blog though if it was a very impactful read, I do plan to post about it eventually.
How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?
I write my reviews with my iPad which has all my notes, a cup of coffee (if it’s morning) or a glass of wine (if it’s the evening). My fur baby is sometimes there but usually she likes giving me company as I read.

When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?
I try to write them as soon as I finish the book, even if the review is scheduled for a future date. That does not always work out though and usually I end up writing closer to when I want to post to my blog. I have a schedule that keeps me focused on posting about books I am reading. It has helped a lot in developing a habit of reviewing as I read!
How often do you post?
I post on my blog everyday! Book blog side of things, every month sees about 9-12 book reviews and discussions, at least one is from my friend Ariel in her Ariel’s Arcs series. Sometimes author interviews bring that number up to 15. Armed with A Book is 50% book blog and that is my target to reach every month!
How do you organize your blog and writing on it? Try out the Book Blogger Insider tag to do some introspection!
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